William’s Career Goals
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How do I get published internationally as a minor?
I'm 14 and working on a few stories and want to get them published one day (under a pseudonym). I live in the Philippines and doubt that it would get much attention here, but I think it could sell more in countries like the US or mainly-English-speaking countries in general. Should I...

Is it possible for a 10-year-old to write a show?
Hello! I'm 13, going on 14, and my little sibling (any pronouns) is 10. They're very ambitious and determined to write an indie animated show. In fact, he's already written a seven-minute script for the pilot episode, all in a proper screenwriting format. She's obviously determined to do this...

What job should I get to save up for the career I want?
I'm 13 (a bit young to be thinking about these things, I know, but might as well plan this now!) and live in the Philippines. I want to move to a country with a better film industry one day because I want to write shows and films. My original plan was to do a dual degree for psychology and...

What do I do if I find myself wanting to pursue many (creative) careers?
I want to pursue acting/voice acting, writing, art/animation, and filmmaking. I hear that acting is a very time-consuming job that requires a lot of commitment, but I also want to do writing and filmmaking, so what do I do about that? Is it possible to juggle all of these careers at the same...