Career questions tagged graduate

After graduation, it can be challenging to decide what to do next. Whether it be from high school or college, graduating opens the door to opportunities. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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Heidi403 views

Where can I gain education policy experience ?

I'm interested in both internships and entry level positions. Remote opportunities are preferred, but I am open to in-person depending on location and compensation.

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Amari384 views

How to say in a interview that you haven't done something when ask a behavior question ?

behavior question [tell a time when..]

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Bianca191 views

How difficult will it be for me to adjust to my college lifestyle ?

I will be by myself as an individual

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Bryan427 views

How can I graduate high school early?

What can I do to help me graduate early from high school. I have 3 math credits, 2 science credits, and 6 elective credits.

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chris407 views

what amount do i have to save to go to college?

what steps do i have to take after graduating?

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sterfenie315 views

how can i solve this problem ?

what should i do i am an undergraduate of bachelor of social science i did my module which were selected for me so i failed Psychology 101 and passed 102 because i was not familiar with life science . At second semester i passed all my modules and failed again my tutorial class and now i am in short of my credits and i want to continue with my Industrial psychology but i do not know what to do am i going to be able to over credit or not ?

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Brill169 views

What oh can I do to earn as a student before I graduate?

What job can I do to earn as a student before I graduate

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Godwin434 views

Why is it a bit difficult to get a job immediately after college ?

I need a job urgently

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Melissa381 views

How much years in college do you need to become a veterinarian?

What's the best college to take here in the bay

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Jolin261 views

How long does it take to pay off college debt after you take out loans?

I am not sure about what to do after college. Should I transfer after going to city college for two years?

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Joo416 views

How much is it ?

Should be able to get it back to jsr

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Summer879 views

I have really good internship offers for the medical field, but Im really only interested in the Mental Health field, does anyone have any recommendations to what I should do?

Hi, Currently I am a highschool student who is also minoring in psychology at community college and plans to double major in psychology and sociology, then earn a masters in social work, recently I was presented the opportunity to be inscribed with the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence, which is a two day national academy of future physicians congress meeting that will also allow me to be featured on local TV stations and newspapers. The problem being that I'm not interested in the medical field as a future career path. If I were able to pass this over to someone else, I would but I can't. This would be a really big opportunity to put myself out there, and it would look really good on college applications, and on my academic profile, but it doesn't have anything that I inherently want for my future career path, and it also might look weird on my college applications.

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Vincent460 views

What are your best tips for looking at colleges?

Graduating soon

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Jalyce566 views

what is the best college to attend and what advice would you give as a college student?

i want to know what colleges are the best to attend for my career of choice which is to be a certified athletic trainer.

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Sophia644 views

What is the best course to study in college ?

Hi, I'm 14 years old grade 10th student. I need advice on what to study in college

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Cam1067 views

How many years of college and experience is there needed to become a computerprogrammer?

I want to learn about this

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Robert1667 views

what are your hours like

what are your hours like

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Aubri345 views

How is is college ?

I’m not sure what you mean but uh is it fun like do you party is it fun

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Bella1010 views

How fast do you typically get work after getting a degree in graphic design?

Even if it depends on what you specifically do as a graphic designer, what would be examples of the job market for those things and how quickly you could get hired for it?

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Wania797 views

What skills are most beneficial to graduate college?

Social skills and work skills

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Lawrence621 views

How do I start a business as a 17 year old who graduated a year early from high school with honors from a military academy?

I'm 17 graduated f on a military academy in Michigan called the MYCA with honors and I he rank of squad leader while there I learned a lot of leadership and management skills as well as many life skills. I figure I can implement them into my fashion design hobby and turn it into a business but I dk how to start it up.

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Lawrence653 views

How do I start a business as a 17 year old who graduated a year early from high school?

I'm 17 graduated f on a military academy in Michigan called the MYCA with honors and I he rank of squad leader while there I learned a lot of leadership and management skills as well as many life skills. I figure I can implement them into my fashion design hobby and turn it into a business but I dk how to start it up.

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Alber1813 views

How many classes do I have to fail to not graduate from college?

How many Classes do I need to pass?

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Isaac355 views

This is my dream?

I whoud like to start a company based on anything artsy and vedio related or pictures and hopefully by the time I’m 35 why u may ask becuase it’s my dream

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Clarisa1171 views

What career are people the most happiest in?

After high school people get jobs that they don't like. I just want to know the most common career people have and are happy in.

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Lexie307 views

How do I approach college wanting to major in anthropology? Do you like it? Would there be anything that you would tell seniors in high school to look out for in this field?

i’m nervous that i’m going to graduate and then go to college for this degree and then not want anything to do with it anymore. What kind of advice would you give someone wanting to go work in the forensics field studying anthropology?

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Bárbara700 views

I would like to pursue a master in psychology and/or nutrition, what are the best schools to do so, and where can I work afterwards? What kind of works are there?

I already have a bachelor degree from an international university, and I wouldn't like to repite the courses that I already did.

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Jams2079 views

How do you get a job when you have no experience?

What would be a great way to build career experience with no experience? Its been hard to get a job since I haven't had one before, and I need to start saving money for the future plans I have and college. I have a resume prepared already.

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Isha359 views

How will college affect your future?

While you are in college, you are following every recommendation, but have you considered your plans for after you graduate? What are you majoring in and what are your future plans?

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essence420 views

How do i prepare myself to graduate ?

How do i prepare myself to graduate

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