Career questions tagged boarding-schools

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mary137 views

Can I get into Choate Rosemary Hall?

It's my first choice. I'm in my schools newspaper, I play electric guitar, basketball, and I'm the president of my schools community service club. I have a good essay about very personal sob story, and my grades are A's and A-'s. I'm not sure about SSAT scores but they're not looking super competitive. I have a family friend on the board (not much help though) and I do lots of volunteering. Lots of my family including my mom and everyone of my cousins went to independent boarding schools. My family can pay full tuition. I'm applying to about seven schools, three reach (choate, lawrenceville, groton), three middles (middlesex, berkshire, westminster) and , and one safety. (frederick gunn or millbrook) I don't have any awards or recognition :( But great rec letters I think.

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Carolyn523 views

How Do I help displaced teens?

How do you start a home for teens displaced for abuse or runaway?, I’m interested in doing this someday. How do I get started? What are laws about it?

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Elizabeth674 views

How do I study abroad or go to boarding school without funds?

I would like to do my studies away from home for a while. I don't know how to get scholarships or grants. I have always loved to explore since I didn't get to leave the house much when I was younger. I might qualify for financial aid but that still may make it a bit hard. I would like to have primary coverage or full cover. I want to explore architectural design as well as forensic scenes, criminology, criminal profiling, Cooking, and linguistics. I like freedom but that doesn't mean that I won't listen to rules. I have a GPA of 3.5 and going into my sophomore year of high school.

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