Career questions tagged medschool

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Regan504 views

What should I choose as a minor?

Grade: 10 I am hoping to take as many majors as I can with as much time as I have in my (future) schedule, and fill the rest of my time with as many minors as possible. I am passionate about government, and will most likely major in that. However, I may also consider medical school, as I am a little bit passionate in that, So if I did decide to want to major in PolSci, but wanted to minor in something(s) related to medicine and health sciences, what would be best?

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Alexander471 views

How do I proceed ?

I’m not sure how to continue my journey, or at least make it easier to come out of high school. I would like for my career to be in the medical field.

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Keariah230 views

What is the best field to go into for health care ?

What is the best field to go in health care ? Hey, I'm in the 11th grader at Northwestern high school in RockHill Sc when I graduate I would like to get my real estate license the summer before I go to collage I would like to attend a HBCU and major in nursing

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Eno292 views

How do I find research opportunities as a pre-med student ?

I’m in my sophomore year as a pre-med and want to spend a summer doing research because I heard it increases chances of acceptance into medical school, but I’m not sure where to find them.

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Daphne375 views

What is the most beneficial pre-med major?

Hi! I hear that common pre-med majors are biology, biomedical sciences, kinesiology, etc., but was wondering what the most helpful one was? Thanks!

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Sweet256 views

What is some advice would you give to do go into a good medical school?

I still have many years left before going to college, I am not sure what I still need to do to go into a good medical school. I am not sure what career field I am interested in. Is there any recommendation you recommend. Thank you

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Ari487 views

Is studying to become a neurosurgeon worth it?

I am in g12, i have wanted to study neuroscience my whole life ,but idk if i can handle 15 years of studying . I like biology and find the brain fascinating, but I’m having doubts now.

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tamar716 views

What are some activities, study skills, and internships college freshmen can start implementing to maximize their chances of getting into med school?

I'm really into oncology and research but love working in clinical atmospheres.

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Chastity986 views

Can I get into med school with a B.S.N?

I want to become a doctor who also performs surgical procedures (I don't know what I want to specialize in yet) but if I get a B.S.N. can I still get into med school to pursue that path?

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mohamed457 views

What activities should I engage in to so I can learn more about medicine?

I am still in 8th grade but I want to start studying about anything I can about medicine at the moment

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Reana647 views

What gpa do you need to go to med school ?

What gpa do you need to go to medical school and do you need to already know what you want to be? Also how hard is it to do anything with neurology and is it worth it?

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Estefany354 views

What do during college if you want to go to Medical School?

I've been wondering how to prepare for medical school, but I am still not sure if Medical school is something I really want to do.

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Tristin293 views

Is all the schooling that it takes to become a neurologist worth it?

My name is Tristin and I am a middle school student. I really take an interest in the healthcare field and especially neuroscience. I would like to become a neurologist one day. Is all the schooling that it takes to become a neurologist worth it? What is the best and worst part of being a neurologist?

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Teagan176 views

What advice do you have for someone who is about to enter med school or who wants to go to med school?

Tips on what to bring, wear, expect, etc

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Julie3200 views

What is more marketable a major in nursing or perioperative theatre technology?

Im confused on which one can open doors to more opportunities

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john396 views

how is medical school?

is medical school hard any tips

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sadie323 views

what should i do as a sophmore in highschool to help prepare me to apply to college to major biology and pre-med and then continue to pediatric emergency medicine?

what should i do as a sophmore in highschool to help prepare me to apply to college to major biology and pre-med and then continue to pediatric emergency medicine?

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Phoenix404 views

What is medschool like? What is undergrad like when you are going to go to medschool after?

How are the classes taught? What is expected from me in medschool? Give me a day to day life in detail. These have all been my biggest questions for the past 2 years and I don't ever know who to ask because I have never known or had an opportunity to ask someone who was or is going to be in college for surgery. I'm 17 and im going into my senior year in 3 months, so this is all right around the corner. I am almost certain that I have clinical executive dysfunction. How on earth do I succeed with that?! I'm neurodivergent and have severe ADHD and the unknown is so terrifying when becoming a cardiovascular surgeon is my literal dream since I could read. I am not a great student at all. I was homeschooled until 9th grade, and it was a very laid back type of homeschooling so I didn't have to stick to deadlines or really have any assignments. I just really read books on topics I was interested in. I'm bad a real bad, and I go to a prestigious private school. But it's small and liberal. My school doesn't teach traditional stuff. They teach the type of school work that takes hours to complete one homework assignment and it graded on arbitrary concepts. I'm really good at science but I have never gotten an A in my science class because my science teacher teaches her classes phenomenon based. It's not all memorization. It's a very understanding and lenient environment. I also have a horrible, debilitating dopamine screen addiction that I have been teying to break for 3 years now. But im still struggling. How do I do college and how do I get to where I want to be with all of my issues, and what the hell is college? Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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m342 views

What medical schools should I start to seek out What classes should i begin to take as a senior and junior in highschool??

What medical schools should I start to seek out? What classes should i begin to take as a senior and junior in highschool?

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Kaylie425 views

Would it be possible to balance med school and reptiles?

I have 2 reptiles as of right now, but I’m not sure if i can keep them and balance med school.

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Eve396 views

Social life of medical students

How do I balance my stay in medical school with being in a relationship without affecting my academic work? Thank you #EOY22.

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Samyukta752 views

How do I go about this career path and what exams should I sit before going abroad?

I want to complete my mbbs degree(Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery inindia) and then do further studies abroad

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Charlotte581 views

What alternatives are there to med school aside from adjusting previous results and or reapplying?

"What alternatives are there to med school aside from adjusting previous results and or reapplying?" Currently doing my GCSES, with currently undiagnosed dyscalculia (neurological impairment for maths), which will be looked into after, and I know that the medical field is extremely hard to get into. I do have the capabilities and the mindset, but I do not want to base my entire self worth on whether or not I get into med-school so would like some alternative ideas. My mock GCSES were mostly 7-9's, but have gone up significantly into the 8-9 boundaries over time. The only exclusion to this was maths, due to my learning difficulties which set me at a 5 in the mock. This appears to however, gone up to a 7, though I do have a large insecurity on my actual ability here since it's extremely paper based. I do 10 GCSES in total. I plan (atm) to do for A levels (aiming for psychiatry roles): Biology, Chemistry, Physics +EPQ OR Biology, Chemistry, English Aside from if I'd be able to get into medical school (I've done lots of research, but if you do wish to comment I wouldn't mind for any extra information), just wondering what other jobs I could get into, the fields I'm particularly interested in are: Biology Chemistry - enjoy the idea of helping people - enjoy research/investigating - dislike office work (but will cope with it haha)

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emma6967 views

What can I do with a pre-med degree if I dont go to med school?

I am interested in going pre-med, however I know getting into medical school after can be very challenging. My worry is going through the pre-med program, and not being able to get into med school, if that were to happen, what careers could i take on?

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Helen983 views

What should pre-med students do over the summer?

#highschool #pre-med #medical #medicine #medschool #premed #healthcare #summerjob

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Chasity707 views

What are some colleges with a good medical program ?

#programs #medschool #college # medicine

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Ellie1002 views

Careers in biology other than being a physician?

Hi! I'm a junior in high school and I'm extremely passionate about biology and science in general. I've done a few research projects in various medical labs and think that health and medicine is a field I would like to pursue, but the idea of being a surgeon or physician of any kind does not interest me as much. I'm worried that if I major in biology, the only available path after graduating would be med school and I was wondering what other options were potentially out there? #biology #medschool #doctor #research

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Dahlia4427 views

What is good to minor in if you are becoming a doctor?

I start college this next fall. #medschool

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Angelica990 views

Medical School req

I'm currently 3rd-year human biology and minor in psychology My goal is to go to medical school but my GPA isn't the best. I'm planning to take the MCAT next summer however, I'm told by my school advisor that I got no choice but to change my career plan because medicine isn't for me. I was planning to study for the MCAT as well as try to gain more experience during this summer. My question is whether having a low GPA would affect my acceptance to a medical school. I know medical school is highly competitive but I don't see myself doing anything other than a physician, I've had an immense passion for the medical field since an early age since I have a brother who is paralyzed, and I've witnessed his struggles Any advice on what I could do #school #medicine #medschool #physician

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Johara727 views

Calling all physiatrist, ER doctors and primary care physicians!

I'm debating on going into medicine and narrowed it down into three choices. Do you mind telling me what you do in your career? How are the people you work with? What was your pre-med degree and what was it like in med school? #doctor #medicine #medschool #medical-school #physician

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