Career questions tagged militaryservice

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Nicholas2858 views

Is there a way to get a specific job in the united states air force My recruiter told me i have to pick 10 jobas and whichever is available first is the one that i get. Is this true??

Im 19 with a 93 asvab score. im looking to become and EOD, and crypto or airborne linguist.

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Ezekiel1911 views

What do I need to do in order to join special forces?

What do I need to do in order to join the United States special forces, what education system do I need what do I need to prepare for and what should I avoid or look out for.

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Ariana333 views

What are the ups and downs of becoming a Marine (or naval) officer at the US naval academy?

My mom was a naval officer through an NROTC program, but I’d prefer to do work in the field and remain physically active.

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Moana802 views

How hard/stressful is college during military service?

How difficult might it be to attend college during the first term of active duty military service? I am a high school senior and wish to have an MOS in and study in the medical field.

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Araeliah681 views

I'm in the 11th grade and I have many dreams and careers I want too pursue, what are some helpful next steps I should consider based on my interests and desires?

I am in the 11th grade and I participate in athletics all year around. I play soccer, basketball, and I run track. I do want too pursue a career in athletics in any of the sports I play , or hopes of getting a scholarship in any soccer, basketball, or track, or go too college and become a licensed physical therapist for the sports I play now. I also like too draw/paint its one thing I grew up doing, its something I enjoy doing and it would be a accomplishment if I could go too a Art School. I do have a dream of going into the Service, well preferably the USMC or maybe even the Army. I've gone through a troubled childhood and I've always had a desire of helping other kids that have been through the same things I saw. Really I want too also be a psychologist or a therapist. What are some next steps I can do too work towards these goals and possible careers ? #militaryservice #psychology #sports #medical #athletics #art #soccer #college #career

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