Career questions tagged trauma-treatment

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Angela274 views

Should I do psychology or psychiatry?

Hi! I'm a junior in highschool and I've always been curious about what makes people act the way they do. What I'm interested in doing is helping people with mental disorders or disabilities, like depression, ADHD, schizophrenia, etc, through therapy. I also want to take courses in education so that I have some options. I already plan on majoring in psychology, but if you have any suggestions for majors and minors, I'd love to hear. So, do you think I should do psychology or psychiatry?

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Joscelyn949 views

What can be a backup plan to an ER Trauma Doctor?

I love fast-paced jobs and being challenged, and I most definitely do not want to be stuck doing the same thing in the same place every single day. I love the medical field and I want to help others that cannot help themselves. That is why I chose my intended career path as an Emergency Room Trauma Doctor. I believe it contains all of the aspects that I am looking for in my desired career; however, I would like to have a backup plan. What else could I be interested in that can give me the same rush, challenge, and variety in the environment? #doctor #medicine #hospital #emergency-medicine #emergency-room #trauma-treatment

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Jasmine949 views

What colleges have the highest reputation for creating successful surgeons?

I'm a freshman in Arkansas, and my high school teachers, while they attempt to be helpful, don't know enough about my future career plans to be of much help. #healthcare #health #surgery #general-surgery #trauma-treatment #doctor #hospital-and-health-care #college #career #career-counseling

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