Career questions tagged neurology

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Rashmitha492 views

What resources are there for me to learn as much as I can about my passion of neuroscience and especially neuro-oncology?

I'm a rising senior in high school and I am so passionate about neuro-oncology. I feel like there's so much to learn and really throw myself into and I'm excited to learn all I can. Are there any free courses and resources that help me develop my passion and understanding about this topic that you could point me to?

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Rashmitha447 views

Is there such thing as a neuro-oncology lab scientist instead of an actual doctor or surgeon How many years of school do I have to go through for this job?

I'm a rising senior in high school and I don't see myself physically working with patients but rather in a laboratory setting trying to develop treatments for brain cancer instead. Do these types of jobs exist and what is the education required to do so? I am also interested if this sort of career can provide me flexibility and allow me time to spend with my family and enjoy life.

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Trenton293 views

What are the Benefits of becoming a Neurologist?

I was wondering if there are any benefits of becoming a Neurologist both short and long term.

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Trenton275 views

Do you have students watch you while you work or someone that supervises you?

Pertains to anyone in the Neurology field or medical field.

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Trenton288 views

Is this career good in the long run or do I have to do something else?

The career I'm wanting to go into is in the Neurology field, Neurologist to be specific.

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Trenton304 views

Is it good to become a Neurologist to live a comfortable lifestyle?

I was viewing this career as a pathway after high school.

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ayah230 views

how should i get started if i want to be a neurosurgeon?

i’m in 9th grade and is wondering where should i start if i want to get into an ivy league and become a neurosurgeon

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Sumedha330 views

What advice would you give to a high school student wanting to change career paths?

I am a rising 11th grader, who originally wanted to pursue aerospace engineering since elementary school. Due to this, I have taken high school courses that aligned with the STEM path, such as engineering design and physics. However, as I researched more I found out that there aren't many opportunities (non-US Citizen in Texas) for me. Recently, neuroscience has sparked an interest in me and I looked more into becoming a neurologist. I haven't taken chemistry or classes that relate to this field such as anatomy. I am currently in a dilemma choosing between aerospace and neuroscience, and do not know how to address this as I am approaching my last two years of high school.

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Ari487 views

Is studying to become a neurosurgeon worth it?

I am in g12, i have wanted to study neuroscience my whole life ,but idk if i can handle 15 years of studying . I like biology and find the brain fascinating, but I’m having doubts now.

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CareerVillage Office Hours645 views

How to get into a medical school and become a neurosurgeon if I didn't take science in high school.?

I just finished my 12th grade. I was a humanities student. I'm currently in Turkey for my bachelor's in Islamic theology. I want to go to a medical school after I'm done with this bachelor's degree. What should I do right now for that and how to get admitted to a good medical school with a scholarship? I'm good with studies, I scored 99% in the 12th grade. My family is financially backward so they can't support me. Where should I choose to study? Note: this question was asked anonymously by a learner

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Chloe881 views

How do I become a neurosurgeon?

As a middle school student, I have been wanting to become a neurosurgeon for a long time. It is a strong desire of mine to help others. I am taking as many classes related to this career as I can once I get to high school, but I don't know what else I can do.

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Ellington644 views

What high school courses would be helpful if I want to pursue a career in neurology?

I have a 3.5 GPA, and I am open to any courses but I am having trouble picking what classes would be beneficial to this career path.

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Gabriella273 views

Working remotely.

Are you able to work remotely if you're in neurology? Are there any positions available?

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Gabriella276 views

Working in neurology do you work in teams or independtly?

When you work in neurology do you work independtly more or in teams? Based on what you work with, do you like it or do you perfer working in a different way?

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Gabriella325 views

What are the shifts like as a nureology nurse?

Do you work long hours as a neurology nurse or are they quick and easy shifts? Do you do the same things every day or is there something new every day?

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Gabriella282 views

Is working in neurology stressful Is the reward after always worth it? ?

I'm doing a project in neurology and I want to know if neurology is diffcult and if the rewarding feeling after you help someone always worth it.

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Tim460 views

How long do I need to go to college for to be anything in the Neuroscience field ?

I would love to go into the health science field and i think neurology is for me but im not sure.

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Tristin293 views

Is all the schooling that it takes to become a neurologist worth it?

My name is Tristin and I am a middle school student. I really take an interest in the healthcare field and especially neuroscience. I would like to become a neurologist one day. Is all the schooling that it takes to become a neurologist worth it? What is the best and worst part of being a neurologist?

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Zachary841 views

What college major and classes should I take if I want to become a neurosurgeon ?

When I’m in college what major should I decide to do if I want to become a neurosurgeon and what classes should I take in so it’ll be more helpful in the future

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Aria447 views

How will you know when the job you have chosen as your career choice/major in college is the right one for you Why?

I want to learn nuerology but don't know that I will be able to enjoy the career choice. I am also hopeful to get a scholoarship for the school that I am attending.

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Sydney306 views

What degree focuses on the effects of drugs on the brain?

I want to peruse a career in neuroscience relative to drugs, either recreational or prescription, I’m not picky. What would be the best major to decide on for this field?

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Rhyian459 views

What are some good questions to ask a psychiatrist/ neuroscientist What are some good questions to ask people in the neuro-field?

I'm in the process of making decisions about my future and have an informational interview, I want to make the best of it.

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Andrea293 views

Why did you decide to be a neurologist? What inspired you?

Hi! My name is Andrea and I am doing research on neurology for my Health class. I would appreciate it if you answered these questions the best you could. Thank you! 1)How many years of college did you need to go through? What other programs, courses, and clubs did you join or do? 2)What jobs did you work before you became a neurologist? What did you think of them? 3)How can I decide if I want to get a PH.D. in this field? 4)Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later time? 5)Did you need to shadow another professional in the field before becoming a neurologist? 6)Was there a subject you struggled with during your school years? 7)What skill sets did you learn or gain while being in this profession? 8) Why did you choose a career in medicine? Why did you choose this specialty? 9)Do you regret going through the years of schooling? 10) What skills would you recommend someone to have before trying to get into this field? 11) What keeps you motivated?

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Ethan287 views

Hello! My name is Ethan, and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the neurology field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment.

1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. What is the worst experience you had working as a neurologist? 12. Is the pressure as a neurologist a lot, or can you stay calm during operation? 13. Was all of the education in the end, worth it for being a neurologist? Please label which number question was answered.

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Tahjey595 views


What are some advantages and disadvantages of becoming a neurosurgeon?

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Shirley546 views

What steps do I need to take if I want to pursue a degree in neuroscience?

I am a Senior in high school and just finished my college applications. I signed up for neuroscience as my major. I know that I will need higher levels of education afterward but am not sure what classes or degrees specifically I need to go for. What steps should I take after college?

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Shani328 views

Steps to become a neurologist.

Hello my name is shani and i am in senior high school in australia. I want to become a neurologist and was wondering what steps i need to take in order to become a neurologist.

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Shani422 views

Timing of a Neurosurgeon

What is the timing of a neurologist/neurosurgeon? How long are the shifts?

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Diksha806 views

How recommended is it to take AP Chemistry in high school?

I want to pursue a career in the medical field (specifically psychology, pediatrics, neurology, or psychiatry), but I also want to take many elective courses that I will enjoy in high school. For that, I won't have room in my schedule to take AP Chem, since it takes up two periods. I am also worried about the workload and the difficulty of the course, since I've heard it's one of the hardest AP courses to take. However, how much will taking it help build a foundation of knowledge for taking the MCAT? If it is enough, I may consider taking it.

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Daphne637 views

What classes should I take to major in neuroscience?

What classes should I take if I want to major in neuroscience? (currently a high school student -- my goal is to become a neurosurgeon in the future).

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