Career questions tagged financial-services

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Alphonso236 views

What is your financial status and how did you achieve it?

I asked this because I want to know your financial struggles before and what steps you took to achieve your current financial status

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jaylen261 views

what is the highest paying minmum wage job in san jose?

what is the highest paying minmum wage job in san jose?

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Mina377 views

What is something you wish you knew before moving states for college?

I am currently 17 and enrolled in High-school. I’ve been having a few questions but most of them just seem out of the air. Is there anything that you would’ve liked to hear like residency, financial assistance, scholarships etc?

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Ronnie582 views

Is it better to have a degree in finance or accounting if I want to be a financial analyst?

I want to be a financial analyst and I’m curious to know which degree would educate me more.

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Grace509 views

How can I work while being in Medical School?

I am concerned about the financial burdens while still being in school, and while debt can't be avoided for me, I need to know if it is plausible to work while at medical school.

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Javier431 views

What would be a suggested career path in order to work in investment banking Thanks?

Like what would be the University degree or just the main subjects someone should be related with (through courses, internships, programmes).

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CareerVillage Office Hours321 views

How to become a Bookkeeper?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Bookkeepers on their path. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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CareerVillage Office Hours890 views

How to Become a CPA?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a CPA? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Mateo1321 views

How do credit cards work

How does interest work on credit cards if you pay the monthly payment?

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Teriyana790 views

Where can I find and/or apply to MBA scholarships ?

Where can I find MBA scholarships as a minority woman and/or human being in general? I also am curious how to find scholarships for graduate programs too. Links and guidance are appreciated.

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Quennaldria473 views

I am graduating with a MS in Digital Financial Technology in two weeks, I have been in finance for over 10 years and don't want to start over. How can I find a new position that doesn't put me back at entry level?

I need help getting into my field without starting back at entry level.

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Jenifer409 views

What is the best way to know if your financial stable for college?

How to know what college is best for you? How do you get financial help? How can you avoid student debt?

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Allison316 views

Which scholarships did you win?

Did you have to write an essay? How much did you win? Were there a lot of applicants?

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Alaa276 views

What strategies can I employ to enhance my prospects of securing scholarships through the crafting of distinguished essays?

What strategies can I employ to enhance my prospects of securing scholarships through the crafting of distinguished essays?

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Allison553 views

how do I decide what major to pick and can I only pick one major?

I feel like college is so far away but I still need to choose what to study but I don't know how to choose or what to choose. Also I don't know what interests me exactly or what I want to do with my life.

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Dakota373 views

What is a good financial point to start a catering business?

How much money should I have saved up to invest in my own business.

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Dallas440 views

When did you know that you wanted to work in finance?

Interested in finance and want to know more.

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Elizabeth398 views

How do I study abroad or go to boarding school without funds?

I would like to do my studies away from home for a while. I don't know how to get scholarships or grants. I have always loved to explore since I didn't get to leave the house much when I was younger. I might qualify for financial aid but that still may make it a bit hard. I would like to have primary coverage or full cover. I want to explore architectural design as well as forensic scenes, criminology, criminal profiling, Cooking, and linguistics. I like freedom but that doesn't mean that I won't listen to rules. I have a GPA of 3.5 and going into my sophomore year of high school.

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Analisa413 views

Taxes? How do I learn about them and get through them? #Spring23

As an upcoming adult in the world taxes seem daunting and something I should be knowledgeable about but where do I start what should I know?

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Skylar1535 views

Do you have to already commit to a college to get a scholarship to that school?

Can you get a scholarship to a school before commiting?

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Karena532 views

Where to find 2023-24 scholarships?

What are some strategies to locate scholarships for the 2023-2024 school year if my GPA falls below 3.0 but is above 2.75? (local scholarships are welcomed)

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Alice397 views

What are the emerging trends and technologies shaping the future of finance, and how can individuals prepare themselves for these changes??

What are the emerging trends and technologies shaping the future of finance, and how can individuals prepare themselves for these changes? As a student that is very passionate about finance, I am interested in exploring the future of the industry and how I can best prepare myself.

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popii342 views

When should I start looking at scholarships?

When should I start looking at scholarships?

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Tianna641 views

Care to share info about FinTech?

I came across FinTech - Financial Technology - recently. Seems like a huge industry (with a lot of areas), and the field might provide work that I want to do. What are some common career paths in FinTech? Are there any roles that have low and/or high appeal? What background experience is necessary for success in the industry? Would like to hear from professionals in FinTech, or with related backgrounds: business, information systems, analytics, etc.

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Tracy404 views

Hello! My name is Tracy and I'm a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment.?

Unfortunately, his is my second time posting this since no one answered my first post. Please help me and answer these questions for my health science assignment: What profession did you choose? Why? How many years of college did you need to go through? What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? Were you in a college program? Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? Did you shadow another professional in the field? Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? Were you faced with any obstacles that slowed you down? How did you overcome them? What is something about your profession that you want others to keep in mind before pursuing in the same path? What is the most difficult part about working in your professional job? Thank you for your time.

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zaire448 views

why do real estate agents choose to work with houses and why do they enjoy the job?

motivation in real estate

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Noah394 views

Is going to school and creating a business at the same time easy?

This is something that has been on my mind a lot

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LeAndrew659 views

I would like to know for a sales agent and financial services what values does your company look for in a person they are hiring ?

sales agent and financial services

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Sophie553 views

What databases provide the best up-to-date salary information about Big 4 and banking salaries?

What databases provide the best up-to-date salary information about Big 4 and banking salaries? Glassdoor is often from 2+ years ago.

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Cameron702 views

What do you like most/ least about this career?

What do you like about being a Financial Investment Analysts?

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