Career questions tagged employers

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MaryAnn1030 views

What can a medical student do to boost their chances of landing a job straight out of college?

I'm studying to become a Nurse Practitioner and I was wondering what employers like to see on resumes of newly graduated students. Are there any classes or skills that would give me an added edge in the job market? #college #nurse-practitioner #new-job #resume #resume-building #career-advice #nursing #employers #medical-school

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Tanya1039 views

How do you ask employers for a recommendation letter?

#employers #recommendation #evaluating-resumes #careers

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Yekaterina1693 views

Do employers care whether I earned my degree from a four-year or a community college?

I'm trying to understand whether employers place a lot of emphasis on where a potential employee get their degree. I want to save money by transferring from a community college to a four-year, but I'm worried it may cheapen my profile when I start looking for a career. I have commonly heard the saying that college courses are fairly similar, no matter where you go. Does a degree from a four-year university give an employee an advantage? Does a degree from a private four-year give an employee more edge over earning the same degree at a public four-year? #help #degree #publicvsprivate #employers #save #transfer

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Amelia909 views

Places to intern for ultrasound tech

Where are places in Oakland that have intern programs for ultrasound technicians? #ultrasound #employers #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

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Anaka1181 views

Do employers favour certain university clubs or societies?

Is there a university club or society that may make me more employable? #university #employers #student-clubs

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Olivea1561 views

Is there a "season" or "cycle" when employers post summer jobs for high school students?

It's February and school ends in mid-June. Should I start applying for jobs now, or is it too early? Do employer's start looking for summer help in the spring, or do they wait until closer to June? #hiring #summer-jobs #high-school-students #employers #summer-internship #high-school-jobs #student-interns #hiring-practice

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David853 views

I am interested in a computer programming career. What specific classes would be most useful

I need to make the most economical decisions regarding my college course and need to take the most beneficial classes. #college-student #future-careers #employers

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Esther1110 views

Honor Programs, are they important to employers?

I am an accounting major that is and have attended multiple networking clubs and events. One of the professor of an event said that I should join as much honor programs as possible. He suggested to join the accounting honor society as well as the accounting & taxation honor program at my school. However, another professor asserted that honor programs are unnecessary. What employers want to see the most are clubs like ISACA, where one-on-one conversations with professionals are possible. He also remarked that taking a semester off to do the internship required by the honor program is a waste of time. Internships should be completed during the summertime. In the end, I am conflicted and wonder if honor designations/programs matter to employers? #career-counseling #school-counseling #employers

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Tiffanie1348 views

How can I make my resume stand out if I don't have much experience since beginning college?

I've recently started school a year ago, and sadly I haven't been as active as I could have been. Now, I am applying for jobs but I am getting no replies. I was redoing my resume and realized that most of my volunteer work come from high school and that the experience is irrelevant now. #business #jobs #resume #employers

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Shawn3215 views

What is the best character trait employers are looking for in new employees?

I want to know what character traits employers find most important in the work place today. Maybe there is a particular trait to hone in on or be more conscientious of. #management #leadership #employers #project-managers

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Layla11662 views

How long after orientation will I start work?

I went to orientation on May 22nd for the local amusement park. It wasn't a one on one training. We went over the rules for 2 hours and then tried on our uniforms. After I showed my HR person that my uniform fit she said I could go home. It is now May 28th and she hasn't called. I still have my uniform and ID badge but haven't started work or any kind of other training at all! The HR told me that it was required to go to a 7 day probation orientation period were if we miss a day then we get fired. She never told me when I had to be back, no dates or times, not even a "see you tomorrow." I am really getting worried now! What should I do? I was on will call before if that helps. #human-resources #manager #hiring #employers #teenagers #emergency

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Prithvi2039 views

What can I do to stand out in today's working world?

With competition only getting stronger by the year, I'm afraid that by the time I graduate college, it will be extremely hard to get a job in the field I want to go into- Economics and Finance. What other academic opportunities (other than and undergrad degree) can I pursue to make myself stand out to potential employers? [If you have advice specific to my field, that would be very appreciated] #career #college-major #career-development #employers #college-graduate #career-education

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DejaCodman28025 views

Do employers hire you based on what college you graduated from?

Hi, I am a sophomore and I just wanted to know does it matter to employers which college I get a degree from? would I have a better chance at getting a job if I went to a university rather than an online school? #college #jobs #employers #hire

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