Career questions tagged career-planning

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carmelina333 views

As a high school student, how can I determine if a career in photography is right for me?

In order to look into photography as a career instead of a hobby I will need to enroll in photography classes to learn more about lighting, composition, technique's and many more elements to capture a beautiful image. I can perhaps look for photography clubs around me to get more familiar with taking professional photos. One last thing I can do to gain more knowledge is watch YouTube tutorials that'll be helpful for editing the images/ to take them as well.

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Gloria542 views

How do I start to find my career?

How do I start to find my career?

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Mark219 views

Is a role in a large IT company like IBM exciting or as a recent graduate should I explore joining a start-up?

Are roles exciting in large companies or startups ?

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Veronika590 views

How important is finding a backup plan if you already have a solid and realistic plan?

I intend to go to college for psychology and become a children's therapist. Do I really need a backup?

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Alaric460 views

What would be a good plan for someone wanting to become an acoustic/noise control engineer?

I was planning on getting two degrees: one in math and the second in physics. Then I want to get a masters and doctorate in acoustics from Penn State. I then started researching the Institue of Noise Control Engineering. Would it be a good idea to apply for membership to INCE after graduate school? Should I do it earlier? Should I wait? Should I do it at all? Then I want to complete all three INCE courses in noise control engineering. Is board certification worth it?

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Job727 views

Which career is best to go for?

Am still stuck on what i will pursue in future

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Odilia1030 views

How can I start looking in a career I’m interested in or makes money ?

As a fifteenth year old and a rising junior with no job experience how can I start with selecting a career and choosing to go or to not go to college.

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maram836 views

How can I find opportunities in urban planning as a 15-year-old??

How can I find opportunities in urban planning as a 15-year-old?? I want to get a head start and conduct a passion project. However, I'm unsure of my options.

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fayth244 views

How do I start my career in art?

How do I start my career in art? When is the right time to start planning. Furthermore, how do I expand my creativity to go outside of my comfort zone.

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snehal607 views

how do i choose my career?

career planning, designer

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Jordan791 views

What is my career-plan for becoming a physical therapist?

I want to become a physical therapist but I want to plan now so I know what to expect when I actually start to go through that plan.

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Alexa1108 views

When is it a perfect time to start thinking about careers?

When is it a perfect time to start worrying and start to plan for my future career? I'm interested in skincare and I want to work with skincare and beauty related careers but I don't know if it's too early in my age to start thinking about my future career.

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Danaya304 views

What do you plan on doing when you get older And how do you plan on starting that career. How will you provide for that. What will you do. When do you plan on starting your career??

I think that you should start looking and seeing what other people started to get some ideas of what you might wanna do or how you might wanna start

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Elizabeth398 views

How do I study abroad or go to boarding school without funds?

I would like to do my studies away from home for a while. I don't know how to get scholarships or grants. I have always loved to explore since I didn't get to leave the house much when I was younger. I might qualify for financial aid but that still may make it a bit hard. I would like to have primary coverage or full cover. I want to explore architectural design as well as forensic scenes, criminology, criminal profiling, Cooking, and linguistics. I like freedom but that doesn't mean that I won't listen to rules. I have a GPA of 3.5 and going into my sophomore year of high school.

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Tianna641 views

Care to share info about FinTech?

I came across FinTech - Financial Technology - recently. Seems like a huge industry (with a lot of areas), and the field might provide work that I want to do. What are some common career paths in FinTech? Are there any roles that have low and/or high appeal? What background experience is necessary for success in the industry? Would like to hear from professionals in FinTech, or with related backgrounds: business, information systems, analytics, etc.

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Katlin2042 views

How did you know what job would make you happy?

I have been considering many paths to go down education-wise, but am unsure of where I should start and what would be the most fulfilling.

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Anderson459 views

When is the best possible time for me to start looking into a career?

What would be the best possible time at any age to start looking into a career?

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Rafiq542 views

3) When is the best time for me to start looking into a career??

3) When is the best time for me to start looking into a career??

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Yariel555 views

When is the best time to start looking into a career??

There's so many choices for me to pick from and I don't know when I should try to lock in on one.

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Yariel778 views

When is the best time for me to start looking into a career??

There's so many choices for me to pick from and I don't know when I should try to lock in on one.

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kyla270 views

3) When is the best time for me to start looking into a career?


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Albert503 views

what is the best time to start looking for and researching a career?

When is the best time for me to start looking into a career?

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Jadavid374 views

When is the best time for me to start looking into a career?

When is the best time for me to start looking into a career?

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Lewis527 views

When is the best time for me to start looking into a career?

When is the best time for me to start looking into a career?

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Elias667 views

What does it take to graduate with a Masters Degree majoring in Business?

I plan on attending college when I return from the navy but I still haven't decided on whether what school I should attend or even which major I should choose. #business-analysis #career-planning

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claire518 views

what is the importance of minors in college?

#career-planning #college #development

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Lily578 views

do you have any career advice for someone who likes to work with people and be hands one with different languages and cultures?

I am a seventeen year old senior who likes to learn about world history and cultures. #career-planning

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Catherine1000 views

What is your personal experience like working in the publishing industry?

Hi, I'm interested in working in the publishing industry, so I really want to hear about the personal experiences of professionals in this industry, especially because I'm not sure which specific department I want to work in (e.g. editorial, marketing, production, sales, publicity, etc). If you don't mind, in your response, could you also answer how your department works with the other departments (e.g. as a publicist, how often do you interact with editors, and what do those interactions look like?) and describe what kind of traits are most important for an individual to succeed in your specific department? For example, I'm not confident in my math skills, so I don't think I could ever work in sales. I enjoy editing and have had extensive experience with it throughout my school years, but I've also worked a number of administrative/clerical jobs and enjoyed interacting with people a lot, so I have reason to believe I could thrive in other departments other than editorial as well. Thank you in advance for your time and input! #publishing #publishing-industry #publishing-company #editorial #marketing #production #sales #publicity #business #career #editor #editors #book-editors #book-editor #copy-editor #copy-editors #agents #agent #literary-agent #literary-agents #scouts #scout #literary-scout #literary-scouts #publicist #publicists #production-editors #production-editor #marketer #marketers #copy-writer #copy-writers #career-advice #advice #job #work #career-counseling #help #career-planning #career-path #student #student-advice #career-help #job-experience #work-experience

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Catherine897 views

Can I succeed in business? How can I pick a career that properly suits my interests?

Hello, I'm currently a second-year college student, and I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with my future. I'm currently majoring in English, but I've been debating whether to add business as a second major due to my interest in what I perceive as business-related fields. The only problem is that I'm not confident in my math skills, so I'm wondering how "good" your math skills need to be in order to earn a business degree? I really enjoyed statistics in high school, and I have both statistics and macroeconomics credit already transferred over from high school, but I saw that I would still need to take another math class (precalculus at the lowest level) and microeconomics in order to major in business, and I'm worried that I won't do well in these classes since it's been over a year since the last time I took a formal math class. Anyway, the reason I'm considering adding business as a major is because I have been working a lot of administrative assistant and/or office jobs, and I've found that I actually seem to enjoy doing customer service-oriented office jobs. I especially liked a recent job I had where I got to advise incoming college students on how to adjust to college life and other tips like that. What kind of career could you have where you specifically use your "expertise" or higher knowledge to enlighten/advise less-knowledgeable individuals? Is being a "career coach" one of the only options? I find it really difficult to imagine myself working as a career coach when I don't even know what I want to do with my own career... #business #english #job #career #publishing #work #career-counseling #career-advice #advice #education #major #college-major #choosing-a-major #help #career-planning #career-path #student #student-advice #business-field #english-major #english-degree #business-degree #business-major #career-help #job-experience #work-experience #career-coach

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Catherine2233 views

Can an English major work in business-related jobs?

As my question says, I'm wondering how successful an English major would be at working in business-related jobs. For example, I'm really interested in the publishing industry. Can you find success working in the publishing industry with only an English degree, or would you recommend double-majoring in business & English (or at least majoring in English with a business minor)? Would you also say that it depends on the specific department that you're interested in working in (e.g. editorial, production, sales, publicity, marketing, etc), or is it better to have an English and business degree either way? I'm interested in hearing from employers and employees with personal experience regarding this type of scenario. Thank you in advance! #business #english #job #career #publishing #work #career-counseling #career-advice #advice #education #major #college-major #choosing-a-major #help #career-planning #career-path #student #student-advice #business-field #english-major #english-degree #business-degree #business-major #career-help #job-experience #work-experience

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