Career questions tagged writing-and-editing

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Maya293 views

What are the best websites to use as a freelance creative writer?

Should I limit myself to a few websites or put my profile and portfolio? Are there different sites that are better for me as a creative writer rather than a technical writer?

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Maya424 views

How can I gain experience with freelance script and game writing and build a portfolio?

When I look at jobs on LinkedIn I see they usually require 2 years of experience. I would like to write part time and I’m curious about how to gain experience while I’m still at school.

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Layla629 views

How do I publish my first novel?

How do I know where to start and how to plan?

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CareerVillage Office Hours455 views

How to become an Editor?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become an Editor? Note: Given the growing interest in the publishing field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Joshua395 views

Can I publish a Short Story or Novel at my age(14)? And can I make some money off of it?

I like to write short stories and I am now writing a book. Is it possible to produce and make money off of it? And can I even publish it at my age(14)?

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Joshua365 views

How do I publish a Novel or Short Story?

I have been writing short stories and I am now writing a book. I want to know how i can publish it at my age(14).

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Chloe498 views

What's the best technique for a final essay?

With finals coming up, I have research papers due. What's the best technique in terms of editing, revision, etc.?

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Sophia667 views

What are some jobs I can get in writing other than journalism ?

Any tips for poets/authors?

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Kayla400 views

How do I become a digital editor?

I wanna be a digital editor like create designs, graphic designs, drawing, sketching and etc. I also have a passion for being an author or an illustrator as I got inspiration into writing my own books even in the process of getting it published. However, I wanna know how to get my book published.

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AMYT799 views

Where do you find work as a beginner editor?

i want to start editing, do people start off on craigslist and such?

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Nahomy702 views

Writing Hobbies?

What are some opportunities for writers, like contests, newspaper clubs, journalism?

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Mallory1359 views

What is an essay format that could make my writing sound more convincing ?

Please be specific on format.

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Harvey802 views

How do you go about becoming an author full-time?

I am a high school graduate who wants to become a published author. I am going to college next fall for English and want to begin my career as a writer. How do I go about doing that?

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Lydia-kay596 views

Editing my first draft?

I have finished the first draft of my first book, and am almost done with the first draft of my second book. How can I get the necessary edits without all of the money?

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Dublyn476 views

what form of writing is the most successful currently?

to be more specific, like what genre and tropes do really well?

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JuanDaniel499 views

What is one of your favorite things to do as a editor?

Hello, I am a middle school student and I am curious about being an editor. Editors seem like a fun career to me and I would love to edit things. I would like to know about the activities of being an editor and if it is a fun and entertaining career to do, or if it’s not? If any retired or working editor could answer my question, could you please provide me answers to my questions?

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Tatem448 views

How do I become more noticeable for editorial publishing internships?

What is important for a resume to get accepted to editorial internships at a publishing company?

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Lily644 views

What do I need to do to prepare myself for college?

How can I figure out what I want to do for a career and then how can I best prepare myself as a sophomore in highschool? Im also wondering what classes or activities I should be taking in order to look good on my transcripts.

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Kenzie498 views
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Maria406 views

Can I have a full time job and still have time to do creative writing as a side gig I am really interested in making a career out of creative writing but am unsure if I can support myself that way.?

I was thinking of going to school for psychology, but writing is what I really want to do. I was thinking of making that a minor.

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ray939 views

how to become a writer as a 12 year old?

i want to become a writer, but i don't know where to start! please help me.

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Annika689 views

What are some good tips for writing a fantasy story?

I’m writing a fantasy book and I’m unsure how to do it since I’ve only written realistic fiction and nonfiction before.

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Marin498 views

Have you ever regretted becoming an author?

I have always wanted to be an author, but I am aware of how many writers give their all into their book and for whatever reason, are unable to get a publishing company to pick it up. Or else it flopped in sales and ended up not making enough money to make it worth printing, much less living comfortably off of.

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Marin813 views

Where do you get your inspiration when you are out of ideas?

When writer's block hits, what do you do to combat that? I find that oftentimes when I am writing, I'll run out of ideas for my story, abandon it, and start something new, only for the cycle to begin all over again.

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diana555 views

What's the right path?

What should I focus on the most if I want to be a journalist?

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Kate572 views

How to approach writing a report for a task?

Hello, One of the tasks that I'm working on as an intern requires me to write a report on my learnings and findings. What might be the best way to approach this?

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Jasmine744 views

How do I pick just one career path?

Hi, I honestly have no idea what career would be best for me. One I could succeed in, I want to be a nurse but at the same time a photographer and a writer. I do write stories because I have a lot of ideas in my head, and photography my dad got me into that and I love it. I am only in high school right now and got two years to think about it, but it will go by so fast. Also, not comfortable with asking the counselor because it feels like they judge more that helping.

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Catherine1068 views

Which is better: continuing to work a job you've grown to dislike because it is advantageous for you career-wise, or finding a new job that you genuinely enjoy?

I've always believed that if you pursue a career you love, then you'll never work a day in your life, so I've followed my dreams and have always planned to pursue my passion, even if it might not result in the most high-paying job. This passion is writing. However, throughout the years, I've discovered that not just any type of writing suits me. I did informal work as a journalist by copywriting for my high school yearbook for my entire four years of high school, and now I’m continuing that type of journalistic work by working as a copy editor and staff writer for my college newspaper. The problem is that I don’t like journalism. I don’t quite hate it, exactly, but I’d much rather be devoting my time and energy into creative writing. I forced myself to do copywriting for all four years of high school even though I disliked it and thought about quitting so many times, mainly because I wanted to have one extracurricular that I had done consistently to put on my college resume. But now that I’m in college, I find myself stuck in the same position—I’m writing for the student newspaper, but I don’t actually like this job because it’s practically identical to my yearbook role. I can’t quite bring myself to just quit so easily because I’ve convinced myself that if I stick with writing for the newspaper for all four years, then it will be good job experience, especially since I want to go into publishing in the future, but do I really want to put myself through yet ANOTHER four years of forcing myself to tough it out in a job that I don’t like? Is it wrong to want to put my mental health and happiness first, even if I know that sticking it out in this job might be more advantageous career-wise? The thing is, I don’t even want to do journalism as my career—I want to work in creative writing or publishing, but I’m trying to be open-minded about all writing opportunities. At the same time, though, I don’t want to get stuck in a career in journalism when that was never what I wanted in the first place. I’m just so stressed and confused about what I should do. When I asked my aunt for advice, she basically told me I was being too naive and that it’s called a “job” or “work” because you’re not SUPPOSED to like what you do in the first place, so she advised me to just stick it out. The whole reason I wanted to pursue a writing job is because I love writing, but the thing is, I’m not enjoying THIS type of writing, and it just makes me think… what was the point of pursuing my passions in the first place if I’m still not happy? Instead of doing journalism, which makes me so unhappy, I might as well have worked toward becoming a doctor or lawyer or something, since I’d be equally as unhappy but they’re higher-paying jobs. I’m a seriously conflicted student in need of career advice. #college #journalism #writing #job #work-life-balance #work #career-advice #help #career-help #advice #technical-writing #creative-writing #publishing #editing #career #following-your-passions #career-counseling #career-choice #career-path #student #career-planning #student-advice #writing-and-editing

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Margaret838 views

How can I make myself stand out through writing?

I am going into journalism and I want to stand out against my mostly male peers. #writing #journalism #writing-and-editing

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Hannah1027 views

Which careers should I look into?

My interests include linguistics, english, writing, editing, and psychology. Additionally, I really enjoy learning new things and researching. I also enjoy explaining things to others and tutoring. Are there any careers out there that might suit these interests? #linguistics #english #writing-and-editing #research #teaching

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