Career questions tagged soccer

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johnny360 views

what involves sport science?

how does sport science relate with health

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Ivan287 views

Why did you not become a professional Soccer player?

I played soccer up until mls next but i injured my ankle and that caused to stop playing

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James401 views

what did you want to become future?

i want to become a professional footballer like Robert Lewandowski.He is from Poland and he play for Barcelona in Spain

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Mathias432 views

I’m really passionate for sports but haven’t fully committed to a single sport yet, and I just finished my sophomore year of high school, should I try committing to a single one for a college scholarship?

My entire childhood was soccer. When the pandemic hit, I stopped playing and got very rusty, then late pandemic I tried out for a travel team and was a disaster. I played on, knowing that improvement comes with practice. In eighth grade I played basketball. Last year in freshman year I played american football and volleyball (a long break from soccer). This year, I went back to soccer and played not too bad although I was injured for half the season, then I wrestled during the winter (which I loved and was good at), then I played volleyball again (which I have potential in). Since I grew up with soccer and have a lot of it in my argentine culture, I truly have a passion for the sport although my skills in wrestling and volleyball have huge potential. Right now I’m practicing non-stop to get ready for the soccer season in junior year and am thinking in pursuing in that, but I’m not sure if I’m wasting potential in wrestling or volleyball. Should I pursue in one sport and play club instead of two other sports and try getting a scholarship or have my fun in all three?

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Vincent299 views

What do i need to do to become a professional soccer player?

Playing soccer is my favorite thing to do in the whole world. I love playing with my friends at home and at school. When I grow up I want to be a pro soccer player so i can have fun with my friends all the time. #sports #soccer

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sophia547 views

How can I begin playing soccer and enhance my abilities?

Hi, I am a 15-year-old who recently started ballet classes around February. I am interested in picking up another sport, specifically soccer. Although I have never played soccer on a team or taken any classes, there are no options available for kids my age in my area. I have even considered pursuing soccer professionally and am willing to put in 100% effort and dedication, but I am unsure if this is attainable. My plan involves playing soccer and potentially taking lessons to improve my skills. By my sophomore year, I aim to make the junior varsity team, and in my junior year, I hope to advance to the varsity level and potentially join a girls academy team.

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Chris318 views

I love sport..and I would like to get a do I go about it? And what steps should I take to achieve this?

I love playing soccer ⚽

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Isaac429 views

What are the important things that should be in other to be a good football analyst?

I am a grade eleven student and I love sports a lot especially soccer. I need to know the things I can do to make me a good football analyst

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ferran484 views

how to be an active listener?

listen carefuly

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arley397 views

How does staying focus help you be a professional soccer player?

I am 14 and play soccer

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arley359 views

How does having mentality help you be a professional soccer player?

I like to play soccer and I am 14

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arley364 views

How can I focus more on what I need to do, and control everything for my path so I can become a professional soccer player?

I am 14 and I play soccer

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Asher466 views

What is a good split for the gym as a soccer player?

I am a soccer player in my sophomore year and started going to the gym around 2-3 months ago and have seen significant progress in both my physique and my overall strength. I have been doing a 3 day split of legs, arm, and chest and back. I was wondering if I should make any changes to the split I am doing currently

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Faheem336 views

what will help me ?

how do I achieve this what can I do

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Raegan989 views

what made you decide to become a professional soccer player and why would you want to become a professional soccer?

what do you do for your job?

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Roberto317 views

Soccer caarer

How much money will a make in a soccer game?.when was soccer invented?.why do they invent soccer?.what are the rules to play a champions league game in France?.

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cesar329 views

were do i go if i want to become a soccer plater ?

i want to become a soccer player

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stephanie3465 views

What is you favorite thing to do in your free time?

What is you favorite thing to do in your free time?

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christa299 views

how can i easily get scouted by professional soccer teams while doing college soccer? and what colleges are best for soccer athletes??

will college soccer help me become professional?

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Douglas336 views

What college in California or near San Francisco offers the sport of soccer and the chances of making the team?

I like to play soccer and I want to keep practicing while I plan to study.

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Yonathan323 views

How long does it take to be a professional athlete ?

Im currently a senior in high school

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Luis440 views

how to get scouted for soccer

Freshman in highschool what should i do to better my chances of being scouted for college soccer

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Douglas305 views

how to make a training plan for soccer players?

Training plan for soccer players

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Ivan531 views

At what age is the best time to start working?

I am a 7th grader that want to work in construction, be a pro soccer player or wrestler or be a baker.

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Damian547 views

how can i become a profesional soccer player?

how do i get to be a really good soccer player. i am in 7th grade and i am 13 ?

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abrham348 views

How did you become a professional soccer player?

I am an aspiring soccer/football player

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abrham313 views

For professional soccer players: What was your favorite soccer moment?

I'm an aspiring soccer/football player

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Alexis498 views

How is Messi good at Soccer?

How is Messi so good at soccer? Everyone wonders how is he so good I would also like to know.

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Taylor314 views

professional soccer player?

what are the steps for getting into professional soccer

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Angelo450 views

How do you get into a professional soccer team?

How and when can I get into a professional soccer team and when would be the perfect time?

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