Career questions tagged data-analytics-data-visualization

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teja431 views

why is python considered essential for data science?

Why is Python considered essential for data science?

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Jazaria719 views

what are the long term impact for business analyst major also what is a major I can pick up to make myself more valuable?

I am a current sophomore I originally chose to persue this career to be a sports analyst it was a more diverse major and not so sports concentrated I haven't gotten into my major classes yet but I feel this is a good fit I also want to get the most out of college so what is a major or certification to pick up

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Bernie1064 views

Business path and your story in it?

Hey! I am a first-student at UC Davis looking forward to interning in areas within the business field. Any tips on finding websites for internships? Also if you're in the business field, I would love to hear more about your story and how you got to where you are now. ie what internships and things you did to score/land your job in where you are now. Thank you!

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Raeghan430 views

Is it best to explore career options in computer science or marine biology?

I was accepted into a computer science program but I really like marine science and data science and was wondering if there is a way to combine them or if it's best to just explore career options in either computer science or marine science in terms of a bachelors degree?

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Grace519 views

How to get into an REU as a first year college student?

I'm looking to get into a summer REU for bioinformatics or data analytics and I was wondering if anyone had any tips to get into one of these programs as a first year student?

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Aun3149 views

Should I focus on Embedded Systems or Data science/analytics?

I'm studying computer engineering in my 2nd year, and in the summer I'll be applying for a co-op. I've done my research and it appears that embedded systems has a steeper learning curve and barrier to entry than let's say data analytics. Both are not easy, but getting an internship as a data analyst looks more approachable. Both are also interesting to me, although embedded looks more hands on and engaging. Thoughts?

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Hanipa636 views

Which ai or quantum computing good for developing country?

How can quantum computing help a developing country like Ethiopia. Is it better to focus on ai or quantum computing for developing country. If you choose one what can be done by it? Help the country

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Carlos459 views

How can I start a career in the blockchain sector after studying finance?

I love finance and the investment sector. Also, I love technology like artificial intelligence and blockchain, so I would like to work in finance-related work that is also related to artificial intelligence and blockchain.

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Ying Lin523 views

What should I work on this summer if I want to be a data analyst?

If I want to become a data analyst, are there any skills I should work on, technical skills I should learn, and/or books I should read to learn more about this field?

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Hasnain613 views

Trying to change careers?

I have a degree in Computer Systems engineering and job history in the digital services field mostly in UI UX design (minor focused front-end dev) and minor experience as an embedded programming using Python and C/C++. I am really trying to shift gears in to data engineer and analytics, but even entry-level positions require some experience. I have taken course to build technical skills however most employers don’t understand why I qualify given my professional experience. Any advice how to make a career shift or how to bridge the gaps?

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Gourav1042 views

What exactly do data scientists and data analysts do?

I'm trying to explore these fields and looking for universities in the US that offer these programs

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Christina981 views

Is a Google data analytics certificate in college worth it?

I am an upcoming senior majoring with a B.A in public health and needing some advice / opinions on possibly pursuing a Google certificate over the summer. My original plan was to obtain an internship/ volunteer opportunity to build some experience, but I have not at all. Career wise I have been looking into possibly pursuing health administration, environmental health and safety, or even data analytics or program manager positions in the future. But, I really dont know since public health is such a broad field. With all that being said I was wondering if completing a Google certificate in data analytics would be worth it even if I dont end up going into that exact field. My thought process is maybe having that knowledge of data entry could help my resume for other fields. I just want an opinion on whether it is a smart choice or if I should focus my time elsewhere. Thank you!

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