Career questions tagged work-experience

What is the most effective way to gain experience and hours related to working with animals?
I am currently a highschool junior who wants to go into the medical field for a profession, specifically veterinary science. Right now i work at a dog daycare, boarding, and grooming place. My experience with animals here includes distrubituing, food and water, cleaning dog supplies, bathing dogs, giving medications as instructed by owners, and watching over up to over 20 dogs at a time. Apart from that, i also regularly pet sit for close friends and family. I have also taken three health science classes and am certified in human CPR and first aid.

As a freshman in high school, how can I gain working experience for psychology?
I take core classes in school, and outside of school I work alongside a non-profit organization to help cure depression

What is your personal experience like working in the publishing industry?
Hi, I'm interested in working in the publishing industry, so I really want to hear about the personal experiences of professionals in this industry, especially because I'm not sure which specific department I want to work in (e.g. editorial, marketing, production, sales, publicity, etc). If you don't mind, in your response, could you also answer how your department works with the other departments (e.g. as a publicist, how often do you interact with editors, and what do those interactions look like?) and describe what kind of traits are most important for an individual to succeed in your specific department? For example, I'm not confident in my math skills, so I don't think I could ever work in sales. I enjoy editing and have had extensive experience with it throughout my school years, but I've also worked a number of administrative/clerical jobs and enjoyed interacting with people a lot, so I have reason to believe I could thrive in other departments other than editorial as well. Thank you in advance for your time and input! #publishing #publishing-industry #publishing-company #editorial #marketing #production #sales #publicity #business #career #editor #editors #book-editors #book-editor #copy-editor #copy-editors #agents #agent #literary-agent #literary-agents #scouts #scout #literary-scout #literary-scouts #publicist #publicists #production-editors #production-editor #marketer #marketers #copy-writer #copy-writers #career-advice #advice #job #work #career-counseling #help #career-planning #career-path #student #student-advice #career-help #job-experience #work-experience

Can I succeed in business? How can I pick a career that properly suits my interests?
Hello, I'm currently a second-year college student, and I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with my future. I'm currently majoring in English, but I've been debating whether to add business as a second major due to my interest in what I perceive as business-related fields. The only problem is that I'm not confident in my math skills, so I'm wondering how "good" your math skills need to be in order to earn a business degree? I really enjoyed statistics in high school, and I have both statistics and macroeconomics credit already transferred over from high school, but I saw that I would still need to take another math class (precalculus at the lowest level) and microeconomics in order to major in business, and I'm worried that I won't do well in these classes since it's been over a year since the last time I took a formal math class. Anyway, the reason I'm considering adding business as a major is because I have been working a lot of administrative assistant and/or office jobs, and I've found that I actually seem to enjoy doing customer service-oriented office jobs. I especially liked a recent job I had where I got to advise incoming college students on how to adjust to college life and other tips like that. What kind of career could you have where you specifically use your "expertise" or higher knowledge to enlighten/advise less-knowledgeable individuals? Is being a "career coach" one of the only options? I find it really difficult to imagine myself working as a career coach when I don't even know what I want to do with my own career... #business #english #job #career #publishing #work #career-counseling #career-advice #advice #education #major #college-major #choosing-a-major #help #career-planning #career-path #student #student-advice #business-field #english-major #english-degree #business-degree #business-major #career-help #job-experience #work-experience #career-coach

Can an English major work in business-related jobs?
As my question says, I'm wondering how successful an English major would be at working in business-related jobs. For example, I'm really interested in the publishing industry. Can you find success working in the publishing industry with only an English degree, or would you recommend double-majoring in business & English (or at least majoring in English with a business minor)? Would you also say that it depends on the specific department that you're interested in working in (e.g. editorial, production, sales, publicity, marketing, etc), or is it better to have an English and business degree either way? I'm interested in hearing from employers and employees with personal experience regarding this type of scenario. Thank you in advance! #business #english #job #career #publishing #work #career-counseling #career-advice #advice #education #major #college-major #choosing-a-major #help #career-planning #career-path #student #student-advice #business-field #english-major #english-degree #business-degree #business-major #career-help #job-experience #work-experience

How to find unique internships or research experience?
I have really wanted a bit more solid work experience over the summer that can make me stand out as a candidate for future jobs or potentially to med schools. I know so many people that get internships or research experience over the summer, but I have no idea where to find these opportunities. Are there any good resources to try and find these? Any advice on how to get accepted? #internships #research #researcher #resources #work-experience

How can I gain work experience when I am unemployed?
Hello, I am a student attending community college and I am interested in getting a part-time job while I am attending school but, unfortunately, I do not have allot of work related experience. My dilemma is that I need more experience to get a job but I can not get any experience because I do not have a job. Are there any means of gaining work experience outside of a job that I am not taking advantage of? If so, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate any help you could provide me with. #career #job-search #college-jobs #community-college #work-experience #part-time-job #unemployment #gaining-experience

What is the difference between an internship and a volunteer job?
I am a high school student completing my sophomore year and looking for a summer job. Is it better to search for internship opportunities or volunteer opportunities since I have no work experience? #internships #volunteering #first-job #high-school-students #summer-internship #work-experience

Who do I ask to be a reference when I have no work experience?
I've got my resume ready, created a LinkedIn profile and am ready to get my first job as a high school student looking for a summer internship. Who do you recommend I should ask? #summer-jobs #recruiter #work-experience #references #student-interns #job-application

How relevant to your degree was your first job after graduation?
I'm wondering if you don't get a job that's very relevant to your degree right after graduation, if it's harder to later find one that is more relevant? In other words, are you somewhat stuck in the career path of the job that you take after graduation? #job-search #degree #first-job #bachelors-degree #work-experience

How can you improve your Commercial Awareness?
I am a second year law undergraduate, currently applying for Vacation schemes and summer placements. Everyone talks about commercial awareness for interviews and applications to huge law firms, but its hard to properly grasp the concept. #law #legal #legal-studies #work-experience #commercial #llb #commercial-awareness #law-student