Career questions tagged mentor

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Pearl544 views

How can I begin creating concept art ?

I mean what are the essential basics of drawing and composition that I should learn first, where should I start, and what are some recommended resources or tutorials for beginners in concept art. I will be grateful if you help me with this. Thank you!

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Gabriela777 views

Research mentor outside of high school ?

Is there a website or any way I can find a mentor for an independent research? My high school is not an option anymore since I am already a graduate, and I also don’t have enough resources and not even a budget to be spending on this.

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Lirianny1212 views

How to become a volleyball coach?

I am in the 9th grade and I am beginning to explore my future career. At school I am most interested in volleyball and I love to help people. I would like to know what I would need in order to be become a volleyball coach, how I can achieve it, the pay, where I could look for such jobs, and how it is being a coach; The workload, what to do. Basically how an average day for a volleyball coach would look like.

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Rebecca4367 views

What should I think about as I prepare to meet with a mentor?

I am going to have my first conversation with a mentor soon. How can I prepare? What are tips you have for me? Any and all input is welcome to help me make the most of this exciting opportunity. This will be a short term relationship by the way, I might only have one opportunity to talk to this mentor.

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David570 views

How did you find & connect with your mentors?

To become a great person, I think you need to be led by a great person.

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Alexandria1105 views

How do I find someone who would be willing to mentor a medical student?

I am a current medical student, looking for a mentor. I'm very dedicated, passionate, energetic, and always looking for ways to become more knowledgeable. My main interests are Surgery, Cardiothoracic surgery, Cardiology, and Public/Global health. Is there anyone interested in mentoring me, or knows anyone who may be interested in mentoring me? I am also available for remote mentoring.

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CareerVillage Office Hours2212 views

How do I find a mentor and why is it important to have one?

This is part of our professionals series

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Shaina828 views

Do you find it rude when we don't say 'thank you'?

ALL PROFESSIONALS! Do you find it rude that if we ask a question, we never thanked you for responding? I've seen a ton of discussions in Career Village that professionals don't even get the "thanks" for responding to the question. I got curious if you find it rude hehe I would like to formally thank the Career Village for continuously posting my questions and to the professionals who take their time to respond and give valuable information to my questions. I am grateful to this community. :) (virtual hugs & handshakes)

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Cato608 views

Are connections important to start your own business?

Are connections important to develop your own business? and if so how would I find people with similar interests to me. #business #entrepreneur #networking #mentor

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Christina5592 views

Best extracurriculars for Psychology major?

I am in a community college studying psychology and want to apply to many great schools by the time I transfer! I am interested in getting my masters to become a clinical psychologist or educational counselor after undergrad. However, during the time I am in community college now, I want to increase my chances of getting accepted into a great school for psychology. I read on the internet that creating a podcast or talk would be a good one, but I dislike the idea of sharing my voice because I am very shy... but I do love to volunteer and offer my help to anyone needed! Because of the pandemic, I stopped volunteering at a school, but I hope to find similar opportunities soon. Is there a specific area of activity I should focus on? Should I find specific places/areas to volunteer/work/intern at? There is also a Certified Nursing Assistant certification program offered at my school-- would this be helpful? I just hope I can boost my application in all ways possible : ) Thank you for your answers! #college #psychology #psychologist #clinicalpsychologist #counselor #psychiatrist #mentor #guidancecounselor #academiccounselor #volunteering #remotevolunteering #university #communitycollege #universityofcalifornia

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Nancy1130 views

Why is it hard to build my network and find a mentor in my field of study?

I am an IT major. I tried my best to build my network and find a mentor, but it's really hard. Maybe, I am not doing it the right way. I need help....building my network, finding a mentor.....almost EVERYTHING. Technology might be in demand, but it's really hard to find a job without skills. #major #college #JULY20 #technology #networking #network #mentor #building #help

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Brittany741 views

How do I choose a psychology graduate track?

I'm a rising college junior majoring in psychology and minoring in criminal justice. When I was researching graduate schools, I found there are many tracks in the psychology graduate programs that I'm interested in. How do I narrow down a single track? #psychology #graduateschool #college #degree #student #program #major #tracks #mentor #MS #colleges #programs #professor #JULY20

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Erin931 views

I am an online student and I will be soon entering my senior year of college, it’s been extremely hard to find internships and mentors. I really want to gain as much knowledge and insight as I can be but as of now I am I am lost. What should I do?

#college #psychology #career #internship #mentor

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Angela754 views

How do I know when I've found a potential career mentor?

When is safe to approach someone in a higher position than you to form a connection? How can you ensure you're not stepping out of line in doing so? #career #mentor #connections

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Kemi881 views

How do I find a mentor and What should I look for in a mentor?

I will be starting college soon, and I’m really freaking out because I feel don’t have a clear idea on what career path I want to take. I feel like I need someone to help and guide me throughout my college years. #mentor

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jose2021 views

I work for AT&T in retail now, how can i transition to AT&T in IT?

I'm a college senior who is expected to graduate from the Information Technology program in may 2018 and currently I'm an intern as a data quality analyst. I love working for AT&T but i feel like i may have to look else where to get a start in my IT adventure, does anyone have any recommendations on how i can further my journey with AT&T(IT)? I would imagine that AT&T would want to keep an employee of 5 years and studies show that employees that stay longer with a company tend to give more time and effort to that company. Im also looking for a mentor in IT! #information-technology #internships #loyalty #att #retail #big-data #college #graduate #career-transition #mentor #search

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