Career questions tagged traveling

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Ava466 views

What extracurriculars/community college classes should I take to prepare for 2 different gap years and a Psychology PhD?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting in August 2024. I intend to take a gap year to experience new cultures/widen my horizons then get my Psychology undergrad, take a gap year to self-reflect and gain research experience, and then return to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What extracurriculars or college classes (community college classes during my next 2 years of high school as well as possibly online during my 1st gap year) would you recommend I participate in? (Some context: I have chosen to do my first gap year in Thailand or Indonesia and my second somewhere in Europe or Asia - the second one is undecided).

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Ava313 views

Would it be weird if I took two gap years?

I have been asking many questions lately about whether I should take my gap year after High School like many people do or after getting my bachelor's before my PhD in Psychology to be a Psychology professor. With all of the different advice I'm getting I have been wondering if I should just do both. Thoughts?

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undefined's avatar
Ava219 views

Where should I take my gap year?

Hello there! I am a high school junior starting in August 2024 and I intend on taking a gap year while taking some online gen-ed classes but I don't know where to go. Some things to know: - I don't like insects, so just as few as possible but I'm flexible - AC please <3 - I LOVE the ocean, swimming, lakes, waterfalls, swimming. Really any water (: - I grew up in stereotypical California so similar weather conditions would be awesome, just not the desert or Antarctica LOL

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undefined's avatar
Ava361 views

When should I take my gap year?

Hello there! I am a high school junior in August 2024 and want to take a gap year, but I intend to get a Psychology PhD. So should I take my gap year right out of high school or between my undergrad and PhD program? I just don't want it to be harder to get into a college because I didn't apply out of high school where I have a lot of support versus on my own after a gap year.

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Ava514 views

What high school and community college classes or extracurriculars should I do to prepare for a Psychology PhD and gap year?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting August 2024 and I intend on getting my Psychology undergrad, taking a gap year to travel, then returning to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What classes or extracurriculars would you recommend in high school to prepare me? I am a little lost on what classes will be helpful in the long run.

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Lydia887 views

How can I become a Registered Travel nurse ?

How can I become a Registered Travel nurse? What colleges are good for this field and what can I do in high school to help lay the foundation for this career? Thank you!

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Nelson658 views

how to reason well?

best reasonings

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CareerVillage Office Hours363 views

How to become a Disney Travel Agent?

Tell us everything we need to do to become a Disney Travel Agent. Note: Given the growing interest in the travel agent field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Chyanna285 views

How does working as a travel work?

are you able to do international travel or just in the country as a travel nurse?

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Talia301 views

How much flying experience would you have to have to fly internationally?

I would one day like to fly international so that I could travel more with working

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Noel554 views

When trying to be a traveling ultrasound tech is there different steps in school I have to take than being a non traveling one?

With the schooling am I going to have to go through classes that prepare you for that or do you just go straight to it?

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Orion1031 views

how do you get started as a band photographer?

I want to be a photographer for concerts, but I have no idea on how to get started, what would you say are the best tips for getting started in doing something like that. :)

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Sydney655 views

What job opportunities are present if I study environmental science? Anything that involves travel?

I am interested in environmental science but don’t know how to get started or what lies ahead, after potentially studying it in college.

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Khemani667 views

How do I make money at a young age?

How, do I make a million dollars? At a young age to financially provide myself for when I’m older.

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Elizabeth398 views

How do I study abroad or go to boarding school without funds?

I would like to do my studies away from home for a while. I don't know how to get scholarships or grants. I have always loved to explore since I didn't get to leave the house much when I was younger. I might qualify for financial aid but that still may make it a bit hard. I would like to have primary coverage or full cover. I want to explore architectural design as well as forensic scenes, criminology, criminal profiling, Cooking, and linguistics. I like freedom but that doesn't mean that I won't listen to rules. I have a GPA of 3.5 and going into my sophomore year of high school.

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Hailey444 views

What is the best abroad study programs?

I want to live in another country a I want to find cheap study abroad programs

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Preston574 views

What is the best way to travel while working and making money?

Does anyone have any job ideas or opportunities where you can travel the world and also earn money? I really want to be able to travel and meet new people while I am working my job.

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Abigail322 views

How much traveling in different carerra?

What careers involve lots of traveling?

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Radu433 views

Careers requiring German knowledge?

What are some careers that make extensive use of the German language? I'm currently doing an internship in Berlin but coming back to the States in September.

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chris283 views

how much time does an average truck driver get off all together ?

I'm curious about this career

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chris316 views

what are the pros and cons of truck driving?

do the pros outweigh the cons?

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Erline295 views

How long does it take to become a travel nurse ?

What are the steps of becoming a travel nurse and how long does it take to become a travel nurse . What are the pros and cons of being a travel nurse what do you need to have an associate or bachelor degree to be a travel nurse? What is the best medical school in Florida for student that are interesting in nursing how many years does it take to become a travel nurse ? Do travel nurses have to pay for their own housing on every assignment they get ? What nursing field is the harder to work in

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Chyanna419 views

If you want to be a Travel Nurse, is it worth it?

I've heard from other people that it can be kinda dangerous, but the pay is good. I was wondering if becoming a travel nurse is a wise choice.

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Amir1293 views

How did you start your career in consulting and what are some things that made you stand out in the application pool?

I just started researching about the consulting industry and I am going to graduate with a BA in psychology this fall. I am interested in entering the consulting scene and want to know ways that I can be more appealing to employers.

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Alexa408 views

Where should I start when searching for universities abroad?

Where should I start when searching for universities abroad? #Fall22

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Ani493 views

How do I make money while traveling?

I would love to travel the world, visiting as many different places as I can, but I have no idea how to make money while doing so

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Alexzander607 views

How does one start as a traveling welder ?

Would be glad to receive any tips.

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Kayana715 views

What are some of the best countries to study abroad?


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David2430 views

Software Engineers; How much do you travel for your job?

I am researching this career for one of my classes, and I was wondering if you travel for it.

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naala625 views

What are some good positions in culinary that allow you to travel?

I would like to find an occupation that allows to comfortably travel and do my job, preferably at the same time.

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