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What's the best technique for a final essay?

With finals coming up, I have research papers due. What's the best technique in terms of editing, revision, etc.?

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5 answers

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Violaine’s Answer

Hello Chloe! Here's a friendly guide to help you shine in your final essay by effectively editing and revising:

**Relax a Bit**
Once you've penned down your essay, give it a rest for a day or two. This pause will help you revisit it with a fresh mindset.

**Initial Reading**
Go through your entire essay to feel its rhythm and consistency. Take note of any parts that seem out of place or confusing.

**Checking the Structure**
Make sure your essay has a well-defined beginning, middle, and end. Each paragraph should contain a key point and smoothly transition to the next.

**Reviewing the Content**
Ensure that everything you've written is clear and relevant. Every argument should back up your thesis, and any repetitive information should be removed.

**Polishing the Language and Style**
Keep your sentences simple and vary their structure. Stick to an active voice and maintain a consistent tone.

Keep an eye out for any errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Tools like Grammarly can assist you, but your own manual check is indispensable.

**Getting a Second Opinion**
If you can, have a friend or mentor go through your essay. Their feedback can be invaluable in ensuring clarity and consistency.

**Final Reading**
Read your essay out loud. This technique can help you spot mistakes that you might overlook when reading silently.

By carefully editing and revising your essay step by step, you'll significantly improve its clarity, flow, and overall quality.
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Joanne’s Answer

This is a great question. One that I try to answer at the beginning of the semester.
Good, meaningful research takes time. I give my students deadlines for each phase of the project.
It is up to them to meet them. I stress time on task, which includes time to brainstorm and question
at each phase of the work. At the end, which should come about two weeks before the paper is due,
there is time to review and edit, not so much revise.
Of course, this is the best of all possible worlds. In a world where time is of the essence, it is smart to
find a mentor/peer to read and honestly comment and engage. Part of the longterm is visiting the writing
center for feedback and pointed questions throughout the process.
I use Grammerly as a backup as well to edit, but I count on my peers and my knowledge as well and my
expertise gained through my thoughtful work to get it done.
Sure, some folks wing it- that is not so much cheating the system as it is cheating yourself of the joy
of discovery, connecting concepts and pride you gain in a research paper well done.
It is a learning process for sure, and not all folks do it the same way. Find your rhythm but always be
true to your best self. Afterall, you are putting your name on this.
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Hakeem Ola’s Answer

Writing a successful final essay involves several key steps. A detailed approach that can help you produce a high-quality essay:
1. Understand the Prompt
- Carefully read the prompt: Ensure you understand what is being asked. Identify the key themes and requirements.
- Clarify doubts: If any part of the prompt is unclear, ask your instructor for clarification.
2. Research and Gather Information
- Primary and secondary sources: Use a mix of both to support your arguments. Primary sources provide direct evidence, while secondary sources offer analysis and interpretation.
- Credible sources: Rely on academic journals, books, and reputable websites.
- Organize your research: Take notes and keep track of your sources for citations.
3. Develop a Thesis Statement
- Clear and concise: Your thesis should clearly state your position or the main argument of your essay.
- Specific: Avoid vague statements. Ensure your thesis directly addresses the prompt.
4. Create an Outline
- Introduction:
- Hook:Start with an interesting fact, quote, or anecdote.
- Context: Provide background information relevant to your topic.
- Thesis statement: Clearly state your main argument or purpose.
- Body paragraphs:
- Topic sentence: Begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that relates to your thesis.
- Evidence and analysis: Provide evidence to support your claims and analyze how it supports your argument.
- Transitions: Use transitions between paragraphs to ensure a smooth flow of ideas.
- Conclusion:
- Restate thesis: Summarize your main points without repeating them verbatim.
- Broader implications:Discuss the broader significance of your findings or arguments.
Closing thought:** End with a strong closing statement or call to action.
5. Write the First Draft
- Focus on content:Don’t worry too much about perfection in your first draft. Concentrate on getting your ideas down.
- Follow your outline: Stick to the structure you’ve planned to ensure coherence and logical flow.
6. Revise and Edit
- Content revision: Ensure your arguments are clear and well-supported. Check for coherence and logical flow.
- Clarity and style: Aim for clarity and conciseness. Avoid unnecessary jargon and complex sentences.
- Grammar and punctuation:** Proofread for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation issues.
- Consistency: Ensure consistency in tense, voice, and formatting.
7. Seek Feedback
- Peer review: Ask classmates or friends to review your essay and provide feedback.
- Instructor consultation: If possible, discuss your draft with your instructor for additional insights.
8. Finalize Your Essay
- Incorporate feedback: Make necessary changes based on the feedback you received.
- Polish the draft: Ensure your final draft is clean, well-organized, and free of errors.
- Check citations: Ensure all sources are properly cited according to the required style guide (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).
9. Submit on Time
- Deadline: Make sure to submit your essay before the deadline.
- Double-check submission requirements:** Ensure you follow any specific instructions for submission provided by your instructor.
Tips for Success
- Start early:Give yourself plenty of time to research, write, and revise.
- Stay organized: Keep all your notes and drafts in one place.
- Stay focused: Stick to your thesis and avoid straying into unrelated topics.
- Take breaks: Allow time for breaks to keep your mind fresh and avoid burnout.
By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to writing a successful final essay. Good luck!
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Steve’s Answer

Start by conducting thorough research.
Next, draft an outline that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion.
Ensure your essay has a proper introduction and setup, followed by a comprehensive summary at the end.
Strive for brevity and clarity in your writing.
Always review your work meticulously.
If possible, seek feedback from an unbiased third party. Remember, constructive criticism is more valuable than praise for the sake of praise.
When you receive feedback, take ownership of how you incorporate it into your essay. It's crucial that the work remains yours.
If time permits, set your essay aside for a day before giving it a final review. A fresh perspective can often highlight areas that need improvement.
I hope these suggestions prove beneficial.
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Kristina’s Answer

To craft a top-notch final essay, it's vital to tackle the editing and revision stages with a systematic approach. Begin by scrutinizing the overall layout of your essay, ensuring it has a straightforward introduction, logical body sections, and a succinct conclusion. Then, concentrate on clarity and coherence, ensuring your thoughts transition smoothly and your arguments are solidly backed up. Correct any grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes, and refine your writing for brevity and clarity by removing unnecessary repetition and tightening your prose. Solicit feedback from others and read your essay out loud to identify any lingering issues. Lastly, give your essay a final review before handing it in, being mindful of any remaining errors or inconsistencies.

Bear in mind that editing and revising are key steps to producing a powerful final essay. By adhering to these methods, you can refine your work and deliver a well-crafted piece that effectively communicates your ideas.