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Katya Lev’s Avatar

Katya Lev

Financial center manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
New York, New York
117 Answers
266193 Reads
162 Karma


Civic Duty

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Kendell’s Avatar
Kendell Jun 03, 2021 638 views

Do real estate agents work with a team or individually on their own?

#work-life-balance #work #teamwork #individual

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Jan 22, 2021 1513 views

What age should I know my career path?

Very organized and quick thinker, goal oriented just haven't found the 10+ year goal. #age #career

Linh Thuy’s Avatar
Linh Thuy Jul 29, 2020 1116 views

What is the chance of getting a job after graduation during Covid-19?

In this sensitive time, many people had lost their jobs. So people are seeking new ways to provide for themselves. Getting a job is not easy when you are a fresh graduate. So what is the chance of getting a job during Covid-19 after graduation? #Job #jobs #job-search-strategies #job...

DejaCodman2’s Avatar
DejaCodman2 Sep 09, 2012 8110 views

Do employers hire you based on what college you graduated from?

Hi, I am a sophomore and I just wanted to know does it matter to employers which college I get a degree from? would I have a better chance at getting a job if I went to a university rather than an online school? #college #jobs #employers #hire

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Jun 11, 2020 1689 views

What research should I be doing if I cannot figure out what I want to major in?

#college #collegemajor

Carolina’s Avatar
Carolina Jun 30, 2020 1201 views

When do you come to terms of accepting failure or deciding to quit?

I began college as a Animal Science major and realized it wasn't for me. I'm currently a Psychology major, but I'm hoping to still be eligible of becoming a vet student. I keep holding onto the idea that you don't have to be a traditional vet student to be qualified. I have no direction of what...

Paridhi’s Avatar
Paridhi May 26, 2020 784 views

What are the steps in establishing, and scaling an organization?

#non-profit #business #organization #entrepreneur # #marketing #finance #business-management

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Apr 20, 2020 2649 views

What company is doing remotely work?

I'm a college student and I work in school, even though they don't pay me that good. It enough to buy some snacks and it helps me pay some part of my tuition. Since my University shutdown and we're doing online classes, I can't afford to pay the rest of my fall semester class. I'm looking for...

Zoe’s Avatar
Zoe Sep 23, 2019 888 views

Which seasons of the year are the toughest at your job?

I know this job can be grueling no matter what I just wanted to know what can be the most grueling parts about it. Just for some more insight #career-counseling

Lailaa’s Avatar
Lailaa Oct 23, 2019 801 views

What are the best/most fulfilling parts of your job?

Knowing the good that can come from a job in this profession would really help me to understand if I’m up for the challenge. #counselor #mentalhealth #psychology #career #career-counseling

Lailaa’s Avatar
Lailaa Oct 23, 2019 1096 views

What would say are the hardest parts of your job?

Knowing the challenges one may face going into this career will definitely help me make a decision. #counselor #job #mentalhealth #career #career-counseling #career-choice

Lailaa’s Avatar
Lailaa Oct 23, 2019 931 views

What are the holidays like for you in your work area?

The holidays are a big time of the year when a lot of things may change, knowing how this career may effect that would really help. #career #psychology #career-choice #career-counseling #job

Yaneli’s Avatar
Yaneli Oct 25, 2019 2329 views

how did you begin your career? and at what age?

#career-counseling #career #job

Paloma’s Avatar
Paloma Apr 27, 2020 2123 views

How has Covid-19 impacted your career?

#career-choice #career-counseling #career-path #college #planning

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 21, 2018 1117 views

How will I be able to juggle work, school and having a personal life?

#inovermyhead #help ##gradschool #nurselife #socialbutterfly