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Steve Jacobson’s Avatar

Steve Jacobson

Creative Leader/Content Creator/Producer/Editor/Storyteller
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Westlake Village, California
38 Answers
20491 Reads
81 Karma

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Jamal’s Avatar
Jamal Jul 06 634 views

How do I maximize my talent and share my "gift" with the world while also making enough money to be able to sustain myself and others?

Young 23 y/o artist self taught producer and engineer autodidact looking to grow as an artist

Maya’s Avatar
Maya Jul 03 611 views

Should I major in film and minor in accounting? Or should I just minor in film and major in accounting? I'm even thinking about doing double major.

I'm a rising senior, so I still have time to pick between this. My passion is for film, but I'm also interested in finance/accounting. I plan on going to GSU - which I heard has a pretty good film program.

Maya’s Avatar
Maya Jun 22 390 views

Where should I intern if I’m interested in film?

Where should I intern If I want to have a job in cinema. I live in a small town but would really want some background experience to help in college and to put on my resume.

Louis’s Avatar
Louis May 30 489 views

I am interested in video editing and Photography. Where is the best place to start exploring?

I am very interested in becoming a photographer.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours May 28 455 views

How to become an Editor?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become an Editor?

Note: Given the growing interest in the publishing field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe May 17 498 views

What's the best technique for a final essay?

With finals coming up, I have research papers due. What's the best technique in terms of editing, revision, etc.?

Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl May 19 552 views

How do I write very short stories to animate?

So I wanted to post small animation content on social media like Instagram and LinkedIn. But I find it hard to create a good content strategy. I don't know where to start with writing, what kind of story will be good, or how to keep it short. I would really appreciate any help with this. Thank you.

Zana’s Avatar
Zana May 01 220 views

What do I need to know to start a part on becoming a TV host? How can I become a TV host? Why are there only few people in that career parth..?

I have a passion for speaking and sharing information and knowledge with people....and I look forward to doing it for the rest of my life. Thank you.

Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl May 04 879 views

How to prepare for an art intern interview for an advertising agency company that works in various areas such as film, animation, and mobile apps?

Can anyone give me some steps and suggestions that would be helpful for the interview? I will be thankful for the advice.

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Apr 29 400 views

How do I become a digital editor?

I wanna be a digital editor like create designs, graphic designs, drawing, sketching and etc. I also have a passion for being an author or an illustrator as I got inspiration into writing my own books even in the process of getting it published. However, I wanna know how to get my book published.

Kristin’s Avatar
Kristin Apr 24 488 views

What should my major be Lawyer, pharmacist, producer.?

I pretty much have 3 options I've narrowed it down to. Lawyer, pharmacist, music producer. Lawyer because I like to argue & I'm pretty good with backing up my reasons + they make a good amount of money, but it is possible it won't work out because I can't find a good law firm to work for....

G’s Avatar
G Apr 20 645 views

where should i start to get into the film industry?

please help

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Apr 10 371 views

What does it take to be in the film industry?

I've been told by my film teachers that it's about networking and how much you get along with everyone on set. I'd like to know if there are any other obstacles.

ferran’s Avatar
ferran Apr 02 484 views

how to be an active listener?

listen carefuly

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Mar 31 527 views

As an English major, would Psychology be beneficial to me?

I am planning on getting my BA in English-Creative Writing and Professional writing but I also have an interest in Psychology. I plan on doing Journalism and working with either a paper or magazine while also doing my own book.