Career questions tagged copywriter

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Vaishnavi438 views

I'm interested in copywriting and content writing also

Communication skill,Hindi typing,all software application of computer program,

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CareerVillage Office Hours901 views

How to become a copywriter?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a copywriter? Given the growing interest in the copywriting field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Carlos1324 views

Which advice or advices could you give me to make my copy and writings flows better and with sequence?

Hello im a beginer copywriter and I would like to know Which advice or advices could you give me to make my copy and writings flows better and with sequence? Thanks, God bless

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Paajcha Julie1066 views

What is being a copywriter like?

What are the work hours for you? Are you self employed or work for a company? How do you come up with convincing scripts? Do you work in teams or on your own? Do you work remotely or on site? #work #career #marketing #business #advertising #advertisement #copywriting #copywriter #sales #job #career #online #networking #writing

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Paajcha Julie1246 views

What is the most important skill a copywriter should have, in your opinion?

#job #copywriting #copywriter #advertising #advertisement #marketing #business #sales #writing #networking #career

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olivia539 views

How do most people enter copy writing?

#copywriter #marketing #communication

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olivia561 views

What is the advancement potential in copywriting? What is a typical path in copywriting?

#copywriter #marketing

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olivia593 views

Are too many or too few people entering the copy-writing industry?

#marketing #Jobs #copywriter

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olivia644 views

Is the marketing field growing enough so that there's room for someone like me?

#marketing #Jobs #copywriter

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olivia929 views

What skills are required as a copywriter on a day-to-day basis?

#marketing #copywriter

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olivia640 views

Could you describe one of your the typical work days of a copywriter?

#business #copywriter #marketing

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Madison929 views

What are some Day-to-Day responsibilities of a Copywriter?

I was wondering what some of the day to day activities of a copywriter were. I am a high schooler interested in the field and I was wondering what it was like. Thanks so much! #technology #Copywriter #Writer

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