Career questions tagged anesthesiology

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Jay408 views

What are good internships and research opportunities for a high school student who wants to pursue field of medicine

Hello, I am a rising junior in New York, NY. I'm a driven and hardworking high school student who is set on anesthesiology as my future profession. I realize this is a very advanced topic, and so I'm focusing on starting with the basics, and am looking for opportunities/internships to maybe shadow a doctor, or nurse, or even volunteer at hospitals, anything helps. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! P.S. Looking for both summer and academic year for opportunities/internships/volunteering.

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brianna536 views

Anesthesiologists, how did you earn money while being in school did you only start working while in residency? and if so what jobs were you able to apply for??

Im in grade 11, currently working towards getting my Associate's in Arts. I want to pursue my Bachelors in Science (Biology) then move onto med school.

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Trenton275 views

Do you have students watch you while you work or someone that supervises you?

Pertains to anyone in the Neurology field or medical field.

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Aeriel436 views

What is the pathway I need to take to become an Anesthesiologist ?

What major do I need to take in college? Do I need med school? Approximately how long would it take for me to become an Anesthesiologist?

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aditya377 views

What is a CRNA, What are the benefits and expected salary What is the path to take to be a doctor in anesthesia? What are the differences between a CRNA, a Travel nurse, and a doctor in anesthesia??

I like math and science and I am in 10th grade. I want to go into medicine. Anesthesia seems very appealing but I do not know anything about the path to becoming one.

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Jalaa532 views

What steps do you take to gain a child’s Trust and Help them feel comfortable in a healthcare setting?

I’m in Highschool trying to get into college and chase my dream in becoming a PN

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Shyla511 views

How responsible do you have to be to know you should become an anesthesiologist?

I am a straight A's 14 year old girl who gets all their work done on time and does very well in school. I was wondering if I have to become even more responsible to be a great anesthesiologist in the future?

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Anna585 views

What was the most beneficial experience you had before starting a graduate-level program?

I am applying for Summer research opportunities to prepare for graduate school. I was wondering if there were any other programs or opportunities that would help me prepare?

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Cindy368 views

What exactly am I supposed to do after college ?

I am a 10th grader and i want to be an anesthesiologist

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Enzo645 views

Where is it possible to shadow an anesthesiologist in Columbus, Ohio, as a 15-year-old?

Where is it possible to shadow an anesthesiologist in Columbus, Ohio, as a 15-year-old? I have been looking at places; however, it does not seem like there are any opportunities near me in Columbus. If someone is willing to help me, it would be greatly appreciated!

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Keira364 views

Is becoming an anesthesiologist worth it?

There is a lot of schooling included in becoming an anesthesiologist, are the years of schooling worth the job? How much stress and struggle comes with being an anesthesiologist?

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avery311 views

Is anesthesiology a good path to go down?

I want to be an anesthesiologist but I don't know if it is really worth it.

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Savannah388 views

How do I start my journey to become an anesthesiologist as a incoming 11th grader?

I’m an incoming llth grader at a nursing highschool in providence and I wanted how I could better my chance at becoming an anesthesiologist in the future.

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Kylie299 views

How to become a Nurse Anesthetist?

What is the best way to become a nurse anesthetist? I know that I would have to be a registered nurse first; so how do I be one of those, and then how would I advance to a nurse anesthetist?

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Shelby945 views

How do I become an anesthesiologist assistant?

How do I become an anesthesiologist assistant?

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Allie307 views

What is it like being an anesthesiologist? How difficult is the schooling? What describes someone who is fit for the job?

Ive been a patient at Scottish Rite children’s hospital since i was 6 getting correctional surgeries. Thought it looked kinda interesting.

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s427 views

How much school do you have to do to become an anesthesiologist?

I am a sophomore in high school and I want to know what I need to accomplish before I finish my last 2 years in school. I also wondered if there are any particular schools I should aply to go to to achieve this goal.

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dejia358 views

What are the busiest times of the day, and how could I help make it less stressful

Nurse anesthesias

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Khaliyah383 views

How would I start of learning about something they won’t teach?

How would I start off learning about being anesthesiologist if they don’t teach about it? And what would I have to do to meet the requirements for being an anesthesiologist?

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Jaslyne262 views

Hello, my name is Jaslyne and I'm a current high school student. For one of my classes, I would like to interview an orthodontist or an anesthesiologist about their job using 5 questions that I listed below. If anyone could answer these questions, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much.

1) Have you ever considered other careers while studying to be an anesthesiologist? 2) How much competition from other peers did you face working for this job? 3) Were you ever convinced that you wouldn’t make it to where you are now? 4) How happy are you with your work/life balance? 5) What is your favorite and least favorite part of your work life?

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Jenny360 views

What made you choose to be an anesthesiologist?

Hello! My name is Jenny and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in Anesthesiology field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! Why did you choose to pursue this profession? Did you shadow another professional in the field? Was there a particular subject you struggles with during your school years?

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Briana578 views

What ap classes and college courses should I take for med school and to become an anesthesiologist?

I'm a freshman in high going into the 10th grade.

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Urooj421 views

Why did you become a Nurse Anesthetist?

Hello! My name is Urooj and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the nursing and anesthesiology field for a Foundations in Health Science class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment. 1.) What profession did you choose? Why? 2.) How many years of college did you need to go through? 3.) What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4.) How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5.) Were you in a college program? 6.) Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7.) Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. ) Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9.) Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10.) What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11.) What are some hard and soft skills you need for this field? 12.) What would you do differently if you could go back in time? 13.) Did you do any internships? If so what did you do and how were you able to get the internship?

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Lizeth291 views

Hello! My name is Lizeth and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the pediatric certified registered nurse anesthetist field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment.

1) What profession did you choose Why? 2)How many years of college did you need to go through? 3)What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4)How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5)Were you in a college program? 6)Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7)Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8) Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9) Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10) What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11) What was the last stressful situation you encountered in your job, and how did you react? 12)What's one challenge you occasionally or regularly face in your job? 13) What is your philosophy with medicine and treating patients?

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Urooj270 views

Hello! My name is Urooj and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the nursing and anesthesiology field for a Foundations in Health Science class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment.

1.) What profession did you choose? Why? 2.) How many years of college did you need to go through? 3.) What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4.) How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5.) Were you in a college program? 6.) Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7.) Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. ) Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9.) Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10.) What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11.) What are some hard and soft skills you need for this field? 12.) What would you do differently if you could go back in time? 13.) Did you do any internships? If so what did you do and how were you able to get the internship?

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Sydney281 views

How difficult is anesthesiology?

I want to know if i can do it.

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Sydney255 views

what should I go for?

I don't know whether to go for anesthesiology or for something more artistic, I love video games and could work in development but I also love medical science.

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Krystiara428 views

Why did you pick this industry?

I'm looking to become a nurse anesthetist.

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Raissa494 views

How long does it take to become a Nurse Anesthetist?

Should I take a gap year before going into nursing?

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Hennesis415 views

What skills are most important for an anesthesiologist?

What are the three most important qualities that an anesthesiologist may need?

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