How do I find a mentor and What should I look for in a mentor?
I will be starting college soon, and I’m really freaking out because I feel don’t have a clear idea on what career path I want to take. I feel like I need someone to help and guide me throughout my college years.
4 answers
Sheila’s Answer
This is a great question. It's awesome that you are thinking about mentors early on your journey. You've received some good comments from Kim and others. I'd like to share a few items for your consideration.
A mentorship is a mutually beneficial professional relationship in which an experienced individual (the mentor) imparts knowledge, expertise and wisdom to a less experienced person (the mentee), while simultaneously honing their mentoring skills.
• Define what you want out of your career and what you need to learn to get there.
• Approach a mentor relationship as if it's a business friendship – be casual and friendly, and try not to ask weird questions like, "Will you be my mentor?"
• Start with your own professional network. We often already have mentors who provide advice in various ways, and all it takes is a little effort from us to grow that connection into an ongoing relationship. Best of luck to you!
Sheila recommends the following next steps:
Kim’s Answer
Before addressing what makes a good mentor, I want to address what makes a good "mentee." Please be respectful of your mentor's time. I have been mentoring a young lady for about three years. She found me through LinkedIn, she had just finished Paralegal schooling, and was embarking on her career. I have enjoyed mentoring her, because she listens! Conversely, many other people have approached me for help, but when they failed to implement even basic grammar corrections on their resumes, I decided not to give them any further help.
I think it would be helpful if you had a general idea of what direction you are going in. You don't want a Biologist mentoring you to be an Accountant! It may be too early to get a mentor, and you might do better using the career services office at school to sort through your uncertainties.
I recently returned to school, and, through a professional organization, and, based on my interests, was assigned to a mentor. This individual had too many things she was involved in, and was not truly available to me. She would dutifully check on me once a month, but was not available if needed at any other time.
So, your mentor needs to be available, (e-mail relationships are fine!), and needs to care. She needs to guide you in helping you to think things through and make your own decisions, rather than telling you what to do. She needs to accept these decisions even if they are not the ones she would have made! However, she needs to not treat you with "kid gloves." You are entering the grown-up world, and not everything is going to be handled in a super-gentle way.
As an example, the lady I mentor was about to turn down a job offer and stay in her current position. I reminded her of why she had applied for the job, and she realized, before it was too late, that taking it would be the right thing to do. I could have just said, "yeah, I understand. . . " You want brutal honesty, but not someone who is going to deflate your self-esteem!
As to where to find a mentor? Professional organizations, LinkedIn, church, school (not just faculty, there are also great support staff!), etc. Try to pick someone who is established in their business, but don't go for the top person in the company. Perhaps target the position you could see yourself in 2-5 years after graduation.
Hope some of this helps!
Kabeer’s Answer
I believe we should have a mentor or a coach at different stages of your life... You can decide on what exactly you are looking for based on your expectation. Personally i prefer a coach so that he/she can ask the right questions, connect me to the right people and probe my thinking in the right direction. A mentor will focus more direct guidance into what you want to achieve. I believe the only way to find the right mentor is by talking to different people when you talk to different people you will have know who you connect with the best and you pursue from there...
Enise’s Answer
If you are studying at the college right now, Career Mentoring Programme it is one of the best opportunity as an extracurricular activity. It should be on job board or on social media posts. You can apply for Career Mentoring programme if you path your way. Once you applied, you can connect with your mentor or mentee (if you are a mentor). If you are a mentee for the first time, you have to fill out the form or create a profile for the platform. You need to complete all processes you have to create your ID: introduction, interests, work experience, extracurricular activities, and awards.
It can be challenging during mentor & mentee match process.
You can have a look at the list of mentors to see if there is a mentor who can suits you. Have a read their profile; specifically look at their interest and introduction to see if your hard and soft skills, and emotional intelligence skills, and your career path will be similar. Even a mentor's career may inspire you. If there is no list, please get in touch with the services. You will be contacted after selecting a mentor; yet you should be on time and be prepare on questions that a mentor may ask the question.
Once you matched with a mentor, you have to introduce yourself and what you do in your life and in your career, what is your interest and have you experienced a volunteering, an internship, a part-time job. You can ask questions about career, application to the job you want, any issues related to the work in general. Yet, of course, you may unmatch with a mentor who you unsatisfied with. You can be matched another mentor.
I hope this helps.