2 answers
What are the things that you enjoy about being a geological oceanographer?
What are the little things of studying the structure and history of the ocean floor that fascinate and interest you?
#ocean #geological #geological #oceanography #biology
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2 answers
Suthagar’s Answer
Oceanography is a one of major studies when compare to all because many of the things till now unexplored.
Shelly’s Answer
Hi Yasmine,
Although not exact but similar in some ways, my colleagues and I have studied diatoms (a type of microscopic algae) in freshwater lakes
in geologically unique systems. We have taken sediment cores of diatoms from the bottom of lakes and looked at how the diatom communities have changed over time. Diatoms are used to tell us about the past history of the environment and how human impacts have altered the water quality from past to modern day. One thing I enjoy about it is the fieldwork, going out and collecting samples in unique areas that are understudied, doing research in the lab, and gaining more insights into the system you are studying. The diatoms tell us a story about how humans are negatively impacting the environment and what we can possibly do for lake management to improve the water quality. I hope this gives you some insight, and diatoms are also studied in marine systems.
Although not exact but similar in some ways, my colleagues and I have studied diatoms (a type of microscopic algae) in freshwater lakes
in geologically unique systems. We have taken sediment cores of diatoms from the bottom of lakes and looked at how the diatom communities have changed over time. Diatoms are used to tell us about the past history of the environment and how human impacts have altered the water quality from past to modern day. One thing I enjoy about it is the fieldwork, going out and collecting samples in unique areas that are understudied, doing research in the lab, and gaining more insights into the system you are studying. The diatoms tell us a story about how humans are negatively impacting the environment and what we can possibly do for lake management to improve the water quality. I hope this gives you some insight, and diatoms are also studied in marine systems.