What is the best way to get work experience?
Everywhere I want to work, even small retail jobs, seems to ask for work experience, so how do I get that experience in the first place? #retail #food-service
15 answers
Mary’s Answer
That is a great question. It is not uncommon to be caught in a loop (need experience for the job, need job for the experience).
Look at your non working experience such as school actvities, Group memberships such as Girl Scouts, church youth group and volunteering. Use this as a skill to add to the application especially if you held an office within the group. This is an opportunity to showcase your leadership skills, and that you are reliable and mature. Also include if you were paid to babysit again to show maturity, reliability and leadership skills. firstjob retail-marketing noworkexperience
Keep us posted, hope this helps
Rosie’s Answer
Say yes to everything, don't be afraid to do whatever it takes to get a job. Make sure to tell employers that you are not afraid of hard work and will do whatever is asked of you.
Alexandra’s Answer
This is a tough question, and something even experienced workers deal with! The best way to gain experience is to start as small as possible. What I mean by that is to try to create experience from what you already have available to you. Do you take part in any groups at school? Can you volunteer for your school or other organizations? Have you ever babysat any kids or mowed lawns for money? Maybe a paper route? I found it easiest to get my first job in fast food at McDonald’s, and I worked there for about a year before applying to a retail job as a cashier. You can also try asking friends of your parents or other people you know if they would give you a recommendation to work where they’re working. My first retail job was under my grandmas friebd, who was the manager. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try volunteering or networking with different companies. Don’t give up, you’ll find the right place!
Katya’s Answer
My best recommendations get a job that fits your personality- e]in the retail store- since most of the job requirement do want you to have a client experience and able to work with others- working in retail/stores even during the summer or part time- will help you develop retail client experience. You will learn how to handle difficult clients, you will learn how to sell products, you will get inside on team projects- what example you will be preparing for holiday sales and decorating the stores and working with teams.
Also, you can get a job working Real Estate- from desk coordinator. this is also another great field to explore if you interested in learning about real estate. many medical offices are always seeking for front desk associates, front desk coordinator that greet and sign up patients.
try to put the resume together- even with your basis skills- because when you apply for the beginner jobs- the employee understand and most what they will attention is to see what you have done as extra curricular activities in schools, if you ever volunteering you should also include it on the resume, if you have any computer skills definitely should include. your objection- should state what purpose of work you are looking to do and what your passion is about. also, any recognition should be included -it will let employee get to know that you are competitive, hard worker , and someone who wants to accomplish things.
do you have your resume?
Lewis’s Answer
Additionally, an appealing trait of a new employee with little or no experience is they don't have bad habits from other jobs and often times have a positive attitude. Be willing to learn & unafraid of the most mundane tasks (I've cleaned bathrooms & taken out tons of garbage). Show an interest and willingness to work. Like myself, most managers have seen the good & bad of new hires, so we recognize when a staff member is actually wanting to succeed and that work ethic can often times lead to more regular hours & recognition (such as Employee of the Month).
Most importantly, be patient. Like mentioned above, apply at multiple positions and places that interest you, as one should bite. Fill out the extra areas of an application, such as a cover letter, introduction, etc. The more you offer us, the more we know about you and can consider you as more than a job application that nobody put effort into filling out! Find ways to make yourself stand out on paper!
Lewis recommends the following next steps:
LaWanda’s Answer
With the holiday season coming up , a lot of retail stores are hiring. This would be a good time to apply. If you have any volunteer experience put that on your application. Also, if you have a marketing department/ class at your school, check with them about jobs they may be able to get you on somewhere. Actually, my second job was through my marketing class in high school. There are places that hire students with no experience, so just keep looking.
Hope this helped out some. Good luck on your search.
Shanim’s Answer
To get a good work experience in any field, you can try joining as an intern in any reputed firm which is easier than getting a full time job .
Jess’s Answer
Looking for a job to gain experience can be intimidating! Looking back on when I had my first few jobs, I wish I would have done research on what it is that employers look for. Pertaining to the job you might be applying for of course. I gained several years of customer service experience on my first job at 16, during that interview I would use any and all scenarios or experience I had from school or school programs to answer interview questions or explain how my skills would be beneficial to the job.
Steve’s Answer
Happy job hunting!
Kong’s Answer
Great question! As mentioned in a prior post, school activities, babysitting or an internship could be classified as relevant work experience. Hiring managers are mainly looking for people that are friendly, have the ability to interact with people and most importantly a willingness to learn.
Recently I hired a person who had no sales experience and limited tech experience to a sales position selling technology. The individual demonstrated strong interpersonal skills and eagerness to learn. Now fast forward 7 months, the individual leads the location in several key categories. Knowledge can be taught as long as the person has the right attitude. Do not let anyone tell you can't do something, power through and learn from prior experiences to get to a YES!
Kong recommends the following next steps:
Hillary’s Answer
Take any opportunity you can Clair!!
Jim’s Answer
It is pleasure to answer your question. I think even you don't have any working experience but you still can got a job and you need to remember something like:
Tell employer what you know and what you can do but don't say a lie.
Tell employer you are hard work and you will learn.
Show your passion to employer.
All the best!!!
Nada’s Answer
Regardless of whether you're a seasoned professional with over two decades of experience or a fresh graduate wanting to move into teaching, having a clear, succinct, and impactful CV is crucial. Given that you've recently left school, a one-page CV would be ideal, but remember, it needs to be distinctive!
In the current job market, there are numerous valuable educational resources and templates that you can utilize. For instance, I discovered an outstanding CV template on Etsy, which I bought and simply filled in the gaps. Typically, the first page serves as an introduction or cover letter, presenting who you are and why you believe you're the perfect fit for the role. The second page is your actual CV, highlighting your relevant experience and skills for the position.
Skills are transferable! Its great to check out your dream job on LinkedIn or other job sites, identify the necessary skills and then consider how you can acquire these skills through a more accessible role, such Customer Service experience in retail or Fast food OR even at school, if you had any accolade's from school that demonstrated a great work ethic eg letter from teacher. You can also tailor your CV to emphasize Transferable Skills over specific job titles, making you a more attractive candidate for a wider range of roles, rather than being restricted to jobs based on your previous titles. To find examples, just search for Transferable skills CV example online.
I hope this advice is beneficial. And remember, your career is a journey, not a destination. You may start in one area and end up in another - there are not short cuts in life. That's completely fine. Embrace the journey!
James’s Answer
Kei’s Answer
Here are some of my recommendations:
1. Join clubs that require on the job training
2. Volunteer in communities that offer part-time jobs for your age group
3. Reach out to professionals within your community and join any forums, activities that will give you your first-hand work experience
Good luck!