Career questions tagged corporate-finance

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grace758 views

How Do you differentiate business finance and personal finance when deciding which to chose?

I want to work in finance but have no idea any other information to decide what specifically

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Ashton1724 views

What are good gateway jobs/money making activities for a high schooler going into a degree for business if they wish to enter into the career of finance, accounting, or marketing (preference in finance).?

I'm a senior in high school who is unable to work anything other then remote due to family issues. I've been looking for jobs relating to what my career is for quite some time but I can't find anything worthwhile. I'm going to be basically by myself the moment I turn 18 and am in desperate need of assistance.

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Ayanna1505 views

How hard is the CPA exam?

Hi, I'm a freshman at TSU and I major in Accounting and aspire to be at CPA I want to learn as much as I possibly can because this is a huge dream of mine.

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Asha-Lee1857 views

What are your best tips for finding economics, finance or fintech internships while in college?

I'm currently a junior at Kennesaw State University pursuing BBA in Economics and Finance with a minor in FinTech.

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Meeran400 views

What is the future of finance, as world is moving to the AI base tech so it possible for finance to change according to environment?

No I have no Additional tips

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Jayden256 views

What is the worst part about being a businessman in a multi million dollar company ?

I’m a middle school student in all advanced classes with good grades my whole life and I think being a businessman would suit me for a career the best and I like finance a ton. But I wonder what is the downside of being a businessman in a really big company? I also wonder how do you get to the top, like the main people of the company?

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Josee708 views

How can I find jobs in non-profit work ?

What tips do you have for people that want to go into non-profit finance?

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Nio889 views

How do you fight the urge to "rest on your laurels" and instead consistently seek to make your company better?

I'm a senior at Georgia Southern University studying finance. I have considered pursuing a career in either financial analysis or financial planning, but I think I'm leaning more toward the analysis route.

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ahmed786 views

what are some investment banking/finance-related opportunities?

I currently study finance at Taylor University, Malaysia. And am interested in investing, banking, finance, economics, and how money works. I was looking for opportunities to work in a related sector such as investment banking or banks in general. Still, I want to know which countries have such opportunities in the finance sector and have demand for it, which can provide a good experience and ability to grow. I know generally that the US is the best option but there is too much competition at the moment so Im searching for the less competitive markets for ex: Europe, Canada, or Arabic countries? Besides that, I wanted to know what courses or work experience I should take during my studies to improve my resume and make me highly qualified in this field.

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Mya909 views

What is the best field of law to major in?

What is the best field of law to major in, depending on salary, skills, and workload? I want to work in law when I graduate college, and I'm in 8th grade right now. I am good at math and ELA and am also interested in finance. I am also interested in making a good salary, which is very important.

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maria486 views

When did you know that you really wanted to work in finance?

When did you know that you really wanted to work in finance?

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Chad420 views

How to break into Wall Street banks?

Thank you!

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dion298 views

how would you describe the attitude needed for a job in real estate, investing, business, and corporate finance??

My name is Dion

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Fatima900 views

Questions regarding a career in finance/accounting and resume

What are some skills students looking to pursue investment banking should practice and learn? What are some skills/topics students pursuing finance and accounting should learn about? Are there resources or books or anything else where I can learn concepts in finance and accounting and even more specific topics such as studying for the CPA exam? common topics in the CPA exam? book recommendations to study for the exam? books for corporate finance and investment banking? What is some advice for preparing for interviews for internships? How can students network? When is a good time to start preparing for the CPA exam? What makes a good resume stand out? Are there any courses that are recommended to practice skills both soft and hard skills? When is it best to start applying to jobs? My major is finance and I am looking to pursue investment banking. But I am also interested in accounting. Do you have any recommendations for professional development? Are there any key events or networking events that college students may find helpful?

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Jorge569 views

What is it like to be a real estate broker?

What does a typical day for a real estate broker look like? What are some tools of the trade? What are the requirements and training needed in order to become a real estate broker?

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Shaina631 views

How do we network to professionals or hiring managers?

I don't have Linkedin Premium so what I do is connect and send a personalized message. Is it rude if I do this formula: (salutation + small intro, where we met + directly question what I want to know from that professional)? OR do you prefer to (salutation + small intro, where we met + an open-ended question?)

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Emtiaz781 views

Which YouTube channel is the best to learn financial analysis terms?#Finance

To learn professional skills..#corporate-finance

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Chase1036 views

I am interested in pursuing a career in finance, what kind of jobs would that qualify me for?

I am looking into being an entrepreneur , so would finance be the best major for that?#corporate-finance #finance #college-major

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Ana1601 views

Economic History or Economics for Equity Research

I'm a high school student looking to apply to the University of Edinburgh and Oxford for a degree in either Economics and Management (Oxford)/Economics with Finance (Edinburgh) or Economics and History (Oxford) and Economics and Economic History(Edinburgh). I feel incredibly passionate about the way that economics and history intertwine, and how each has affected the other over time. So, I would probably have more success in articulating that passion in the university application process, which means I would probably have a higher chance of being accepted. However, the career I want is one in equity research, and I feel that I will have a harder time in terms of finding internships and jobs if I study economic history because economics/finance majors have a more practical background and more obvious connections to the world of banking. Is it possible to break into equity research with a degree in history and economics? Do I need the more practical background of finance? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. #finance #economics #investment-banking #corporate-finance #equity-research

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Bridget1148 views

What are some jobs for majoring in Finance?

What are some possible occupations with an undergraduate degree in Finance #college #business #finance #entrepreneurship #hospital-and-health-care #corporate-finance

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Bridget2048 views

What are some Liberal Arts Colleges that would accept transfer credits/ courses from state school?

Very interest in transferring to a small, liberal arts college for individualized and though probing courses. Currently finishing my 2nd year of college a medium sized public state university. My current major is finance. Please comment if you would like more info the the courses that I have already taken #finance #university #higher-education #college-transfer #corporate-finance #university-applications #liberal-arts

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Bridget1220 views

What are some grad schools that offer a Master of Finance degree?

Looking into graduate school and starting a list of possible graduate schools that offer a Master of Finance degree. #finance #higher-education #colleges #masters-degree #mba #corporate-finance #business-school

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Bridget1726 views

What type of things does a CFO do?

What is the CFO in charge of? What are the specific things he/ she would look over? What are some typical requirements? #finance #management #ceo #corporate-finance #cpa #executive-office #cfo #financial-reporting

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Abdulwahab1314 views

Are there organizations you are expected to join as a Finance student/graduate?

Are there organizations you are expected to join as a Finance student/graduate? #college #business #finance #corporate-finance #financial-analysis #college-graduate

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Abdulwahab1642 views

What kinds of decisions do you make as a Financial analyst?

What kinds of decisions do you make as a Financial analyst? #business #finance #business-analysis #corporate-finance #financial-analysis

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Abdulwahab1232 views

How would you describe corporate culture?

How would you describe corporate culture? #business #finance #accounting #entrepreneurship #graduate #corporate-finance

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D.3062 views

How can I get started learning financial modeling?

I'm a sophomore in college, getting ready to apply for internships in corporate finance or banking or investing, and I want to be able to show finance companies/firms that I'm qualified to work for them. I want to teach myself financial modeling in excel. What kind of models should I try to make and what resources can I use to learn how to build those models? #finance #investment-management #investment-banking #corporate-finance #financial-analysis

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Deema1583 views

Which field in Business is the highest paying career?

I am still undecided what field in Business i should major in. Business is one of the biggest major or career out there with a bunch of choices. #business #finance #accounting #international-business #corporate-finance #financial-accounting #undecided

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Josue996 views

How much time is spent sitting at a desk as an investment banker?

I don't like to sit down a lot but want to be an investment banker. #business #finance #corporate-finance

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Hamid1090 views

What specific fields are there in business and what is the outlook for a business major?

I am very interested in economics and business but am not sure what major I want to specify myself to. I'm a junior in high school. I know still have time to decide but I want to have a general idea of the different majors. #economics #buisness #corporate-finance

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