3 answers
3 answers
Margaret’s Answer
Journalists go into journalism because they have a drive to investigate, a passion for finding the truth. They thrive on it. Deadlines are a bit of a rush to them. It's not for everyone, but some people love the lifestyle. And hey, it's not as stressful as, say, being an emergency room physician.
Ashley Mavi L.’s Answer
Personally, If the deadline are just around the corner, I usually do not panic or let myself panic because I think that this contribute to me doing my work slower. So what I do is ease my mind and widen my imagination and focus on doing my work and viola! My work is done.
Keith’s Answer
It depends what kind of journalism you want to do. Longer form journalism (eg investigations or magazines) have less immediate pressure and longer lead times but you still have to be organised and able to work to a deadline. I would say that working in a breaking news environment has more pressure as you are reacting to events as they happen and maybe out in the field covering stories or editing them back at base. Either way you are under pressure to turnaround a story quickly to beat your competition whilst still delivering the facts in a balanced way. Like all things its about building the experience of dealing with pressurized situations and knowing what needs to be done ........which you learn through experiencing it.