Career questions tagged marine

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Azriel350 views

What is marine biology like??

I wanna know what marine biology is like because I want know what to expect and what I need to know about this career!!

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Ezekial260 views

how do i become marine biotest

how long does it take to get your bachelors.

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Megan715 views

What do Marine Biologists actually do?

I am thinking of going into Marin Biology but I don't really know that much about that career.

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Kayton410 views

What is the yearly starting pay for maritime?

idk what to do

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Elias309 views

What happens after junior boot camp ?

I am 13 years old I have been in the junior marine boot camp program since 6th grade and I have finally finished boot camp so what do I do after I have done the basic mental and physical tests and after words I have not gotten a text from sargeant elenor

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Ariana304 views

What are the ups and downs of becoming a Marine (or naval) officer at the US naval academy?

My mom was a naval officer through an NROTC program, but I’d prefer to do work in the field and remain physically active.

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Briella310 views

How much work does being a marine biologist take?

How much work does being a marine biologist take? What does it pay? How do I start learning about marine animals at an early age? What information doe I need to learn?

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nevaeh667 views

What do you most like and dislike about being a Marine Biologist?

hi, I am a san jose job corps student. and I am interested in becoming a Marine Biologist

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nevaeh341 views

Why did you decide to become a marine biologist?

hi, I am a san jose job corps student. and I am interested in becoming a Marine Biologist

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Shane343 views

I want to become a marine biologist but i do NOT want to be sitting in a chair all day. I would like to be in the water for the most of the time. I was wondering if their is a certain job in marine biology that will let me be in the water for the most of the time?

If this is possible can you tell me what it is called?

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Molly310 views

Is going into marine biology worth it?

I’ve been wanting to do this for years, last year I even took a marine science and oceanography class at my high school and absolutely loved it, I’ve heard that the pay isn’t great and it’s not worth all the time.

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Reyna565 views

Hello! My name is Reyna and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the marine biology field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment. ?

1.What profession did you choose? Why? 2.How many years of college did you need to go through? 3.What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4.How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5.Were you in a college program? 6.Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date?

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tykwan3631 views

What are the pros and cons of being in the Navy for a vast period of time?

Tykwan, 19

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Liah524 views

How do i become a marine?

plis help a broski out

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irene4214 views

How hard is marine biology ?

What types of jobs can I get from majoring in marine biology. What colleges should I go to in South Carolina

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Michael609 views

What is the most diificult part of being a in Marine Biology?

What is in the daily life of one.

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Emilio464 views

What is the process of becoming a U.S Marine Corps Riflemen?

What is boot camp training like and life after boot camp as a marine

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Santino726 views

Do you enjoy going to work every day as a Marine Biologist?

Do you enjoy going to work every day as a Marine Biologist?

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Sandi637 views

Marine Biology Informational Interview

Hi my name is Sandi and I have another Informational Interview for Marine Biology, If anyone could take the time to answer a couple of questions. 1.)How does being a Marine Biologist affect you daily life? 2.)What's it like working with animals? 3.)What's your favorite part about being a Marine Biologist?

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Maxwell445 views

what do i need to know going into the maritime industry?

what is it like to work in the maritime industry? what are the daily duties ? what is the pay like? are there any promotions? what is the most important thing to know in the maritime industry?

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Braden1290 views

What courses should I take to become an Aquatic Biologist?

I've always loved the outdoors and freshwater life, what paths should I take to implement this into my career in the future.

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Sian476 views

Who should I look forward to talking to the most while trying to become a marine engineer?

I just want to know what other positions I will be working with.

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Khristian670 views

What steps should I take if I am thinking about going into a career in marine biology? Are there classes that I need to take to become a marine biologist?

#marine-biology #marine #biology

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Alay'la624 views

What is the day to day life like of aquatic veterinarain? What do you do? What types of task are you given ? Is it similar to being regular veterinarain, what's different? what's similar?

I am Alay'la Brimage, I go to Cane Bay Highschool. I'm interested in becoming a marine/aquatic veterinarian. I just want to get more information about what it is like, how do you get there, is it fun etc. I like to sing, I love animals, and I really would enjoy helping them. #veterinary #biology #animals #aquatics #marine-biology #marine #oceanology

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Autumn1112 views

Can it be dangerous to be a marine biologists

#marine #marine-biology #biology I really like learning about marine science

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Autumn550 views

how long do I have to be in college?

#marine #biology #marine-biology #biotechnology

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Anna564 views

How long do I have to be in school to become a marine biologist

Marine organisms are interesting and i'd like to pursue a career in studying them. #marine #fish

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Ellis730 views

What steps should I take to become a marine

Ever since I've been little I have always wanted to be a cop but after one time I had a class were people in military came and talked about what they do and about there self what steps could I take to be a marine. #military #marine

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Lilia882 views

What is needed to be a marine biologist or what classes are recommended?

Ever since I was a little girl I had the biggest passion for sea animals and marine life. This is a career I am interested in because I am very devoted to learning about this type of topic. #career #marine #marinebiology

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Audrey1565 views

how long does it take to get a phd in marine biology

#biology #marine-biology #marine

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