Career questions tagged retail

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Camilla488 views

What are some hard skills that employers like in the retail industry?

For entry-level positions. Thanks so much to anyone who answers!

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Camilla336 views

Is it possible to learn retail inventory management system and the technology used without a retail job?

I apologize if this is a silly question, I'm wondering because I want to better prepare myself for part-time work in retail.

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Wyatt247 views

How do I start a retail store?

How do I start a retail store?

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Jessica2335 views

How do you find a lifelong career that you will love and be passionate about?

I'm still young, in my early twenties asking for advice or helpful insight on finding the right path for me. I'm currently enrolled in a Jobcorps Center and am pursuing Pharmacy technician and or other trade work training. I have several small interests that I enjoy but none that I feel confident building into a lifelong career. I graduated from high school during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, and I feel it's stunted my growth into a career. I'm interested in STEM, Language studies, Anatomy Physiology, forensics, Physical fitness, Chemistry, Woodworking, and Medicine. I'm artistic and investigative and wish to do a career that I find challenging and rewarding. I've traveled to Europe, Studied French in southern France, and interned as a sales associate in Ireland with a Designer Exchange Company; all of which were wonderful experiences but I'm unsure how to turn them into a career for my future. So how do I narrow down my interests into a career I will find fulfilling in my later life?

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Ryan346 views

How to be a professinal in retail industry if low level jobs wont even accept me because i require experience what should i do about this please help.?

How to be a professinal in retail industry if low level jobs wont even accept me because i require experience what should i do about this please help.

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Natasha349 views

What jobs are out there for social marketing interns remotely working?

My name is Natasha and I am highly interested interning at a retail company where I can work as a social marketing intern! I am very passionate about hard work and dedication.

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Avery3393 views

Can I say i'm 16 instead of 15 when i'm applying for a job that says 16+?

A skateboard/retail shop is currently hiring and I've been thinking of working here ever since I turned 15 since I know how to skate. I would love to have an opportunity there, but i'm 1 year under the age requirement. I'm willing to take the risk of getting in trouble, but the question is if I actually can or not.

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Megan2445 views

How did you find and get hired for your very first job?

I’ve been struggling to find my first job, and I'm curious to hear about how other people have gotten a job when they had no experience.

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Genevieve608 views

What minor would be a good choice for someone who wanted to use data science to study retail data/trends?

Marketing, sales, general business?

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Genevieve386 views

How would data science be used in retail?

Would they analyze sales?

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Diego317 views

What kind of experience do you need to become a Wholesale & Retail Buyer??

Thank you for your answers

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Diego367 views

How do I get the most out of being a Wholesale & Retail Buyers?

Thank you for your answers

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Diego718 views

What does a typical day look like for a Wholesale & Retail Buyer?

Thank you for your answers

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Shyann633 views


I mainly see people work in retail, and that's good but just not for me. I've been thinking about if college is right for me, and it's still undecided. But when I come to a decision, if I decide to NOT go to college what to do ? A job of course, but is there anything other than retail that'll allow someone like me to work for them?

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Brandon673 views

how quickly can i open a store front.

The only aspect of the fashion world i am missing exp. in is the retail side of things if i could get a greater understanding of what it takes that be amazing.

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Noel1106 views

What is the differences between being a pharmacy technician and physical therapy

I have been debating what I should do after I do job corps and I have been thinking about starting working at the pharmacy area at one of the retail stores or should I go to college to be a physical therapist for four years or so to get a degree for be a physical therapist ?

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Amrith Prashanth543 views

I have completed BBA in Retail Management. What post graduation to take up? I have an idea to join Mcom (International Business). will my decision be wise?

I am a disabled student due to an accident. I lost 5 years in treatment. I still have issues in mobility, speech and left hand usage. #college #retail #management #mass-communications #business #international-business #business-management

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Sam618 views

What type of job training is there to become a retail associate

#business-management #jobtraining #retail

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Sam611 views

Is there any job training for retail associates?

#jobs #retail I looking to know if there’s anything job training

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Sam560 views

What kinds of career programs can you take to learn about how to become a retail associate?

I am very flexible with change and willing to learn new things #retail #Bussnessmagangement #learning #career

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Sam662 views

What are some good colleges that have business management classes and learning how to become a retail associate

I’m very flexible with change and also I work well with other people and I know how to problem solve. #retail # #business #career

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Marzia1125 views

How to start a career as fashion buyer?

I am a fashion buying student at the University of Westminster struggling to find an internship in the fashion industry. My ultimate aspiration is to become a buyer for a luxury e-commerce retailer but, as it will be my first experience, I am open to everything. I have sent applications for many different roles in many different companies but I have not found a job yet. For this reason, I am now asking advice to someone who has experience in the #apparel-and-fashion industry on how to get my first experience. Thanks in advance to everyone who will decide to help me. #future-careers #fashion #buyer #internship #retail

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Sam477 views

What are some job tacks that a retail associate does?

The reason why I want to become a retail associate is that I am in work program and I get work experience by learning how to work at different retail places like T.j.maxx and Home Goods . #retail #retail associate

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Samantha1533 views

What is a good job to work for at 17?

I really don't like fast foods i rather work in retail because i have bad experience with fast food places. #retail

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jose2021 views

I work for AT&T in retail now, how can i transition to AT&T in IT?

I'm a college senior who is expected to graduate from the Information Technology program in may 2018 and currently I'm an intern as a data quality analyst. I love working for AT&T but i feel like i may have to look else where to get a start in my IT adventure, does anyone have any recommendations on how i can further my journey with AT&T(IT)? I would imagine that AT&T would want to keep an employee of 5 years and studies show that employees that stay longer with a company tend to give more time and effort to that company. Im also looking for a mentor in IT! #information-technology #internships #loyalty #att #retail #big-data #college #graduate #career-transition #mentor #search

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Claire1384 views

What is the best way to get work experience?

Everywhere I want to work, even small retail jobs, seems to ask for work experience, so how do I get that experience in the first place? #retail #food-service

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Melody2338 views

Good weekend-only jobs?

Hi. I'm just wondering if anybody knows of some good jobs that can hire people only for the weekends. I'm a college student who already works 20 hours a week at the library so the weekend is all that I can manage. I've been considering applying to restaurants and the like because it seems like that's where I'd have the best luck. #retail #restaurants #jobs-for-college-students #weekend-jobs

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Melody1098 views

What are some tips for how to pass online job assessments?

Hello there. I'm a student at community college, who also works at the library 20 hours a week. I now need a second job to supplement my income. I have always had trouble with applications that require online assessments. I've applied to Target, Sams, Wal-Mart, and Ross in the past and have failed multiple times. I've read some good tips online already- such as being honest, being consistent, and always strongly disagreeing with "absolute" type of questions (or any questions that would encourage hiding a theft). There was also advice to not always say that you're going to go to a manager for assistance, which is how I'm prone to answering the questions. I just wondered if there were any other tips. I do realize that it's possible that my current rejections have had more to do with my only being available on weekends than anything else. But I'm still hoping you all could help. P.S. None of the jobs that I've snagged in the past have required online assessments. #retail #jobs-for-college-students #weekend-jobs #online-assessments

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Nathan1716 views

What is the best job for me??

I am asking this question because I am lost!! I have worked 6 jobs in the last 5 years! #research #human-resources #resume #japan #recruiting #public-relations #retail #market-research

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Jodie1499 views

What are good jobs to get you started and help you to build confidence?

I would like to soon apply for a job. I'm 17 years old and have not previously had any work, I'm also quite a quiet person so would like a job thats not overwhelming, but that still offers good experience and is of a relatively good pay for a few days a week (I need the time to relax, as well as study for my three A-levels). #career #jobs #career-choice #interviews #time-management #retail #customer-experience

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