Career questions tagged army

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connor416 views

is it possible to make the army a permeant job instead of something ill do for like 20 years i dont really fit well in civilian life so i want to know if i can make the millitary a career instead of just another job ill do in my life?

i dont really like working as a civilian it was boring n mind numbing slow for me n the pay was garbage n i was always treated like the outcast cuz i was the "new guy"

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connor848 views

do u get to choose where u get deployed?

I'm asking cuz if I can choose, I already know where I want to go but if not then I'll just go where I'm needed

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connor740 views

can u choose where u get deployed or do they deploy u where they need people at most ?

I'm wondering this cuz if I can choose, I know where I want to go to but if not then I'll just go where I'm needed most at that time

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undefined's avatar
connor572 views

is there anything i should know before i go into basic ?

i want to be prepared for anything and have as much information as possible before i go in so i know what to expect and to prepare

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connor537 views

what would i have to do to prepare for basic training when i get enlisted?

i want to know what im going to do so i can be better prepared for that

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connor479 views

what are the benefits of joining the army besides the basic ones ?

i want to know the benefits of joining the army I don't really care about the money or the discounts in the civilian world my family can use those I just want to join to travel and experience the world.

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connor315 views

is there anything u wish u was told before joining that the army that should have been told?

like anything u wish u would have known before joining like anything that stood out to u that should have been said before I joined, I want to be prepared for anything I encounter there

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gabriel1152 views

how can i join the millitary after collge?

military tips

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connor347 views

im trying to find out how to do the ASVAB i have an uncle who was in the army himself as a commander and he mainly inspired me to join any pointers for that and is there anything i should know before doing it

I want to join the army and I want to know what I have to do to do the ASVAB and if there's anything else I should know

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connor636 views

how is it to be in the army out of the states?

I'm interested in the army and I'm 20 and I'm quite interested in traveling

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John618 views

How do I prepare for ASVAB TESTING ?

I'm heading into the airforce and I'd like to be prepared.

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Danny325 views

How much work do I need to do to be in the airforce?

I'm wondering if you need to go through a fitness test or something like that to get approved.

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Summer835 views

What college classes should I take?

What classes should I take to join the military(Army) as a combat medic in college?

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Chase839 views

Do you have to go to West point to get a military degree ?

I want to know

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Daisy660 views

What do I need to be able to join the military?

I'm a junior in high school and I want to join the army but I'm not sure what's required of me or I want to study criminology but want to know more about this.

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Chase336 views

where would you go to be in Delta Force?

where would I go to be in Delta force because I just want to know

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Ezekiel1511 views

What do I need to do in order to join special forces?

What do I need to do in order to join the United States special forces, what education system do I need what do I need to prepare for and what should I avoid or look out for.

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Jayla454 views

What is being an Army Medic like?

What traumas do you experience, what is it like once you retire? Moments that you will cherish and which will be the ones you grieve?

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Marco1941 views

When do you know what MOS you have?

Do you know when enlisting at MEPS, completing basic training, at the start of basic training, can it change from what you have been told?

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Marco2545 views

Are you able to get a tattoo after enlisting in the military?

Would you get in trouble for getting a tattoo after signing a contract, and are you able to get any tattoos while still serving in the military? Even if they are in they are in the safe area guidelines.

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Marco3545 views

Should I start working on getting a car before joining the military?

How useful is having a car while serving active duty in the military?

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Timothy1041 views

Where do I go to enlist for the army?

I live in Central IIllinois, I am 13 years old, and I haven't graduated high school yet. Also I know that I am not old enough to enlist for the army. I am just asking for the future.

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Marco396 views

What are some unexpected things in the military you had to deal with?

Like situations you were not trained to deal with or social interactions you were totally unprepared to have.

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Alexus317 views

Is it possible to enlist in the military even with Juvenile Arthritis?

Enlisting during high school

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Carter323 views

How do i join the army for a good amount of time while finishing college?

I want to do history as major but I also want to join the army.

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Ansley336 views

Why I pick military

Why I want to be in the military is because a lot of was family was is the military and where hero's and I want to lead up to do the same.

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Autumn606 views

How do you work your way up in the professsional world?

How do you get recognized for work

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CareerVillage Office Hours431 views

Is there a way to practice for the ASVAB (Military entrance test)?

Note: this is part of our professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

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Nghia613 views

How can I join the military?

What is required for me to join the military? I want to just be a soldier to go out on the field and fight. I know there will be harsh training and death but I am up for the challenge.

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tykwan344 views

How would you describe the training and day to day life of being in the navy?

Tykwan, 19

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