Career questions tagged major

Each college will have a list of different majors to choose from. The college major will determine the requirements needed to graduate with a degree. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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m230 views

What do I do if I can't pick a college major?

I have many subjects/fields I am interested in and I can't narrow it down. What if I did an interdisciplinary/design-your-own major? Will that look okay to employers?

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Melissa365 views

How can I change my major if am not interested in it anymore?

i dont like my major

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Naina344 views

how long does it take to finish studies?

how long does it take to finsish mba

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Halani200 views

How do I change my major if im not interested in it anymore?

I heard alot of people change majors but how do i do it if i want my major changed?

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Makayla338 views

What should I expect if I want to get my major in criminal justice and I have a little science experience ?

I’m a soon to be senior when school start back and I really want to major in criminal justice but I’m not a big fan of science and don’t really get it.

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Alaric406 views

What should I major in? I am stuck between three options.

Summary: I like quantum mechanics and how it relates to chemistry and of course, physics, but pure math also captivates me. I’m having trouble deciding between three majors. The majors are math, physics, and chemistry. For some background, I am a rising freshman in high school. I have experience with all three subject areas. I’ve been interested in chemistry since third grade. I started memorizing the order of the elements and eventually finished. I tore through books and bored my family. I am currently self-studying physical chemistry, and I’m really enjoying. I’m currently focusing on quantum chemistry. It was the branch of chemistry that really stuck out to me. Other areas aren’t as interesting to me. I’m also currently self-studying higher level math just so I can understand physical chemistry better. Now, for physics, I’m really only interested in quantum mechanics, acoustics, low and ultra-low temperature, and maybe the chemical part. Classical mechanics doesn’t really interest me. I’ve attended a physics camp and toured the labs. I fell in love with the low temperature lab. I will come back to the camp as a mentor in future. In fifth grade, I loved particle accelerators. We had an independent project, and that’s what I made my video on. Now for math, I love math. It’s my favorite subject. As previously mentioned, I’m thoroughly enjoying self-studying math. I enjoying teaching others what I learn as well. I want to learn all of the math in world. I get visibly excited when a math topic I like is discussed. Pure math interests me the most. I’m not opposed to double majoring or having minors. I’m planning on going to grad school. For careers, I’d like to become a researcher or work in academia, but I really can’t decide what field. Is there a major that combines the three fields?

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Karima276 views

Can I get an associates in sociology than transfer to bachelors in psychology smoothly ?

I’m an up coming senior, I love both sociology and psychology, but I would prefer to do the psychology courses my last two years. Though, I’m not too sure whether I would have missed any required classes in the process of switching to psychology? HELPP!!!

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Camila354 views

What is a major? What majors are there?

I’m a high school student and I don’t know what career path I want to pursue. But I would like to get to know the majors and at least want to have some in mind so I can do research and get ride some so I can pick a major.

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ari246 views

How do I find the best college for my intended major and career path?

I start my senior year in august

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Ashleigh450 views

Hey, I am currently going into my freshmen year at Unc Chapel Hill, I am very excited but still trying to decide what I should major in, I enjoy being organized in everything, and I love learning new things and leveling up in everything I do, I also love doing creative stuff such as dance, and theatre and love when I get that chance to mix both skills, any suggestions on majors?

suggestions for college major?

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Igor1024 views

Would a MS Finance help me get work experience with totally unrelated undergrad major?

Hello, I'm a journalism major and I want to pursue investor relations, but most finance jobs require finance degrees, and I'm wondering if a MS would help me get work experience.

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Ruchi1170 views

How to choose between music or design major?

I am a 10th grader from CBSE board, i have great inclination towards music and i am also interested in designing as my artistic side is also good.I am so confused to choose music or design as my major in further studies.I have done 5 levels of indian classical music diploma from my native institute.

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Emilka1998 views

What are some good colleges besides ivy-leagues that are good for a biology major?

Trying to look into some!

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Toni1194 views

How do you know which major is right when you love to be creative yet like leadership and working with others?

I'm a senior in high school about to graduate and attend Virginia Tech University in the fall but I'm thinking on potentially switching my major from graphic design to something else. I like being creative and problem-solving but I also like working with people, leadership, and strategy.

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Arsh892 views

Is this a good idea or no?

Hello, I am in high school and am thinking about what I am going to major in college. If I major in psychology and minor in business, will it be hard for me to get a job in human resources or marketing?

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Stacy502 views

What colleges have majors that would help me to become a Data analyst?

I am in the 11th grade and I have to look into what colleges I will be going to next year I think I want the colleges to be in Manhattan NY or anywhere in the USA.

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Hailey327 views

What is a good major for Pre-medical Studies?

I want to go to become a doctor and I know most are Biological Science majors but I saw that are more pre-med majors but I have never heard anyone with a different major.

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Emily476 views

Is it easier to get into more prestigious universities if I applied as an astrophysics major rather than a physics major?

I'm a highschool student trying to decide what type of major to apply to.

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Arayna354 views

What would an economics major allow me to do?

I'm a junior in the High School of American Studies, and I'm trying to decide what major would be right for me. My interests include history, statistics, sociology, and a few more. I'm looking for a major that can combine my interests and feel fulfilling. I was told politics and economics seem to match my interests and I want to learn more.

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Jazaria719 views

what are the long term impact for business analyst major also what is a major I can pick up to make myself more valuable?

I am a current sophomore I originally chose to persue this career to be a sports analyst it was a more diverse major and not so sports concentrated I haven't gotten into my major classes yet but I feel this is a good fit I also want to get the most out of college so what is a major or certification to pick up

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Bernie1064 views

Business path and your story in it?

Hey! I am a first-student at UC Davis looking forward to interning in areas within the business field. Any tips on finding websites for internships? Also if you're in the business field, I would love to hear more about your story and how you got to where you are now. ie what internships and things you did to score/land your job in where you are now. Thank you!

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Daphne375 views

What is the most beneficial pre-med major?

Hi! I hear that common pre-med majors are biology, biomedical sciences, kinesiology, etc., but was wondering what the most helpful one was? Thanks!

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Carly352 views

Should I wait a year to go to uni and what major should I choose?

What major should I go into and should I wait a year to go to uni? I am 16 and graduated highschool a year and a half early and have no idea what to do next. I decided what college to go but my father thinks I should do a year at community college and then switch to uni. I also have been debating between legal studies and English as my major because I would like to be a lawyer but also travel and teach English in other countries.#Spring24

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Aunnika226 views

What is the best major i could choose aiming for a degree in law and why #spring24?

Im confused on which classes will benifet me the most and get me the furthest in regards to this career choice, i know i want to take pre-law which is provided in two different majors like sociology and integrated literary arts, but i dont know what the best choice would be. #spring24

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Kristin488 views

What should my major be Lawyer, pharmacist, producer.?

I pretty much have 3 options I've narrowed it down to. Lawyer, pharmacist, music producer. Lawyer because I like to argue & I'm pretty good with backing up my reasons + they make a good amount of money, but it is possible it won't work out because I can't find a good law firm to work for. Pharmacists because they make a good amount of money no matter where you work. Music producer because I love music and making music (specifically beats for rap & I love rap/hip-hop in general) & I'd love to learn more about music theory, but I'm a female and if you aren't successful, I might lose a lot of money. In the end is it up to me and my desires or should I focus on the success rate & money?

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Kristin419 views

When should I decide my collage major?

I'm a freshman in HS, so I still have a good 3 years before college, but I don't really have a clue what I want to study. I have a few ideas, but they're all in different fields and for different reasons. Also considering the fact that my major will impact which schools I should apply to, should I choose my major first and then apply to schools based on that or should I apply to schools & decide my major after?

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Jaeyeong649 views

I don't know what to do in college?

I am a 16-year-old Korean who dropped out of high school and took the high school graduation test. I want to start a beverage business in the future. I want to do business in the U.S. or abroad, not here in Korea. I am currently wondering which college major I should choose. Should I go to business administration or chemistry? I don't know if I should go to college or go to art school because I'm interested in graphic design. I would appreciate it if you could give me great advice. Also, what should a Korean do to start a business in the U.S. or other foreign countries? I want to study in the U.S., but my family is an ordinary middle-class family. American tuition is too expensive

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Zaakirah291 views

How do i figure out which major is for me?

I used to be very sure about what i wanted to do now im a little confused

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Jayla1050 views

How to figure out what I want to pursue later in my life?

I am currently an informatics major in college with a concentration in User Interactive Experience. Initially I was a computer science major, but saw it wasn't something I 100% wanted to do. How can I figure out what I want to do. I enjoy coding and web design, but Im also interested in owning my own business. I don't know if the major I'm in is beneficial to where I want to go. How can one figure out what they want to do with their life?

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Kobe306 views

What classes should one major in if one wants to become a phsychitrist?

what classes should one major in

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