Career questions tagged unemployment

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Akua937 views

The rate of unemployment due to automation keeps increasing and there is no way of eradicating it. Is getting a higher degree the only way to get a job in the near future ?

#jobs #unemployment #automation #technology #future #career

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Timothy1476 views

How can I gain work experience when I am unemployed?

Hello, I am a student attending community college and I am interested in getting a part-time job while I am attending school but, unfortunately, I do not have allot of work related experience. My dilemma is that I need more experience to get a job but I can not get any experience because I do not have a job. Are there any means of gaining work experience outside of a job that I am not taking advantage of? If so, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate any help you could provide me with. #career #job-search #college-jobs #community-college #work-experience #part-time-job #unemployment #gaining-experience

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Samantha945 views

What is the economic situation in Greece between the year of 2014 and 2015?

I am doing the Euro challenge for my school and our topic is on high unemployment rate in Greece. #economics #history #global-issues #unemployment

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Sofie1410 views

Is the job outlook for a teacher decrease in the upcoming years?

I am current junior that attends a high school where we as students learn the content from internet resources and not from a teacher. This makes me really sad and afraid that what I want to become when I grow up will not exist anymore due to the new technology and computer-based learning.I love to teach and help others but I don't want to be unemployed later in the future? #college #education #careers #job-outlook #unemployment

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