Career questions tagged first-responder

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Dani332 views

What questions should I ask when I go to the fire station about becoming a EMT?

Hello! Thank you all for all the amazing answers/ help I got on my last question. I plan on going to my local fire station in the future to ask some questions about becoming an EMT, I am still looking for schooling, because I would very much prefer it to be an in class setting and not online. So I’m looking for guidance on questions to ask when I go and visit! I have a few in mind but help would be extremely appreciated!

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undefined's avatar
Dani509 views

I am wanting to become an EMT

Hello, I am finally starting to become serious about wanting to start my career and I am just wanting/needing help on where to start and how to go about it. I've been looking into schools, but I also want to go to my local fire station to talk to someone there, and to also put a face to a name. I want to start school at the end of this year or beginning of next year (2025). I know you start by going to school and getting your EMT and becoming certified, but I like to know all the information I can get and being able to talk to someone already in the career seems helpful to me. All of this to say what should I do and where do I start, and are there any tips for me. Thank you!!

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Chrissandra337 views

When would be a good time to take classes for a emt?

When would be a good age to start taking classes for an emt? I really want to be one and I’m already a junior firefighter working on getting first responder experience.

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Christian952 views

Police Explorer Program or Civil Air Patrol?

I'm trying to decide on which after school program I should. I don't want to take both since I already have a job, and I plan on taking a lot of AP classes, and joining athletics teams. After high school, first, I'm going to get a mechanical engineering degree, with an emphasis on either Aerospace or Robotics. Then I'll either join the Air Force as a developmental engineer and make a career out of that, or join the Marines as a combat engineer, and then join SWAT. I have a choice of either joining a Police Explorer's Program that will give me the skills and knowledge to start a path towards becoming SWAT, or I can do Civil Air Patrol which will give me flight hours and teach me about the Air Force, plus Aerospace. What's going to look better on resumes and applications, and overall, what's your opinion on what's going to be better. Also, I'm already planning on joining JROTC for school. Thanks! #mechanical-engineer #mechanical-engineering #engineering #social-work #civil-engineering #police #marketing #aerospace-engineering #mechanical #civil-engineering #military #marines #air-force #civil-air-patrol #police #first-responder #lawyer #law-enforcement

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Student S.773 views

Why did you become a firefighter if you are one?

#firefighting #firefighter #fire #emergency #first-responder #fire-police

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