Career questions tagged spring24

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Meghana352 views

What are some helpful minors for Biotechnology majors?

I am interested in the biotech field and hoping to pursue bioinformatics track.

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William125 views

How would you suggest for a incoming sophmore college student to get a paid research position?

I have some experience in high school and light experience in PCR

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abrianna358 views

what are some ways to make sure you pick something that you are passionate about and is their a wrong time to start over #spring23 #spring24

i'm going into 12th grade and I'm asking more how do you know you picked the right thing to study or is their a time to late to swich out of something and start new because i don't wanna go into something thinking it's my life goal and doing it, then hating or wanting to do something else

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Hannah203 views

How many people switch majors in college ?

Is it common to be incorrect about what major you think you will stick with? Also, when people do switch majors, is it usually to a similar field? Wondering for the future!

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Julia304 views

What kinds of career paths are available after getting a degree in biomedical engineering? Are there opportunities for non-research based jobs?

I’m a junior in high school interested in going into biomedical engineering. I love chemistry, math, and biology, and I’m more interested in the practical, hands-on side of science (experiments, things that make a difference in people’s lives).

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Kate239 views

How do I pursue internships while attending college?

I am planning on being a STEM major in college and want to ensure that I get real-life experience in my field while still attending college. How do I achieve this?

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Chesni417 views

How should I go about writing an academic appeal?

My college GPA is unsatisfactory, and I'd like to get a second chance to earn my merit scholarship back.

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Connor272 views

How hard was it to find a job in printmaking once you graduated college??

I am majoring in printmaking which is a rare major.

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Tasnin422 views

What classes should I take in high school if I want to become a lawyer, dental hygienist, or ultrasound technician?

I am going to be an 11th grader this upcoming school year and I was wondering what classes I should take if I wanted to become a lawyer, dental hygienist, or ultrasound technician. I am unsure which profession I would like to go into but these are definitely my top choices. I wanted to know which classes I could take in high school to enhance my learning in these lines of work. This upcoming school year my electives will be AP psychology and business law & management. I'll have 4 elective classes for my senior year and I can change my upcoming ones if needed. Lastly, I wanted to say thank you for taking time out of your day to read this and to help me out, it is much appreciated.

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Brooklyn476 views

I am a rising sophomore in college that wants a profession in healthcare. What are some good entry-level job opportunities for science majors who would like to start their own journey in the nursing industry?

I am a sophomore in college. I have a great love for science such as, human anatomy and physiology, psychology, and other medical sciences. For a start, I would like to become a medical scribe to gain experience in the healthcare field.

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Dmya281 views

What personal qualities and skills are most important for an anesthesiologist to have?

I am a rising junior

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Gabriela333 views

What major would be best to reach a bachelors degree when going towards physical therapy ?

Hello my name is Gabby, I'm an incoming high school senior at Rancho San Juan High School. You might not be aware of our school since it just opened a couple years ago but we are located in Salinas California. My goals after high school is to attend a 4 year University and hopefully work towards something related towards the physical therapy field. I believe one of the main reasons my interested sparked for PT was my participation in sports. I'm a student athlete at Rancho, some of sports I'm a part of are our Varsity Wrestling Team, Varsity Distance Track & Field Team and I'm Varsity Cross Country Team Captain. Being part of the sport all year round caused me to also suffer many injuries throughout my seasons. Many required me to attend physical therapy and just seeing that someone helped me make a difference in my health strikes my passion to succoring others . I'm really interested in Sacramento State's PT program but I'm required to earn a bachelor's degree prior to my enrollment. What major would be best to reach a bachelors degree when going towards physical therapy ? Please let me know what would be best. Thank you.

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Deshanae586 views

How to would one deal with a conscience when advocating for an individual who have clear signs for guilt Does that warrant dropping the case? Or is one’s conscience worth the risk??

How to would one deal with a conscience when advocating for an individual who has clear signs for guilt? Does that warrant dropping the case? Or is one’s conscience worth the risk?

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Angel416 views

Which degree and majors should I strive for when having neonatal nursing in mind?

I am currently a 16 year old sophomore student with a 3.4 gpa, will that help me into a college with a good nursing program or hold me back a bit?

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Toni1194 views

How do you know which major is right when you love to be creative yet like leadership and working with others?

I'm a senior in high school about to graduate and attend Virginia Tech University in the fall but I'm thinking on potentially switching my major from graphic design to something else. I like being creative and problem-solving but I also like working with people, leadership, and strategy.

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Eshita757 views

What are some scholarships available that I can apply to as a upcoming junior in highschool?

I am going to be a junior this upcoming school year and I know some of the colleges I am considering will not give me a lot of financial aid. I want to find a few scholarships I can apply to and start saving up the money so I can use it for college. Any suggestions?

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Kamiya365 views

How can I prepare myself for my future in medicine and in college?

As an African American woman aspiring to be a cardiothoracic surgeon, what are some struggles I should prepare myself for before going off to college and in the work field?

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Marissa752 views

Does anyone know about specific business internships that a high schooler could do?

If someone knows specific internships or who I could connect with, I would appreciate any links or thoughts. I'm thinking about doing a paid internship while working in a business field as I would like to major in something along those lines.

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Sabrina378 views

What should I do to get into a prestigious college?

Specific extracurriculars? Volunteering? Dedication? Good GPA?

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Olivia308 views

Any tips or advice on whether its worth it to become a zoo vet vs zookeeper? Thank you all! #Spring24

I am currently a zoo science major and debating on whether I want to go to vet school after I graduate!

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Aishwarya520 views

Which major has a better outlook for the future (computer science engineering or biomedical engineering) and what other courses or skills should I take or develop before and during college? #Spring24

I'm asking as a student who has just completed junior year(4.52 gpa and top 13%, 1560 SAT) A secondary question would be whether I would be able to get into a biomedical degree as I have a background in comp sci with (AP computer classes..) but a weaker background in biology/health-related courses(I took AP Psychology and health-related classes but I haven't done any medical internships or extra programs). #Spring24

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Christine290 views

What minors should I consider with a Computer Science Major?

I am majoring in Computer Science. I just finished my 1st year a few weeks ago and I will be assigned a major adviser soon. I was considering getting a minor in Chinese, but I wonder how much that will benefit me. Are there other minors I should considering taking instead of a language that will help me?

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Emma527 views

Choosing the right major :(

I'm currently having a crisis about choosing a college major. I'm a 30-year-old female who moved to the United States 7 years ago, and English is my second language. I work full-time at a large hospital as a transporter, and prior to that, I worked as a patient care technician with a CNA certification. My gpa is 3.9. I'm afraid I will choose the wrong major and also really tired about thinking about it. I'm torn between three majors: respiratory care, nursing, and radiologic technology. While working as a patient care tech, I realized that nursing is a very stressful job, and I kind of gave up on pursuing it. However, I know that it comes with decent salary that's why I still think about it, but it is at the end of my list. I just applied to a Respiratory Care (BAS) program and got accepted. I like the idea of Respiratory Care because it offers more specialization than nursing, but I am not sure %100. Radiologic Technology is also great option, but the rumors of AI potentially replacing the jobs in the field makes me think twice. Also, I sometimes feel very self-conscious about my accent. Since Radiologic Technology requires less direct patient interaction, it seems like a good option. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

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Chetsada543 views

How do I make effective and engaging scripts?

Hello! I am a 2nd year Biomedical Engineering student, however, I am looking to start content creating and script-writing on the side. Any tips? Thanks #Spring24

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sophia546 views

How can I begin playing soccer and enhance my abilities?

Hi, I am a 15-year-old who recently started ballet classes around February. I am interested in picking up another sport, specifically soccer. Although I have never played soccer on a team or taken any classes, there are no options available for kids my age in my area. I have even considered pursuing soccer professionally and am willing to put in 100% effort and dedication, but I am unsure if this is attainable. My plan involves playing soccer and potentially taking lessons to improve my skills. By my sophomore year, I aim to make the junior varsity team, and in my junior year, I hope to advance to the varsity level and potentially join a girls academy team.

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Alisa489 views

How can I find a proper school/life balance and improve the areas where I am lacking?

I am currently a 2nd-year student at CUNY Baruch College studying Marketing. I am still unsure if I picked the right major but some aspects interest me. I desire to improve my communication skills and time management because I have been struggling and I want a clearer sense of direction.

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Mark562 views

How to prepare well for accounts examination?

I am at the University level.

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Jazzy305 views

What are some key tips to achieving a 4.0 GPA in engineering undergrad ?

Going into engineering this fall, and wanted to know what are some tips for doing well in the program? I have about seven classes first semester so I am a bit worried. #Spring24

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Mariah102 views

What kind of support and resources are available for high school students who want to become nursing students to help them succeed academically and in their clinical placements Can you tell me about the clinical rotation opportunities in your nursing program and what types of healthcare settings students get to experience? What are the admission requirements for the nursing program, and are there any specific high school courses or experiences you recommend to prepare for nursing school? ?

I am currently in highschool worried about my future

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Mary Hope380 views

What is the most effective way to gain experience and hours related to working with animals?

I am currently a highschool junior who wants to go into the medical field for a profession, specifically veterinary science. Right now i work at a dog daycare, boarding, and grooming place. My experience with animals here includes distrubituing, food and water, cleaning dog supplies, bathing dogs, giving medications as instructed by owners, and watching over up to over 20 dogs at a time. Apart from that, i also regularly pet sit for close friends and family. I have also taken three health science classes and am certified in human CPR and first aid.

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