Career questions tagged mental-health-counseling

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Hannah354 views

How do I become a mental health therapist?

Hi! I'm currently in high school but I want to become a mental health therapist preferably working with children. What steps do I need to get there? I also don't really understand all the license names (LMHC, LPC, LCPC, etc.) From what I understand which isn't much I want to be a LMHC but can someone please explain these as well as the steps I need to take to get there? Thank you!

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Carmella1347 views

What jobs can I work on that will help me get into and prepare for mental health counseling or clinical psychology graduate school?

I have a bachelor's degree in sociology and I'm looking for a mental health or psychology-related entry-level job where I can learn and that will help me have a better chance at getting into grad school. I am particularly interested in counseling psychology, talk therapy. I see a lot of behavioral technician jobs around, not a lot of mental health technician jobs. What would someone in the field suggest?

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Angela274 views

Should I do psychology or psychiatry?

Hi! I'm a junior in highschool and I've always been curious about what makes people act the way they do. What I'm interested in doing is helping people with mental disorders or disabilities, like depression, ADHD, schizophrenia, etc, through therapy. I also want to take courses in education so that I have some options. I already plan on majoring in psychology, but if you have any suggestions for majors and minors, I'd love to hear. So, do you think I should do psychology or psychiatry?

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Kayla423 views

How can I decide whether to transition to elementary teaching from the mental health counseling profession?

For as long as I can remember, I have gone back and forth between the two careers. I even have master's degrees in both fields, so I am technically qualified to do either. I have only ever worked in the mental health field though. I never really made the jump to being an elementary teacher. I have made pros and cons lists. I have thought about the differences in lifestyles. I ruminate over this regularly and it gives me a lot of anxiety. In my current job as a mental health therapist and own my own private practice, I can make my own hours, work as much or as little as I want and the pay is decent. My practice is telehealth only and I work from home. However, I am extremely lonely and really miss the camaraderie I experienced when I did my student teaching. Through my experience in student teaching and a short stint at a daycare after graduating with my Bachelor's in 2015, I really enjoyed the ability to be creative, come up with lesson plans and crafts/activities. Summer's off would be really great as well. I thought it was fun, whereas I would not say my current job is 'fun.' It's intellectually stimulating, but not fun. Oddly enough, I think the more structured schedule of a full-time job as a teacher may also be better for me mentally. I also know there are downsides to teaching, such as limited opportunity for advancement, difficult parents, difficult students, issues with administration, and the pay isn't great. Another kicker - I am currently 5 months pregnant, so I know I can't make any changes right now, and I also know I may feel differently about all of this once I have the baby. I am also concerned that since I completed my education degree and student teaching three years ago, I don't know who will write my letters of recommendations if I do decide to switch to teaching and apply for jobs. Any insight from someone who has made the switch from mental health counseling to teaching or from teaching to mental health counseling is helpful. Any insight that I might be missing about the field of education from teachers would also be helpful.

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Pearl525 views

What's the one simple habit that enhances all aspects of life?

I mean how does adopting that one habit positively impact mental, physical, and financial well-being?

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Regina418 views

What is the difference between Psychology and Psychiatry and how can this difference be a deciding factor in my career?

I'm interested in the mental health aspect of people and I really like listening to people and helping them. To my knowledge, both of these studies deal with helping people and their mental issues however I want to know which one is really about listening, giving advice, and being there to help.

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Kristen808 views

What degrees do I need to become a psychologist?

I am a junior in high school and I really wanna pursue psychology to help others better understand their mental illnesses and make them know they aren't alone.

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Mara261 views

What is your daily routine as a mental health counselor, who do you work with in a day?

Want more information for project

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Mara270 views

How hard does it get to make decisions for your clients ?

Want more information for my project.

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Bella665 views

What should I do to work in law and psychology?

I have seen both. Criminal and forensic. Psychology what’s better to work with people

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Emily505 views

How do you help your mental health with a high stress job?

I am a sophomore in highschool and would like to know what is going to be my lifetime career!

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Summer510 views

What are some good clubs to join if you are a aspiring therapist (major in sociology)?

I am currently a sophomore in high school (private) that does not offer a lot for the studies I want to pursue. I am hoping to join clubs outside of my school (tri-state area) that focus around sociology, can anyone suggest any clubs for me to join?

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Jayna6559 views

How do I even begin to apply for scholarships and get help in college?

I want to be a mental health counselour when I get older and even reccomend ways to help others. I have no clue where to start. Where do I begin? What are some hacks to get alot out of scholorships and grants?

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Bruce1450 views

What should I do if I am a psychologist and my patient starts having a medical emergency or admits to murder?

I am just asking because I am hoping to be a psychologist or some type of counseling job that helps people without being really in the medical field, besides that I just want some tips and suggestions if that happens.

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Milan398 views

What does a regular/average work day?

When you're a psychologist you help people with their mental health. How do you know when you've helped someone too much or you're just doing your job? I feel like the mental toll from being a psychologist would affect your own mental health greatly and I want to know how to balance the job and just being too nice. I'm in high school and this is one of the jobs I really want to do because I'm a very emotional person and I know what it's like to struggle with mental health.

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Adilay424 views

How does a psychologist compare and contrast to a psychiatrist?

I do know the education requirements and salaries are different, but what about the actual tasks? Can they both diagnose mental disorders or is that only the job of one? Can psychiatrists offer talk therapy in addition to medication, or do they just prescribe the meds? Which would be more direct in helping people through their mental illnesses?

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Adilay1680 views

What are some good colleges (US) to look into in order to pursue a degree in psychology?

Psychology is extremely interesting to me and I think a career in the field could very well be a good fit for me. What are some colleges in the US that offer good psychology programs? Or are they all kind of the same difference? I want to have as much knowledge in the area as I can and actually learn about psychology and mental health.

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Adilay232 views

What do people in the research area of psychology do?

I'm very heavily leaning towards pursuing a career in psychology, but I'm still exploring options within the field. What would a job in researching/conducting studies in psychology potentially look like?

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Adilay393 views

what should i consider before going into a career in psychology, especially in dealing with mental health?

Salary? Specific difficulties? Pros/cons?

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Adilay1741 views

what are the different careers involved in mental health?

I'm interested in mental health and how the human brain works and would like to pursue a career related to those things

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Niloofar718 views

What are the important points to remember working as a new clinical mental health intern at an inpatient/outpatient hospital unit?

Hi all, I'm a second year grad student in mental health counseling, and first year intern. I was wondering what are the important points to remember working as a new clinical mental health intern at an inpatient/outpatient hospital unit? Do you have any tips that would ease the anxiety of not knowing what to expect?

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Mianay395 views

how can i become an therapist?

I want to be a therapist for mental health and I want to be a person that does hair makeup and nails. I suffer from mental health and i want to help people with the same problems as me.

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saleyann1214 views

Is it difficult to become a Mental Health Counselor?

What training do I need to become a Mental Health Counselor?

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Minta446 views

How do I get into a college that is beneficial for me?

I want to go to a college that is academically exceptional of course, but I also want to make sure to focus on my mental health. How can I look for and find colleges that align with my needs for good self help resources and good education?

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Gavin683 views

What's better, an LMFT or LCSW?

What provides more opportunity? An LMFT or LCSW? Is one harder to receive than the other? I am a college student pursuing psychology and don't know which license I should pursue.

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Sage406 views

How did you figure out that the mental health feild was right for you?

I keep going from really passionate about helping people with mental illness to scared that I won't like it as much as I think. What helped you make that choice?

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Aniya292 views

What are the most effective strategies for seeking a position in this? field?

Mental Health Counselor?

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Aniya349 views

What does a typical day look like on the job of a Mental Health Counselors??

Mental Health Counselor Questions?

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Kaliyah356 views

How do you balance your own personal mental health while trying to help others as a physiologist?

I would prefer a physiologist answer this question but I'm always open to different opinions.

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Ethan351 views

how can I find the right job for me?

I want to be a therapist for mental health and I want to be a person that does hair makeup and nails. I suffer from mental health and i want to help people with the same problems as me

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