Career questions tagged medicine-school

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s427 views

How much school do you have to do to become an anesthesiologist?

I am a sophomore in high school and I want to know what I need to accomplish before I finish my last 2 years in school. I also wondered if there are any particular schools I should aply to go to to achieve this goal.

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evangelina898 views

How much schooling do you need to be a Neurologist ?

#medicine #medicine-school

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Daliah480 views

how do i get through medical school without giving up?

I want to go to medical school. #medicine #doctor #medicine-school

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Jeanna478 views

when in the medical field dealing with children is it easier to find yourself caring too much if yo see one struggling?

#medicine #medicine-school #nursing

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Madison499 views

I am really interested in being in the medical field, but I don't like school. What career lets me be involved with a medical career but doesn't require over 5 years of additional schooling after high school?

#medicine #medicine-school #healthcare #healthcare

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Ashlyn954 views

What qualities and grades do medical schools look for in a student?

Is it like normal college qualities or higher standards? #medicine #med-school #medicine-school #doctor #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #grades #applications #college

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Osiris 728 views

How much does the undergrad college you go to affect what medical school you get into?

I am a senior in high school and am getting ready to apply to undergrad. I want to be a surgeon and know that I will have to apply to medical school once I am done with undergrad. I want to go to a smaller college/less known college because they are less expensive but I do not know if they will look good enough to get into medical school. Should I worry about the prestige of my college? #surgeon #medicine school #premed #college #undergraduate #medicine-school

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Ankit686 views

What is a typical day in the life like for a medical student?

I am interested in going to medical school after college (possibly to be a surgeon), and was wondering what it would be like. #career #medicine #medicine-school

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Angelina907 views

If you could tell a nursing student one piece of advice, what would it be?

I am hoping to become a nurse someday, and I was wondering what advice you would have for me? #nursing #medicine #nurse #healthcare #registered-nurses #medicine-school

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Ashley1211 views

What is needed to apply to Medical School?

I am currently a college student, working towards a bachelor in Biological Sciences. I wanted to know what I should I be doing to improving my chances in getting into and being successful in medical school. #medicine #medicine-school #medicine-education #medicine-research

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Hashir1091 views

What are some good experiences to add when thinking about applying to medical school?

I'm trying to figure out what are the most important activities that will help me improve my candidacy for medical school. #medicine #graduate #research #medicine-school #volunteering #undergraduate #admissions #medcine

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Amy996 views

Does anyone have firsthand experience or knowledge about what happens if someone does not make it into medical school?

I am interested in the medical field to become a doctor but I am aware of the low acceptance rate into medical schools. #medicine #pre-med #medicine-school

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Lonnell1116 views

How long do I need to go to school to be a doctor?

I am interested in being a doctor but I need to know how long I will have to go to college. #college #doctor #medicine #medicine-school

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Loren 672 views

Are there financial aid opportunities in med school?

I am considering entering the Pre-Med program at my school, however I come a low income background and I am fearful that I will not be able to afford tuition at the graduate level. Thanks! #doctor #medicine #pre-med #medicine-school

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Anders2315 views

What are some good backup careers in the case that I'm not accepted into medical school after the 1st or 2nd try?

I haven't always been the best student academically and have heard it's a good idea to have a backup for medical school. I am most interested in Neurology/Neuroimaging but any other suggestions are welcomed. #career #medicine #career-paths #medicine-school #careers #neurology #career-change #medicine-imaging

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Anders826 views

What extracurricular experiences (beyond academics) do you believe were most beneficial in helping you prepare for and enter medical school?

I plan to apply for medical schools within the next 2 years and am curious as to what has been most helpful for others (in their personal opinion) to gain acceptance. I often hear that while grades and honors are important, there are many other things that admissions committees look for in an applicant. As a psychology student, I also wonder if extracurriculars will be even more important for me as I don't have as strong of a biology/chemistry background. #medicine #physician #medicine-school #extracurriculars #admissions #application #academic

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Alista1066 views

What are some classes I should take in undergraduate college to be a pediatrician?

I would love to be a pediatrician. [P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #medicine #medicine-school #students #professors #professionals #doctors #graduates #nurses

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Bethany789 views

What are some good jobs to have or experiences to get after undergrad to boost your medical school application?

I'm about to be a senior in college and I really want to go to med school to become a psychiatrist. Psychology has been my passion since I was a junior in high school, so 4 years now. Psychiatry really interests me because I love looking at the brain, and the ever-changing field will fuel my love of learning. However, I'm taking a couple of gap years to work off student loans and get some more experiences that will boost my application when I will eventually apply. What are some things that I can do to that look really good when applying to med school? #doctor #psychology #medicine #medicine-school #psychiatry

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Delaney1092 views

I know getting into medical school is very competitive; generally is it better to go to a "lesser" undergraduate school and excel or is is better to go to a prestigious school and wind up in the middle of the pack?

It's a difficult decision to make, especially when you factor in cost, and scholarship availability in the more competitive schools. I have been going back and forth about trying to get into a more prestigious school for my undergraduate degree, realizing that I'll also have continuing costs through medical school, versus going to, for example, a smaller state school which might offer a handsome scholarship now. #medicine #medicine-school #medicine-education

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Andrea1107 views

Does it matter where you get your undergraduates degree when going into medical school?

I am a sophomore in high school and am looking to become a neurosurgeon. If wanting to get into a good medical school, do I have to go to a well-known university first? #college #medicine #university #graduate #medicine-school #surgery #surgeon #undergraduate

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La'Nyah874 views

How long do I have to stay in school to be a psychiatrist? Also what should I major in?

I am asking because I get a different answer every time I ask someone. I have about two more years until I get to college but I want to know ahead of time. #medicine-school #psychiatry #medicine #science #hospital-and-health-care #hospitals #college

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Tyler861 views

Is the cost of medical school education worth it?

I'm considering attending medical school eventually. #doctor #medicine #medicine-school

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Blaine 1536 views

I am interested in become either a neurosurgeon or anesthesiologist.

I am a high school senior, and am planning on being a nursing major with a focus in pre-med. Am I on a good path as of now? If so, what else can I do? Note: I am also planning on becoming an EMT, and working as one while I go to college. #college #nursing #medicine #pre-med #medicine-school #medicine-field

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