Career questions tagged journalist

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Carlota477 views

What advice would you give to an economics & politics graduate who wants to get into journalism? ?

I have a bachelor's degree in political science and international relations, and am studying for a master's in economics. I haven't studied journalism other than 2 courses in my bachelor's though I've done some volunteer work in media. I'm a good writer and communicator and I think I have a good skill set and range of experiences that would make me a good journalist, but I'm afraid that because I don't have formal training in it, I won't be able to do it. I don't have a particular preference for online, print, radio or television journalism at this point, though I'd probably feel more comfortable with (written) online and print at first. I live in Berlin, Germany and would like to stay here for the medium-term, but would be willing to move elsewhere for journalistic work. Thank you!

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Erika415 views

How do I become an independent journalist?

How do I build and fund an independently owned and run online journal outside of paid subscriptions?

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Gabriella471 views

What does it take to be a successful journalist?

How do I get experience? As I enter the field, are there certain things employers will look for? What will make me successful, my education in journalism or my experience with it? Should I create a portfolio of my work, and if I do, can I include writing unrelated to journalism?

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Hinn322 views

How do i get into journalism school ?

How do i get into a journalism school? I'm an eleventh grader and I'm really passionate about journalism and broadcast journalism. I'm active in my schools journalism club ,debate and i also participate in writing contests. Looking forward to your reply .

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Madison420 views

How can I figure out which college and classes are right for me?

As a junior in high school, how can I figure out which college is right for me and what classes I should to take in order to work towards a career in journalism and the arts?

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Savion1019 views

What is good advice to become a writer?

Good steps to become a writer.

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Teresa585 views

Do you think I could still be successful in journalism if I have enough talent?

My name is Teresa. I am interested in pursuing a career in journalism because I am passionate about writing. Unfortunately, very few people read newspapers and magazines nowadays. Do you think I could still be successful if I have enough talent?

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m1494 views

What is it like as sports journalist?

I watch a lot of sports and the interviews and it seems like an interesting career. What is it like?

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Sadie456 views

How do I pursue a Journalist career>?

I have always told myself I want to be a veterinarian but recently I’ve been really interested in writing an interviewing. I want to know more about journalism in case I choose to pursue it.

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Bethany309 views

What is the best part about working as a journalist?

Does it require a lot of “out of the office” work?

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Samy457 views

What is it like to be a journalist?

I'm new here . I want to have much information and experience.

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Mason388 views

What does it take to become a sports journalist?

How do you get started in the career? What is the pay like?

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callie797 views

sports journalism?

If you were to major in sports journalism what ways have you networked with people to start your career?

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Tabitha527 views

Best colleges for Journalism

Which college is the best to go to for Journalism in South Carolina?

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Za'Mare453 views

When you were in highschool did you start getting into writing or did you realize in college?

When you were in highschool did you start getting into writing or did you realize in college?

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Za'Mare460 views

When did you know you wanted to be a Writer/Author?

When did you know you wanted to be a Writer/Author?

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diana555 views

What's the right path?

What should I focus on the most if I want to be a journalist?

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Jessica490 views

How did you seek interest in becoming a Journalist?

I am doing a career blog project and trying to get insight on how you seek interest in Journalism. #journalist #journalism

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Jessica1555 views

As a Journalist, how would you handle a hostile or uncooperative interviewee?

I am doing a career bog project and trying to get insight on how do Journalists handle hostile or uncooperative interviewees. #journalism #journalist

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Jessica1276 views

As a Journalist, how would you manage the stress of tight deadlines?

I am doing a career blog project and trying to get insight into how journalists manage their stress with tight deadlines. #journalist #journalism

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Jessica1888 views

As a Journalist, how do you ensure your work is accurate and factual?

I am doing a career blog project and is interested in getting an insight into how you know your work is accurate and factual #journalist #journalism

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Jessica596 views

What is a typical day as a journalist?

I am doing this career blog project and I need some insight into what's it like on a day to day basis as a journalist #journalism #journalist

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Dejah816 views

What should I study in college in order to become a journalist?

I'm a 9th grader interested in becoming a news journalist. I wanted to know what college courses I should take in order to pursue this career. #journalism #journalist #media

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Keshun561 views

A day in the life of a journalist involves?


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Keshun622 views

My name is Keshun and I´m interested in being a journalist any steps I can do to achieve my dream job?


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Karoline467 views

what is it like working in a hospital?


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Emma827 views

What should I research on journalisim?

I want to know what type of books I should look for. I'm in 4th grade and doing a career project. And the career I am focused on is a Journalist. I don't know what to research and I need some ideas or suggestions for types of books I should get/ read. Make it appropriate for a 10 year old. #journalism #journalist #reading #english #reporting #books #writing #author

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Matthew892 views

How much can somebody make being a sports journalist?

I ask because I'm interested in sports and it is something I'm interested in pursuing. #Sports #journalism #journalist #athletes

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Vivi1019 views

What skills are required to be a journalist on Bloomberg?

Its because I want to know more about the career I have chosen. #journalist

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Emily1079 views

What is the most exciting part of being a journalist?

I want to be a journalist. #journalist

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