Career questions tagged ocean

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Ava219 views

Where should I take my gap year?

Hello there! I am a high school junior starting in August 2024 and I intend on taking a gap year while taking some online gen-ed classes but I don't know where to go. Some things to know: - I don't like insects, so just as few as possible but I'm flexible - AC please <3 - I LOVE the ocean, swimming, lakes, waterfalls, swimming. Really any water (: - I grew up in stereotypical California so similar weather conditions would be awesome, just not the desert or Antarctica LOL

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irene4212 views

How hard is marine biology ?

What types of jobs can I get from majoring in marine biology. What colleges should I go to in South Carolina

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Hope592 views

I'm in the 12th grade and I'm beginning to explore my future career.

I'm interested in volleyball, ocean life, environment life, and criminal justice. #life #career #jobs #ocean #sports

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Maria Paula720 views

Which are the best jobs for Oceanographic Engineer?

#engineer #ocean #oceanography #coastal #modeling

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Kenneth474 views

Is commercial diver a good field to go into?

Its on my xello and i dont know if i should #ocean

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Dev1842 views

What type of classes do I need to take in high school to become a marine biologist

#Marine Biology #MarineBiologists #Ocean Life #marine-biology

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Sklar823 views

Marine Transportation

Is it a dying industry or what I have heard many conflicting opinions. #work #ocean #marine-transportation #transportation

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Sklar744 views

What is life like as an Ocean Engineer

What is the every day life of an Ocean Engineer, how often do you travel and what are the different opportunities given? #work #ocean #engineer #engineering #ocean-engineer

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Owen709 views

What Are Some Jobs In The Field of Marine Biology?

Marine Biology has always fascinated and captivated me. What are some jobs that are applicable to my interests? I would love to do field work most of all, but I know it is a competitive field. If there are any Marine Biologists out there I would love to hear what you have to say! #marinebio #oceanography #career #ocean #field #degree

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yasmine763 views

What are the things that you enjoy about being a geological oceanographer?

What are the little things of studying the structure and history of the ocean floor that fascinate and interest you? #ocean #geological #geological #oceanography #biology

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Gabby942 views

What are some jobs that relate to Marine life?

Interested in animals, but confused on well paying jobs in this topic. #marine #ocean #history #biology #marine-biology

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Danielle1332 views

How many hours does it take to become a professional surfer?

I like playing in the water #sports #ocean

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Kassidie1291 views

what do the different types of oceanographers do?

i plan on becoming a naval oceanographer but i have yet to figure what kind, just want some insight into what would be best for me. thanks! #oceanography #united-states-navy #ocean #biological-oceanography #chemical-oceanography #geographical-oceanography

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