Career questions tagged medical-school

Medical school is where doctors receive their education. Popular medical doctor careers include a pediatrician, surgeon, and anesthesiologist. Please read below to find out more. Read more Show less
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Labiba454 views

I'm a junior in high school wanting to be an oncologist. I want to take the BS/MD path but I'm not sure what the process and steps are?

Hi, I'm really lost and don't have anyone that has gone through the american education system. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Kai317 views

What is this school like?

Is there anyone who is attending this school that knows anything about the medical field?

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Kyla527 views

What does it take to become a OGBYN

I’m looking at different career options now that I’m coming to the end of high school and I was just wondering what it would take to become a.OGBYN

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Leah Lyric253 views

hat do you find most rewarding about the medical field, specifically nursing?

Was the process worth where you're at now? I'm head strong at the fact that I'd never want to spend my life doing a career that didn't teach me anything or benefit my life in some way.

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Rashmitha447 views

Is there such thing as a neuro-oncology lab scientist instead of an actual doctor or surgeon How many years of school do I have to go through for this job?

I'm a rising senior in high school and I don't see myself physically working with patients but rather in a laboratory setting trying to develop treatments for brain cancer instead. Do these types of jobs exist and what is the education required to do so? I am also interested if this sort of career can provide me flexibility and allow me time to spend with my family and enjoy life.

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Jamylah303 views

What are some tips in Medical school, i'm currently a freshman in collage and ive been looking for some tips on med school, resources on how to pay that expesive bill and tips on the test? I also heard that you get placed at a certain spot once completing that and I was confused on how that operates and what does that exactly mean ?

What are some tips in Medical school, i'm currently a freshman in collage and ive been looking for some tips on med school, resources on how to pay that expesive bill and tips on the test?? I also heard that you get placed at a certain spot once completing that and I was confused on how that operates and what does that exactly mean

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VICTOR427 views

what are the requirements for a vetenary doctor?

tell me more about a lab tecnichnician

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Austin339 views

What is the difference between nurses who hold an MSN and a DSN? MD?

Firstly, what are some job and pay differences between Nurse Practitioners (MSN) and those who hold a Doctorate of Science in Nursing? Additionally, what are some differences between DSN Nurses and M.D.'s, aside from the large pay gap and title of doctor in a medical setting? Lastly, if one were to pursue an M.D., how much could reasonably be covered by scholarships and financial (federal) aid such as grants? Is it worth the extreme amounts of student loan debt to attend med school?

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brianna536 views

Anesthesiologists, how did you earn money while being in school did you only start working while in residency? and if so what jobs were you able to apply for??

Im in grade 11, currently working towards getting my Associate's in Arts. I want to pursue my Bachelors in Science (Biology) then move onto med school.

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Nsilo352 views

How to bolster a med school resume for the future?

What steps y'all took in order to build a med school resume. I am a second year student at the University of Utah. I have completed many of the requirements for my pre-med and I am a psych major. #Spring23

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Dani509 views

I am wanting to become an EMT

Hello, I am finally starting to become serious about wanting to start my career and I am just wanting/needing help on where to start and how to go about it. I've been looking into schools, but I also want to go to my local fire station to talk to someone there, and to also put a face to a name. I want to start school at the end of this year or beginning of next year (2025). I know you start by going to school and getting your EMT and becoming certified, but I like to know all the information I can get and being able to talk to someone already in the career seems helpful to me. All of this to say what should I do and where do I start, and are there any tips for me. Thank you!!

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Grace509 views

How can I work while being in Medical School?

I am concerned about the financial burdens while still being in school, and while debt can't be avoided for me, I need to know if it is plausible to work while at medical school.

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Adyson610 views

what are some of the struggles you had to overcome being a registered nurse, and in nursing school?

are there any economic barriers you had to overcome?

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E400 views

I want to become a paramedic one day and I don’t know where to start , I’m a 15 year old girl and very passionate about helping people but there isn’t much to do in my area?

I’m yr 10 , i can get distracted easily in classes

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Ameena697 views

How is it in the medical field, truthfully? Is it worth it?

I'm going to be starting a trade soon, medical assistant to be exact.

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Lilly240 views

How much does a Medical Assistant make in California?

I will be certified as a medical assistant in about 8-9 months.

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Irene453 views

Medicine & Medical Foundation

How can students find some resources about medicine in the Medical Foundations in a High school that will help them be fully prepared for what Medical career they to take to be in a Medical field?

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Jasmine252 views

What school is easier?

How hard is radiology school compared to Veterinary school?

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Aeriel436 views

What is the pathway I need to take to become an Anesthesiologist ?

What major do I need to take in college? Do I need med school? Approximately how long would it take for me to become an Anesthesiologist?

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Breanna460 views

Are there any medical professionals that I can interview quickly?

I have to interview any kind of doctor/ healthcare worker for an English paper in my class, so I’d greatly appreciate a few answers to include in my assignment: 1) please tell me about your educational and professional background, and why you wanted to go into the medical field. 2) what are some obstacles that you encountered when going through medical school? How did you get past them? 3) what advice would you offer others who are trying to get into your profession? 4) How are you able to maintain a work-life balance when having such a demanding job?

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augustus312 views

how to be more hardworking?

in school and after school

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fruit302 views

I want to work in the medical field and become an orthopedist.?

Currently I'm a freshman in high school and I want to study medicine. The study of Orthopaedics has interested me and I want to follow a career path related to this field. Since this age and grade is the perfect time for me to plan for my future and think about what I want to be, I have some questions about this profession. Is it worth it? Should I dedicate the rest of my life in the field of medicine because it has good opportunities and pays good money or should I do it because it is a deep interest of mine? And if so, should I spend 8 years in college or switch to a medical school? What is the better option?

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Britany552 views

Can you tell me about the types of tasks you are responsible for on a day-to-day basis?

I'm a high schooler trying to get more info. on anesthesiologists.

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angela549 views

which is the best medical school?

medical school tips

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Emily160 views

How long does it take to get a degree in nursing or any medical environment? What certifications do I need to be able to get a good job and salary in the medical field?

I'm trying to get a degree short term into nursing so I wonder how long it would take to reach that goal. I also wonder what kind of degree I need to get into it.

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Daphne397 views

Are M.D./Ph.D. (neuroscience specifically) programs worth it ?

I'm currently a high school senior. I already committed to a college and I'll be majoring in neurobiology but I wanted to get some advice from others to see if an M.D./Ph.D. program after undergrad is the way to go (or if just getting an M.D. is better) so that I can start preparing for it. I know I want to become a neurosurgeon and that I definitely do want to do research before residency.

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Victor251 views

How to get admission into medical school ?

What are the prerequisite to becoming a medic

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Desirae343 views

How do I become a Rn?

I’m a 17 year old CNA and I want to become a RN. Im a junior in high school and after this summer I will be a senior. What is the fastest and most efficient way to become an RN?

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Viv332 views

Tips for incoming medical student? #Spring24

What are some tips or resources I should look into as I start medical school in the US? #Spring24

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Ruqiah248 views

Is going to medical school worth it?

Is going to medical school worth it? I really wanna go but it seams super difficult. Are all medical degrees 7+ year? How long does it take to be a pharmacist?

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