Career questions tagged leadership

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marcus260 views

what is the best occupation to get into and why is it the best one to do also how does the occupation work for me and my coworkers?

san jose CA

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Josue810 views

What advice do you have for students who are passionate about software development but may feel overwhelmed by the vast amount of information and technologies to learn?

Some people might suggest staying focused or trying to divide your workload, but many individuals in the field still struggle with feelings of being overwhelmed by the ever-evolving nature of technology and the multitude of options available for specialization. Could you share any personal strategies or insights on how to manage this overwhelm effectively? Additionally, are there any specific resources, such as online courses, books, or mentorship programs, that you recommend for students looking to navigate this challenge and stay motivated on their software development journey?

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Javion461 views

How do I become successful in earning money?

Some examples lead to watching videos, having a mentor or if family member or friend or relative you can ask for advice if they have a career in the business world.

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Mihaela262 views

What is the difference between a lead radiation therapist and a regular radiation therapist? #Spring24

I was curious about career growth in this field and saw that there was a position that could advance you to a lead radiation therapist. What duties does this entail? Are there any requirements besides experience such as further education? Thank you! #Spring24

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Peter732 views

How can you manage a start-up business and how can I manage my financial state when I'm just about to start my business. Is it advisable to start big or start small?

I am in grade 12 currently and want to start-up a small business for myself for making extra cash

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Abdulsalam958 views

What are your strength when it comes to leadership

what interest you in your current job ?

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CareerVillage Office Hours811 views

How to become a CEO?

Share your journey & guide aspiring CEOs on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Quentin355 views

I Really value Money,Creativity and Leadership. What jobs or career paths align with these values?

Any information is helpful

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Iran577 views

What is the Hardest grade in Education How many time we should learn units ?Why we should go College? How can we find our Favorite jobs or job؟ How can we get good marks??

What is the Hardest grade in Education ?How many time we should learn units ?Why we should go College? How can we find our Favorite jobs or job؟ How can we get good marks?

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Margaret881 views

What did your pathway to become a wholesaler look like How did you expand your business? ?

I am in high school and have my own print on demand shop. However, I have goals to one day have a commercial business or to become a wholesaler. If anyone has done either of these how did you go about doing it? What did your pathway look like?

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Mohammed1520 views

How do I start Management Consulting Career?

I need advice in how I make myself stand-out of the crowd that is already hunting Management Consultants jobs. I want to know the perfect kick start to management consultant career and unmeasured success.

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Nio889 views

How do you fight the urge to "rest on your laurels" and instead consistently seek to make your company better?

I'm a senior at Georgia Southern University studying finance. I have considered pursuing a career in either financial analysis or financial planning, but I think I'm leaning more toward the analysis route.

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abigail792 views

How do you handle a situation where two people aren't working well together?

Understand the nature of the conflict. Encourage employees to work it out themselves. Listen to both sides. Determine the real issue, together. Consult your employee handbook. Find a solution.

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Gurbaani897 views

How should I go about getting leadership positions in school?

Most are popularity contests which introverts and less popular people have no chance of winning.

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Qiarah584 views

How can I start my own company from nothing?

Save 50$ a day for the next 4-6 months

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Harley744 views

How to form a Startup? (for college students)

Hello! Long story short: I'm a college student that wants to form a start-up. With a business plan in mind, my main concern is getting financial support and launching it in the future. Unsure if there's startup pros here, but anyone have any tips for: How to start a start-up? Background: Political Science - College student - no background in Business (Marketing or Admin), no background in Tech - Have a partner, but it's only 2 members (me + co-partner).

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Ayesha951 views

How to be a leader without experience?

How to develop and demonstrate leadership skills?

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Josue595 views

In your opinion are leaders born or made?

Here is my opinion: Leaders can be both born and made, as some people have natural leadership qualities while others develop them through experience and training. But I would really love to hear your opinion.

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CareerVillage Office Hours951 views

How do I become a leader?

This is part of our professionals series

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Aaron682 views

How much education do you need to be a CEO of a major company?

Or does it just go off of who you know and your connections?

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Derek1015 views

does security job really make you happy?

The reason i asked many people this question is because people go to school for years to not be happy with a job they do not like.

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Shaina1163 views

How to politely end a virtual 1:1 meeting?

I attend my mentoring sessions or general talks with my coach and it sometimes gets awkward because I don't know how to end a meeting like I don't know how to signal that "I've asked all my questions and I have nothing more to ask". What do I say or do?

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Alexandra1004 views

Why is there so much disconnect between public educators and education administrators?

#teaching seems like such a great career, and so does being an ed administrator, but with the modern-day "common core", "no child left behind" mentality, it ends up putting so much stress and pressure on teachers that does not translate into better student performance. What's worse is that teachers and #administrators rarely find common ground on how to move forward, thus teachers voices are the ones least heard (even though administrators are the ones with power to make necessary changes.) I have always wanted to be involved in #education-administration and try to address the disconnect between the front-end #educators and the back-end ed admins, but surely there are many who have gone into #ed-admin wanting to bridge this gap as well. Is a career as an education administrator really where I could make the impact that I want to make? Are there legitimate reasons that ed admin fails to advocate for teachers, for students, for reasonable standards & improvements in #education that align with reality? I realize these issues are systematic and complex, but will I be caught up in too many politics & power-struggles to make any real difference for *students*? #teacher #aministration #politics #standardized-testing #policy #leadership

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Angel884 views

Why become an ob-gyn?

My reason is simple I want to be an ob-gyn because I enjoy the thought of helping women all around the world go through one of the hardest things in life. Childbirth to me is like a new breath of fresh air for another living thing. No matter what they become they have a whole world to pick from and see and go through #career #leadership #management #human-resources

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Harmony1503 views

What jobs are available right after college after having a minor in Human Resource Management?

I am a college sophmore with a goal of becoming a Human Resources Manager someday. #human-resources #leadership

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Harmony670 views

What other options for jobs opportunities, will be available to me, in Human Resources, when robots start taking over the working industry? As this is fast approaching.

Hello, I am college sophmore hoping to graduate college with a degree in Human Resource Management. #human-resources #management #leadership

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Paajcha Julie1554 views

How to deal with poor leadership?

Without giving too much information away, I’m dealing with a boss who isn’t the greatest when it comes to leadership skills. I work online as a scouter for deals, meaning I search online for discounts, and I’m technically an independent contractor. When I first got the job, I asked many questions such as earning potential (since it’s commission based), if there’s a quota I have to fill, and what my role entails. To keep it short, my boss never properly trained me regarding my job. She did do a short video on the basics, however she didn’t go into great detail into things such as what the values were in the organization, what to expect when posting particular items that are discounted, tips on how to be more efficient when posting, basically anything that could help me become a better worker. To my knowledge, isn’t that what a leader or boss should do? Guide and mentor those under you? Especially when they’re new? Let’s just say her communication skills aren’t exactly the best. What has frustrated me recently is that she sent me a message saying that I apparently was “working for myself” and wasn’t working with the team. She also mentioned things that I had no idea about, things that are very specific to this job and organization, and that I wasn’t doing these particular things. How am I supposed to know these things if she never relayed the information to me in the first place? That’s her job isn’t it? To relay information to me so that I don’t mess up? I have prodded her over time regarding my work because obviously I want to know how to do my job well, but I feel like the boss/employee dynamic is unbalanced, meaning that I feel like I carry the burden of having to figure things out. I understand that as a worker, there are things that I have to do on my own but when there are things that are content specific, that should be on the leader’s plate of responsibility. There are some things that I cannot figure out on my own because they are that specific. The nature of the job did come off as a “do it on your own” type of thing, especially because she told me that there was no quota to fill. I don’t claim to be perfect. I’m still learning as a worker/employee like asking important questions and being more assertive when it comes to certain things. But this lack of good leadership isn’t really helping. Also, another question. Is it in the worker’s/employee’s place to constructively criticize their boss/leader on their work ethic/skills, etc.? There are more things I can say and want to say but I’ll stop here. Thank you for reading if you made it this far. #management #organization #community-management #leadership #work #organizationalleadership #working #business #online #boss #technology #criticism #job #sales

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Letlotlo760 views

How often will I have to work and how much will I get paid

I am a business management student at private college . During high school I was part of leadership committees for 3 years. I get along with people very easily and able to make lasting connections with people #business management #student #leadership qualities #sociable

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Belinda2388 views

How can you build leadership experience when you don't hold official leadership roles?

I'm a rising college senior looking to maximize her last year of college - would appreciate any help / advice you might have! #JULY20 #leadership

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Michelle1476 views

I'm unsure what career options would suit me best with my current interests and hobbies. What advice can be given when looking for a career path that would suit me better when regarding my strengths and interests?

I'm currently a senior in high school. I enjoy marine biology, choir, colorguard (marching band), and helping others for the general cause. I have multiple interests but am unsure how to figure out what career path may suit me best depending on my strengths. My top 2 strengths are open mindedness of others situations and perspectives (I can understand both sides of the story), and the ability to take charge (leadership), even in stressful times. #marinebiology #choir #colorguard #helpingothers #leadership #career-counseling #career-choice #career

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