Career questions tagged business-administration

Understanding the difference between business administration and business management is essential. Business administration focuses more on managerial type positions such as CEO. Some of the popular careers for someone who has a business administration degree a... Read more Show less
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Brillith364 views

Is it possible to work night shift full time and complete dental hygiene school?

Hello everyone I majored in business administration and I am too far along to switch and will complete it just so I don’t feel like I wasted my life more than I already have. I have come to realize that I enjoy knowing my work can have a positive impact on others lives and looking to complete a second degree in dental hygiene. My same university offers this program and will take me approximately 3 years to complete I will be 24-25 when I finish. I would like to know if it possible to work night time positions such as a hotel night auditor/ grocery stocker positions in order to fund my degree as I will no longer have financial aid. My university also does not provide any afternoon or night time school options. Please give my any advice or share any stories about others who have worked while in dental hygiene school and it is possible or should I just give up and accept my circumstances.

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HILDA858 views

What are the emerging trends in the marketing industry as far as technology is concerned ?

My name is Hilda, age 15 . in the near future I'm looking forward to start various businesses , therefore I would like to understand the above question.

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Janae546 views

How do I select which major is best for me?

Hi everyone! I'm currently a freshman at a community college with a general liberal arts major. I'm quite interested in both business/entrepreneurship and psychology. The only hesitation in pursuing one or the other is the job opportunities afterward. I'd like to move forward within the psychology sector but I don't want to work in clinical psychology. After researching, I have heard that it is difficult to gain financial success unless you receive higher education within the field. Also, I'd like to move forward in business/entrepreneurship but arithmetics is not my strong suit. What would you suggest my next steps be? Or any guidance?

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EBENEZAR482 views

Is CPA same as a degree, If Yes,Can I Pursue A PhD With CPA And Business Administration Degree ?

I'm a little confused

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Victoria475 views

How do I get into business adminstration?

I am an eleventh grader who is interested in business administration. I am active in a business club in my school and I would like to know the leads into getting into business administration in college.

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Abbey569 views

What careers could I be headed towards?

Hey! My name is Abbey and I’m a first-year student at the University of St.Thomas in St.Paul Minnesota. Throughout my whole life, I've had an interest in sports, health, and the human body. Because of this, I decided to major in Exercise Science and double minor in Nutrition and Business Administration. I was looking at becoming an athletic trainer but decided against it a few months ago. I am really just looking for someone who has some knowledge in these areas, and could tell me a little bit of what I could go into when I'm older that includes my major and minors! And any other insights that I could find helpful in the future!

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Abdulsalam959 views

What are your strength when it comes to leadership

what interest you in your current job ?

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Brillith833 views

Will a Marketing major limit my job prospects?

I am a senior majoring in marketing and I am feeling a bit uneasy regarding my potential job prospects after graduation. I would like to know if my major will limit my ability to work within different industries such as finance and supply chain management? I would appreciate any advise as I am feeling uncertain about my career decision/major.

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Brillith647 views

Should I change my Major in my senior year from Marketing to Supply Chain Management?

I am currently a senior majoring in marketing and I found myself being unsure about my major and wishing to change it to supply chain management. I am thinking about making this switch as it appears that supply chain will give me more job stability in the future. I am 21 with no debt and would like some insight weither this is a good decision. I would also like to know if it is possible for a marketing major to work in supply chain? Is it also possible for me to switch to business management and land a career in supply chain?

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Agnes465 views

What are the qualifications for business administration?

Am in my 9 th grade.

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Jenny663 views

What degree might help me achieve financial stability sooner?

I am debating between industrial/organizational psychology, business-admin, and Political Science? also which degree might help more once I obtain a bachelors because I do know that for psychology and and political science I might have to further my education after my bachelors but I am just stuck if they are worth pursuing? I want to be able to be financially stable with a healthy personal/work lifestyle first and then continue studying. I have finished all of the pre-req's for these 3 choices with the consideration to the university i would like to transfer but then before applying I looked into nursing for some time and did a couple classes but saw that either way I would be starting form zero and doing more pre-req's that I went back to look into which career to narrow down on and finish before starting something else. I'm hesitant about what to do? any ideas might be nice :)

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Henry818 views

What type of classes should I be trying to take in my junior/senior year of high school to focus on my career (see below)?

Hi! I'm currently looking to go into law school to obtain a J.D. and also a bachelor's degree in business administration or business management. What classes should I be focusing on in order to (1) achieve my goals and (2) improve my chances of enrolling into a high-level law school?

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Amari508 views

Why is buisness administration important?

Hi there! I'm a 10th-grade student at New Covenant Christian School, and I'm currently working on Algebra II homework. I've been studying algebra for the past year, and I'm looking for some help with a specific problem related to quadratic equations. My interest in this topic stems from a desire to deepen my understanding of mathematical concepts and improve my problem-solving skills.

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Jana632 views

Was it hard to find a job in Office Administration?

What are the best jobs when working in office administration or in an office setting?

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Shlok491 views

What is your favorite aspect about your job? How are you doing? Why did you choose this career path? When can I start?

I am a rising senior at the moment with a proclivity towards business administration and entrepreneurship and writing. Currently, I am co-authoring a book and am working to establish a digital marketing agency with a couple friends. However, on the way I've encountered multiple internal and external challenges to bringing these projects to fruition, so I'm always looking to include more people in my life whom I can learn from and who I can hopefully return the favor for.

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allaya713 views

is studying business worth it?

im thinking of studying business, though there are many majors like finance, accounting, marketing, economics, business administration etc. and im super confused as to what to choose, and if it’s a good idea to study business or not, and if it’s a good idea, then is there any other subject which i should minor in, pls help me out !!

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Jennifer-Runling395 views

Business Related Question?

How can I get started on preparing myself to be in the Business Management/Administration field if I am a rising senior in high school this year 2023?

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Jayden310 views

What is a typical week like for a head chef with a busy schedule?

I'm looking to head into the chef/head chef career and I'd like to know more about it.

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JAMES340 views

What does a typical day look like in automotive and related repairs.

what is the work conditions? is the work areas clean? how well or often do we have breaks? how well are the other employees? does everyone have a great attitude and feel like they are ready to work and get the job done. does everyone have great motivation?

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Kayonnah384 views

What are the most vital steps someone should take for this role?

I would love to run my own business one day.

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Sang724 views

What are the education steps I need to take if I am interested in going into the business field?

I want to pursue my career in the business field. I'm wondering what steps must I take in order to become to pursue this passion.

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Issarlyn445 views

What are the most important thing when building a resume?

What are the main and most important things in a resume when aplaing for any job category that falls under business employment. And what what are the main and most important things in a resume when aplaing for any job category that falls under Game designing.

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Revathi441 views

What is the good undergrad for medicine?

I am high school senior thinking of becoming doctor. I have few options but not sure which will be the right one for undergrad 1. Business administration with premed, so that some day i can open my own clinic 2.Biomedical engineering with premed 3.Premed track - what jobs can i get if dont get into med school? how hard the pathway will be if i choose option1 or 2.

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So24fia1900 views

How to make a good CV ?

Hello! I was wondering what makes a good CV. I am a bachelor student majoring in computer science and minoring in business administration. I still don't have any work experience, how can I attract the real world with my CV? Thank you!

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Gianna1362 views

whats the difference between business administration and statistics?

difference between stats and business administration since they both have similar prerequisites?

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Christina2869 views

B.A. in Psychology + Associates in Business Management

Hi! Currently, I am obtaining an Associates's degree in Business Management from my community college before transferring into a university for a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology. I see that in the United States, people are especially discouraging of Psychology undergraduates in a business field. A lot of people would say to switch for a Bachelors in Business instead and get an Associates's in Psychology, which I do not plan on doing because I love my current placements. I have heard and read from many people that Psychology majors are deemed useful only within clinical and social works. If I were to take the path in those aspects, I am mainly interested in becoming a college academic advisor/counselor. However, I have put it in my best interest and am very determined to find myself a career in the business field after I graduate. I want to ask what is the REALITY of someone with a BA in Psychology and Associates in Business Management to be offered great positions in the business fields. What are some jobs and careers can I be qualified for with these degrees? What is something you would recommend me to do in order to gain experience or expose me to the works of psychology and business as an undergrad? Please give me any additional advice or information you think would be helpful too! I really appreciate and thank you for your responses! :-) #career #business #humanresources #human-resources #marketing #businessmarketing #business-marketing #psychology #businessadministration #business-administration #corporate #businessmanagement #business-management #counselor #academic-counselor #academiccounselor #univeristy #communitycollege #community-college #universityofcalifornia #university-of-california #psychmajor #psychologymajor #psych-major #psychology-major #company #california #unitedstates #uited-states

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Victoria1284 views

What is the difference between a Bachelor's in Accounting and a Bachelor's in Business Administration with Emphasis in Accounting?

I am asking this question because certain institutions offer one or the other and I was wondering if they are the same degree essentially (or is there a difference). I would love to hear from professionals from both sides. I am interested in becoming an accountant and I would like to choose a degree program that will provide the best route. #accounting #financial-accounting #accountant #business-administration #women-in-accounting #women-in-business

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Teleola2112 views

Is it better to specialize your business degree or remain general?

I was wondering if people studying business are better of with specializing in their program(going into accounting or marketing) or if remaining general when it comes to job searches. Does one pay more? #business #business-management #business-degree #marketing #business-administration #specializing #commerce

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Yanet839 views

I currently switched my major from Dietetics to Public Relations/Business Administration (minor), I would like to receive some insight on how well the PR career has been for you and if it's a rewarding career - soul fulfilling and money wise?

I recently changed my major to Public Relations and I would like to know more about the career and people who are working in that field. #public-relations #journalism #business-administration #college-major #relationship-management #communications

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Amanda1902 views

What does a daily work schedule look like for budget analysts?

My name is Amanda. I am a sophomore in Boston, MA. I am interested in business administration. At my school, we have mandatory internships during junior year. I am trying to decide what I want to do for my internship and for my career. #business-administration #budget-analyst

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