Career questions tagged therapist

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Hannah354 views

How do I become a mental health therapist?

Hi! I'm currently in high school but I want to become a mental health therapist preferably working with children. What steps do I need to get there? I also don't really understand all the license names (LMHC, LPC, LCPC, etc.) From what I understand which isn't much I want to be a LMHC but can someone please explain these as well as the steps I need to take to get there? Thank you!

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preston694 views

what is the best carerr counselling place?

counselling tips in carreer

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Rachel337 views

Can I become a therapist with a CTAA certification?

I would like to Counselling and Therapy but I would like to know if there are other pathways than getting a degree.

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sameerah533 views

what does it take to be a child therapist?

I want to be a child therapist, I go to school for education and psychology

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Amparo1106 views

What Are The Requirements For Being A Massage Therapist ?

The reason I’m asking that question is because I want to take a massage therapist class at Harper and I was wondering if there are any requirements for me to take in order to get my degree

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Summer683 views

How could I possibly shadow or contribute to my mentoring?

I have found a mentor that is a professor and a social worker with her own practice. When we first met we discussed things I could do, such as research and just asking questions in general, one of her suggestions was to shadow, but we were both concerned about the ethical dilemmas that would form as I am a highschool student although I do dual psychology classes at college which technically made me a college student. Many college students shadow professionals in the mental health field because they are studying that field, would this make it more acceptable if I were to shadow my mentor while obviously following HIPAA laws, ethical concerns, and getting the patients okay.

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Josiah574 views

I want to be a music therapist AND an art therapist AND teach piano and voice in private lessons. How should I go about this for college? At first I was thinking double major in piano and voice for bachelor's and then double major in art and music therapy for master's, however, I realized that music performance is probably not a prerequisite option for art therapy. Perhaps a minor in psychology along with bachelor's plans? Please help.?

I want to be a music therapist AND an art therapist AND teach piano and voice in private lessons. How should I go about this for college? At first I was thinking double major in piano and voice for bachelor's and then double major in art and music therapy for master's, however, I realized that music performance is probably not a prerequisite option for art therapy. Perhaps a minor in psychology along with bachelor's plans? Please help.

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Edgardo488 views

How to become a art therapist?

Art therapist tips,

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CareerVillage Office Hours341 views

How to become a BCBA?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a BCBA? Note: Given the growing interest in the behavioral analyst field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Isabel432 views

What are things to help me become a therapist?

What are some challenges that come when trying to become a therapist? What classes can I take now in high school to help me develop the skills of a therapist?

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Summer879 views

I have really good internship offers for the medical field, but Im really only interested in the Mental Health field, does anyone have any recommendations to what I should do?

Hi, Currently I am a highschool student who is also minoring in psychology at community college and plans to double major in psychology and sociology, then earn a masters in social work, recently I was presented the opportunity to be inscribed with the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence, which is a two day national academy of future physicians congress meeting that will also allow me to be featured on local TV stations and newspapers. The problem being that I'm not interested in the medical field as a future career path. If I were able to pass this over to someone else, I would but I can't. This would be a really big opportunity to put myself out there, and it would look really good on college applications, and on my academic profile, but it doesn't have anything that I inherently want for my future career path, and it also might look weird on my college applications.

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Owen323 views

How long does it take to be a Therapist out of college?

I wanted to help people but I also wanted to follow my own limits.

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Emily779 views

Is Counseling and Therapy The Same?

My Name is Emily and I want to be a Marriage/Family Therapist One Day. I was just wondering if counseling and Therapy are the same because I am having trouble comparing and Contrasting the two.

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Angeliana862 views

Back with another question for another career project. I just need to ask: Is there things like promotions for behavioral therapists/phycologists and what are they?

I Want to get into the field so other that research on the computer, so any feedback from those within the field would be greatly appreciated! Thanks and I wish you a great day/night!

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Summer4742 views

Can you get an associate's degree in one subject and a bachelor's in another?

I am an aspiring LCSW in sophomore year. I am taking my associates in college this year, but I don't know if I should major in Psychology and English or Sociology and English (I have to take a college class for English, but It was also recommended that I take another dual college class as well). In college I want to major in Sociology, and I was wondering that if I were to take a Psychology class would it look perplexing on my College application.

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Samantha337 views

What is some advice you wish you received before you began an education to be a therapist?

I am already almost done with my bachelors degree in psychology, and I've recently realized I haven't thought about what steps I need to take to continue my education. Any advice helps!

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Samantha859 views

What are some pros and cons of different types of therapist careers?

I'm still not entirely sure what kind of therapist I want to be. Although, two that have caught my eye are cognitive-behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy, but there are so many more to choose from! If I'm being honest, I'm scared to pursue an education as one or the other because I'm afraid I won't be happy with my choice.

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Angeliana724 views

What is it like working as a behavioral therapist/CBT ?

I'm doing a finals project involving where I see myself in 10-15+ years and I really took an interest to therapy related things (specifically mental health and such since 8th grade and going on freshmen), so I was hoping that I can have some insight into the life of a CBT/behavioral therapist.

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Charlotte342 views

What is some advice for a 13 year old 8th grader who wants to run a bakery?

When I'm older I want to run a bakery, but I don't know where to start. I also really want to be great financially. If a bakery doesn't work put I also LOVEE to help people and put a smile on there face, so a therapist would be ok too, but I also don't know where to start for that one either. Any and all advice helps. Thanks so much!!

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Daizee616 views

What is the most difficult skill of being a therapist?

Hi i'm a freshman and I am interested in becoming a therapist.

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Alizah385 views

What is the hardest thing as a therapist?

I’m 13, and I live in Arizona, I want to know what’s the pros and cons about being a therapist, because I like to help people and want people to fix their situations, and I’m not sure if i will be able to pursue that career. if there are any currently/retired working therapists out there can you let me know by telling me what’s the pros and cons of being one and if it’s not that easy being a therapist and what kind of schooling do I need to be a therapist? And is it worth the time and money to get into being a therapist?

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grace313 views

What is the hardest part about being a mental health therapist ?

hi, i am a jr high student from crane middle school and i have some questions for a therapist. what is the hardest part about being a mental health therapist? i also would like to know if i would choose my clients or would they give them to me.

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Adilay422 views

is a therapist/counselor different than a psychologist?

what are the differences if they are not the same thing?

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Abigail268 views

What should I know about being a therapist or psychiatrist

I’m 16, I’ve wanted to be a therapist since I was 11. After having therapy myself I wanted to be able to help people like that. Know that even if they’re going through thought times I’m someone they can lean on. Even if they have no friends I would be there.

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Ren2229 views

How do I become a therapist ?

How do I become a therapist specifically a child therapist

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Thomas267 views

Are there times when your patients become physically violent?

i would like to know this so if someone becomes overly agitated i can be prepared for it.

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Mianay395 views

how can i become an therapist?

I want to be a therapist for mental health and I want to be a person that does hair makeup and nails. I suffer from mental health and i want to help people with the same problems as me.

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Selena1021 views

What classes do you need to be a therapist?

What college do you need to go to for being a therapist? How long do you need to be in it? Why is it expensive? When do you expect to be a therapist?

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Deborah754 views

What skills, traits you need as art therapist ?

Please list all you can

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Ryley1970 views

How can I make the most Money as an occupational therapist?

Im a senior in hs right now but this job has caught my eye for my future but the ratio of the amount of schooling (6 years) to their pay is scaring me because that's a lot of money in school alone. I was wondering if its worth it and what can I do to make sure I make the most money I can in this area of study?

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