Career questions tagged general-surgery

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Testimony415 views

What can I do to be a surgeon without having to start from the scratch?

Hi, I'm Testimony, I'm in my second year studying physiology but I want to be a surgeon. Do I have to start from the scratch or is there a way I can transit after I'm done with physiology?

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Yarlin714 views

How do you become a trauma surgeon ?

I’m in high school right now and i’m just wondering.

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Alexandria1105 views

How do I find someone who would be willing to mentor a medical student?

I am a current medical student, looking for a mentor. I'm very dedicated, passionate, energetic, and always looking for ways to become more knowledgeable. My main interests are Surgery, Cardiothoracic surgery, Cardiology, and Public/Global health. Is there anyone interested in mentoring me, or knows anyone who may be interested in mentoring me? I am also available for remote mentoring.

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Jaelyn543 views

How hard was it to get to medical school?

Are there possibilities of getting into medical school from a lower-class home and decent grades but not perfect?

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Benito657 views

What is an example of a surgery that a maxillofacial / oral surgeon would do?

What is an example of a surgery that a maxillofacial / oral surgeon would do?

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Diya509 views

What courses should I take to become a general surgeon? #EOY22

Hello! I am interested in becoming a general surgeon but I just wanted to see what courses I should take in highschool to get prepared for it in college. Thank you so much in advance!

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Jose635 views

What inspired you to be a doctor?

I just need to know if I feel the same.

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kaiden622 views

is being a surgeon hard

#surgeon #surgery #general-surgery #career

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William864 views

I'm trying to become a general surgeon what do i need to become it ?

Im a senior in high school and I want to become a general surgeon and I'm not quite sure what I need to do to be able to become one. #general-surgery #surgeon #surgery

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Jessica444 views

What made you become a surgeon?


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Jessica415 views

How can I become a good surgeon?

#surgeon #general-surgery

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Jessica504 views

What's so interesting about being a surgeon?

#general-surgery #surgery

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Aileen714 views

What TYPE of veterinarians are there?

Surgeon? Cat and Dog? #surgeon #neurosurgeon #general-surgery

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Adam887 views

Is cardiology a good field to become a surgeon in?

I am a rising junior in college and I know its really early to be thinking about this. I am positive I want to become a surgeon and have chosen three fields that sound interesting to me: Cardiothoracic surgeon, General surgeon, or Trauma Surgeon, in that order. #surgeon #general-surgery #cardiac-surgeon #surgery #medicine #doctor

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jennifer633 views

what other strengths or experiences might I need for becoming an RN or a Surgeon?

I have so little of strengths I can talk to some people sometimes I don't really like talking to new people. I also love taking care of babies and older people. I have always found an interest in becoming a surgeon. But I would like to know what other strengths I need for theses two jobs that I am interested in. #registered-nurses #surgery #general-surgery

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Alexis1050 views

How does the path to becoming a plastic surgeon differ from that of a general surgeon?

Recently, I've been intrigued by a fascinating and controversial career: plastic/reconstructive surgeon. How does the path toward becoming a plastic surgeon differ from someone aspiring to be a general surgeon? And what does this journey entail? It has always haunted me on whether there is any initial difference between the two career paths or does this difference occur later on in residency? Thanks, Alexis K. #medical-practice #plastic-surgery #plastic-surgeon #general-surgery #surgeon #medicine #surgery #medical-school #doctor #career

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Hajira2210 views

how to become a cardiologist

i am interest about in cardiologist .it is my favorite.i want to know it.please tell me about it. #healthcare #surgery #doctorate-degree #general-surgery #ios-development #mhuu

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Makayla884 views

What are some of the ways that you deal with difficult situations that you face as a surgeon?

I want to become a doctor, and specifically a neurosurgeon. I know that it takes a long time, there is much to learn, and years of study to achieve this goal. I realize that I could face some situations that are difficult and that no matter how good I am, I may not be able to help everyone. What I am wondering about, is how you deal with situations that are difficult and stressful, especially those where you may not be able to save someone. I am interested in understanding more about how current surgeons cope with these difficult situations. #medicine #neurology #general-surgery #surgeons

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elizabeth916 views

What is surgery like?

I think I want to be a surgeon and I wanted to know what performing surgery is like. Is it fun? Hard? As rewarding as it seems? #surgery #surgeon #general-surgery #doctors #cardiac-surgeon #plastic-surgeon #spine-surgery #oral-surgery

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Danielle775 views

When pursuing a career in medicine, what are things that one can do in high school (as a junior) to better prepare for this career?

I want to pursue a career as a cardiologist. I also want to be prepared for college and pre med school. What are internships that I should research? Are there certain classes I should take as a high school student? #medicine #pre-med #surgery #medical-education #general-surgery

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Lydia972 views

What are some tips to getting through med school?

I am currently in high school and am interested in the becoming an MD one day. The thought of medical school frightens me and I was wondering what kind of tips there are for getting into and through medical school. I am very interested in surgery (cardiothoracic and general). #medicine #surgery #surgeon #general-surgery #cardiothoracic

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Lydia827 views

What are the most important traits for a successful surgeon to have?

I shadowed a surgeon about a month ago and loved my experience! I got to scrub in and see many different surgeries and I handled a removed gallbladder and thyroid. It was an exhilarating day and I have been more and more interested in surgery the more I learn about it. I have been told before that I have what it takes to be a surgeon but I want outside opinions on what it takes to be a successful surgeon. #registered-nurses #surgery #surgeon #general-surgery #cardiac-surgeon #cardiothoracic #anesthetist #scrub-nurse

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Ally1116 views

What is the most important thing to know before becoming a surgeon?

I have wanted to be a doctor ever since I was four, and I am trying now to narrow down my field of interest. My little sister has had many surgeries in her lifetime, so I have had lots of exposure to the world of medicine. Therefore, I am examining the field of surgery and how that could fit into my career and life plan. #doctor #surgeon #neurosurgeon #general-surgery #cardiac-surgeon #plastic-surgeon #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

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Keaira849 views

What should you study to get into medical school

I want to know what I should study when I take the test #doctor #medicine #healthcare #university -education #general-surgery #helping-people

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Diepreye1271 views

i heard pre med is not a wise decision for neurosurgery or doctor so what other cources should i take

i want to know please #surgery #neuroscience #neurology #neurosurgeon #general-surgery

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jhyenna louie6949 views

How do you become a general surgeon and how much it cost?

I am an education student majoring in physical science because of financial problem I took this degree. But, I was planning to go in a medical school after this. #medicine #general-surgery

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Aurora1145 views

How do you choose which career you want to pursue when you don't know what you'll excell best in?

I am confused about my career choice. #teaching #pediatrics #architecture #business-development #general-surgery

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Madison969 views

How much time does Orthopedic surgery consume on average per week?

time to start a family? #medicine #surgery #general-surgery #orthopedics #sports-and-orthopedics #surgery-scheduling #hospital-and-health-care #medical-device

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Jasmine949 views

What colleges have the highest reputation for creating successful surgeons?

I'm a freshman in Arkansas, and my high school teachers, while they attempt to be helpful, don't know enough about my future career plans to be of much help. #healthcare #health #surgery #general-surgery #trauma-treatment #doctor #hospital-and-health-care #college #career #career-counseling

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Rachel1062 views

How many years of school would it take to be a heart surgeon?

I want to be a heart surgeon, so I'd like to know. #medicine #surgery #surgeon #general-surgery #cardiology #internal-medicine #cardiovascular

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