Career questions tagged advertising

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andrea715 views

How do i start an affiliate marketing career

How do i start an affiliate marketing career?

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shamaim257 views

I want to work with an advertising agency. What strategy should I use to achieve my goal?

I want to work as an advertising specialist, Grow myself with comprehensive knowledge of this domain. I am self-motivated and eager to learn new things. I want t work in an agency where I can grow both personally and professionally.

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Shaina635 views

How do you balance multiple internships ? How do you clarify to your boss as well that I have a time boundary?

I got two marketing internships and planned to accept the tech one as well just so I could compensate for my studies. Do you have a notion template to record your internship?

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Ninni748 views

What is the best way to get my photography portfolio out there as a new photographer How do grow my clientele?

I want to start learning how to create a clientele after college. #Spring23

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Erika415 views

How do I become an independent journalist?

How do I build and fund an independently owned and run online journal outside of paid subscriptions?

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Timi504 views

What is Email Marketing all about?

Email marketing

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Pearl1011 views

As an artist, how can you ask your clients better questions to gain a deeper understanding of their needs?

I mean, if they ask you to design something, what kind of questions should you be asking?

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Steven557 views

What are the admission requirements for SJSU?

Admission Requirements for SJSU

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Pearl879 views

How to prepare for an art intern interview for an advertising agency company that works in various areas such as film, animation, and mobile apps?

Can anyone give me some steps and suggestions that would be helpful for the interview? I will be thankful for the advice.

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Ellie411 views

What should I do if I want to be an Art Director?

Currently, I am a sophomore in high school, and I'm not sure what to major in or how to go on in my high school career! To preface what i have so far...I have two years of TV production experience, and was the head of my schools prom commitee for traditional art. This upcoming year, I'll be historian for this organization that is involved with the city and for my class (ASB). Also, I'll be in my school's yearbook class for ADS and PR. This summer, I'll be taking a graphic design class at Otis college! Also, I'm not so sure what industry I want to work in yet, so I'm still trying to figure that out.

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noel712 views

what is the bst marketing stratey?

marketing tips

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imani865 views

How do you start an online career?

What can I do to get the media I create reach a large consistent audience?

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genesis845 views

What is the best paying job in sales?

What is the best paying job in sales? And whats the process like?

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Adrian578 views

Does a Marketing Manager have to be responsible all the time, including when they have a break?

I am in 8th grade, and I am 13 years old. I want to go to a good baseball school because I play baseball.

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Irie727 views

How will being responsible help me in the workplace as a marketing specialist?

I am an 8th grader who is searching for what career I want to pursue when I get older. Specifically, I'm interested in the marketing field and real estate.

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Ian299 views

How can being organized help me invest in marketing ?

I want to understand marketing

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Carlos1324 views

Which advice or advices could you give me to make my copy and writings flows better and with sequence?

Hello im a beginer copywriter and I would like to know Which advice or advices could you give me to make my copy and writings flows better and with sequence? Thanks, God bless

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Cassia783 views

Which classes should I take to prepare myself for a Marketing Degree?

Hello! I'm a 15-year-old student in Belgium in 4th secondary, equivalent to 10th grade in the US. Next year in Belgium, we can customize our schedule. However, I've been having some trouble deciding. I want to pursue a marketing degree. The careers I'm most interested in are Marketing Manager, Advertising and Promotions Manager, and Market Analyst. We have multiple schedule combinations to choose from, and I would appreciate some advice on what to choose to best prepare for a marketing course in university and a job in that field. Whatever I choose, I will have 5h of French, 2h of History, 2h of Geography, 4h of English, 2h of Philosophy, and 2h of PE. The first option is called "Sciences", but I doubt that that would be good for me. It includes 6h of Math, 1h each of Lab and Computer Lab, and 2h each of Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. In the other two options, I will have no Lab and only one hour of each science. The second option is "languages", it includes 4h of German and 4h of Spanish. We can then choose to have either 2h or 4h of Math. If we choose 4h of math, we can then choose to add either 2h of Art or 2h of Psychology/Communication. However, if we choose 2h of Math, we add on an hour of Computer Lab and have the extra choice (along with the two aforementioned electives) of 3h of International Relations. The last choice is called "Mix", and it includes 4h of German and 4h of Math. This option has a lot of freedom around the extra electives. We can choose between: 2h of Art and 2h of Psyc/Communications 2h of Spanish and 2h of International Relations 3h of News and 2h of Psyc/Communications 3h of News and 2h of Art 3h of News and 3h of International Relations I think the most major decision in my opinion is 2h or 4h of Math. In marketing, is math an extreme part of it? Math is very important for it, but is it essential to do more math earlier in life to take that path? There are also differences in what is taught in 2h and 4h of Math. It hasn't been explicitly explained by my school, but the khan academy courses for the different options are rather specific. 2h of math includes three chapters: Statistics (Side note: advanced, we've been doing statistics already.), then Sequences (not sure if that's correctly translated), then Growth Models. Here's the link to the course. 4h of math includes Statistics, Sequences, Trigonometry (Also advanced), Limits, Function Combinations, Derivatives of Functions, Graphed Derivatives, and Application of derivatives. I'm not gonna go crazy in depth about the year after, but in 2h we focus on Probability, and in 4h we focus on more functions and primitives. There is also of course the choice of electives. In my unprofessional opinion, I assume that Psyc/Communication would be the best elective, but is there a better one? Would it be good to take Spanish? Would it be better to take News? This is the link to the form including all the possibilities, it is in French, however. To anyone who made it this far, thank you for reading and for any advice, it is greatly appreciated.

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Kayla896 views

What are the 4p’s of marketing?

Elements of Marketing

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Orion925 views

How can I improve my Channel?

I've been trying to improve my YouTube, I started with working on editing, and I know that you can never truly master it, but im working on it. I mainly want to know what I can improve besides editing. The more I'm learning the happier I feel about my channel, I was just wondering if there is anything that you guys could give me help/tips on. My YouTube Channel is just my name if you don't mind helping me, I have around 6.6k.

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Yew Kin756 views

How to do well for mock-ups of graphic design/marketing assignments during hiring process?

I've recently been applying for quite a few marketing/graphic design/photography/videography internship roles and tasked to come up with my take on it. Any tips to stand out? Should I have my creative spin, or align towards the company/brand's image instead? Hoping to hear from everyone, thanks! :)

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Alexander908 views

Should I pursue a full time job in marketing or freelance to build an agency?

In my previous job at a large family fitness facility I was a marketing associate and customer experience manager, this meant I did everything from crafting marketing campaigns to fulfilling the services. Design the menu and work in the kitchen...I designed all banners, posters, merchandise, website, newsletter, print, menu graphics, website graphics and digital publications. I also managed operations, memberships, a cafe team, facilities, and digital marketing contractors. What guidance or skill set enhancements could further elevate my career? Considering my experience should I get a job OR find part time work and provide freelance marketing services such as social media management, design and publishing services to business owners?

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Isabella365 views

How can I get started on my career?

I really want to pursue design marketing.

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Ibrahima290 views

How will I be able to stay disciplined enough to get to where I want to be in life?

jasd ads asdhjabdshjasd h adsasdh ajd asd hasd hajs asd had hads

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Brianna1111 views

What is the best way to market a business that you are first starting?

starting a business, low budget

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Amanda1012 views

What advice do you have for those who want to study marketing and graphic design in college/get into the business?

What advice do you have for a senior in high school who wants to study marketing and graphic design in college/get into the business? I'm trying to grow my portfolio and get Adobe certified but I was wondering if there was anything else I could do to improve myself. Thank you so much and have a blessed day!

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Enzo Severino1314 views

Is it worth it to do a certificate program before going to college?

I am 19 years old and I was thinking about doing a certificate program on my field of interest (advertising, communication, filmmaking) as I still don't know exactly what major I would like to study.

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Chiara764 views

What are the top 3 best industries within IT?

Hi! I'm looking to enter IT. I want to know the best sectors or industries to work in. By industries, I mean the following areas that use information technology: - Cybersecurity - Military - Healthcare - Business - Government - Manufacturing - Oil & Gas - Advertising / Apps (i.e: FAANG companies: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) and other social media app co.'s - & More! An industry I wanna work in is one that: - provides good work/life balance - values curiosity, learning, and well-being - is stable (meaning people don't get let go frequently)

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Isabella713 views

Should I study Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing right now is in dire need but in 4-6 from nowafter everyone studies it would it become a job that everyone has studied for and underdemanded?

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Makayla959 views

How do I start a digital art business and promote my brand where it is known and I could get more customers?

I am an aspiring Digital artist who would like to start her business at 17 years old. I am going to college for a business degree and since I want to learn independence, I want to start my own business for my anime and digital art. Once my business grows I want to start giving my customers options to put their designs on things like stickers, t-shirts and even lanyards. But the main problem I am having is that I am not getting any orders and I don't know where to start. What's even worse is that I am struggling to find a part-time job as well and I need money to buy a new phone(because my LCD is broken) and save up for college. How do I start a business, and promote it to future customers where I can get money and save up for the things I need?

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