Career questions tagged search

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Evan201 views

How to find majors?

I enjoy challenges but i’m not sure what I want to study in college. What should I do to narrow down the fields/areas of study

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Brenda3364 views

What are some good examples of volunteer opportunities that high school students can participate in?

I'm looking for some fun volunteering opportunities, especially those that are online/can be done in the comfort of your own home at any time.

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Anonymous487 views

What's this doctor called? I want to look more into this career.

Okay, so baically I fractured my arm, and I want to say I remember them being a specialist...this doctor basically reviewed my x-rays and said I had a hairline fracture. She then let me know I would need a cast for a while, and I kept going to her every like every month or every like 8 r 6 weeks...I'm not sure it's be a while. If it helps she also told me I didn't need physical therapy. I really got interested ever since that experience...because then no less than a year later I had to go see her again for my thumb. #doctor #search #fracture

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Damaris956 views

How do I narrow my college search?

I've been trying in vain to narrow down my list of colleges, it feels like deadlines are around the corner and I have no idea what I would do in the best case scenario that I got accepted into all the universities I am applying to #college #search #help #choices #narrow

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Mike968 views

What should I focus more on, salary or enjoyment?

I want to be at a job I enjoy doing that makes me happy, but will I be able to find that while also making the money that I need? #help #job-search #search #money #happiness

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Angelina785 views

When you get out of college how do you land a successful job?

what do you do next? can you just start your own business when college ends or do you have to start doing that before college ends? Where do you look or who do you ask? #search #successful #college #job #business

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jose2021 views

I work for AT&T in retail now, how can i transition to AT&T in IT?

I'm a college senior who is expected to graduate from the Information Technology program in may 2018 and currently I'm an intern as a data quality analyst. I love working for AT&T but i feel like i may have to look else where to get a start in my IT adventure, does anyone have any recommendations on how i can further my journey with AT&T(IT)? I would imagine that AT&T would want to keep an employee of 5 years and studies show that employees that stay longer with a company tend to give more time and effort to that company. Im also looking for a mentor in IT! #information-technology #internships #loyalty #att #retail #big-data #college #graduate #career-transition #mentor #search

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Kathryn1328 views

Which are the best American colleges for user experience (UX) design?

Hi! I'm 27 years old and decide to invest 2 years in my life to join a graduate program. When I graduate again, I will be 29. It's not a very young age, so I'm careful in choosing which college to spend this 2 year with. My future career plan is to be a UX designer, with focus on the intersection of data science and user experience design. If there is a chance to work with search experience, I will definitely go for it. Which American universities are the best choices in UX design education? How will the recruiters see the universities? Thanks. #user-experience #design #information-technology #computer #search #university #college

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Shakuan1641 views

What, based on your opinion, is the best "college matcher?"

An example would be Basically, what do you consider to be a great website/online resource to help prospective students find colleges that are a great fit for them? #college #college-admissions #college-bound #search

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