Career questions tagged social-work

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Brittany401 views

How do i become Mangers or success in my work ?

How do i become Mangers or success in my work ?

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Carla265 views

How does one secure a job in this competitive job market?

I'm a college student studying to become a social worker. Unfortunately, I haven't had many job opportunities, so I lack experience. When applying for internships and other temporary jobs, they ask a lot of the applicant. It seems that I'm required to have a certain amount of experience to be qualified for most jobs. Ironically, these entry-level jobs demand applicants to have billions of jobs listed on their resume. As a full-time college student, I must focus on my education and be financially stable.

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Jhaquan383 views

How to gain experience for socialwork?

I was wondering if getting a part time job as a youth development professional at the boys and girls will give me the experience necessary to become a social work? I heard being a social worker assistant is another, but I don't if there any in in belton, kileen, harker heights, temple, and nolanville.

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Jhaquan381 views

How do become a social worker ?

Hello I Jhaquan and James and I'm interested in pursuing a career in social work. I am a college student at texas a&m central texas. I earned associates degree in social work and a bachelors degree in psychology. In addition, I have done volunteer work at habitat for humanitys and the boys and girls club. I what to know if that's enough to pursue the career. What job opportunities would a associates degree in social work and bachelor degree in psychology earn me? How can I use these degrees to pursue a career in social? Should i pursue I masters in social work? Are there opportunities to gain more experience in for social? Are their andnjob opportunities as a social work/ human service assistance in belton, killeen, or harker heights that can give me the necessary experience?

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Tasheema343 views

What are the requirements for being a Social Worker?

I want to be a Child Welfare Social Worker, do you have any advice on where and how I should start?

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gabriel644 views

What should I do for a financially stabled future?

How do i know exactly what i want to do when I'm older and what college do I want to go to and also what should i do in the future if i have no idea what to do I find a job and work my way up

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Ekpenyonganwan203 views

What do I do to get a career in social work?

I will really like to help people plan their lives. That's why I really want to study social work and psychology. This will enable me to help people well.

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Nada453 views

What should I know about a career in social work?

Hi :) I'm considering a career in social work and was wondering what a typical day in the life would look like. How much of it is based in technical aspects like answering emails or personal aspects like physically speaking to a client? What is something I should know if im considering a career in this field. Also is there any way that I could have a better chance at landing a well paying job out of uni? I've heard a lot of horror stories about how bad the pay is and have been trying to see how I can even that out. #spring24 Thank you in advance to whoever you are

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Ashley162 views

Why did you or did you not take a gap year after completing your bachelor's in social work and what was your experience like with the choice you made? #Spring24

For those completing their bachelor's in social work, did you go straight to graduate school or did you take a gap year and why? I know it's a common dilemma but I'm mostly worried about finding a job so I'm thinking of going straight to grad school but I'm also worried about having to take out more loans. #Spring24

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Summer683 views

How could I possibly shadow or contribute to my mentoring?

I have found a mentor that is a professor and a social worker with her own practice. When we first met we discussed things I could do, such as research and just asking questions in general, one of her suggestions was to shadow, but we were both concerned about the ethical dilemmas that would form as I am a highschool student although I do dual psychology classes at college which technically made me a college student. Many college students shadow professionals in the mental health field because they are studying that field, would this make it more acceptable if I were to shadow my mentor while obviously following HIPAA laws, ethical concerns, and getting the patients okay.

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Korbin288 views

How do I get to my end goals ?

How do I get to my end goals? I'm struggling to understand the concept.

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jayden221 views

Is a bachelors degree in sociology an employable degree ?

I’m interested in pursuing sociology but i’m nervous about its employability. What types of jobs are available and what salaries should i expect.

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Anneliese385 views

How do you keep yourself motivated to work in a stressful environment in Protective Services?

I often have a tough time focusing on my work when I am in a stressful environment and it is hard for me to get back on track when I have ADHD. what should I do?

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Anissa468 views

Hello! I am currently trying to get back into college and my major prior was Nursing. However, after a giveaway event I've done I found a love for social work. I'm currently 21 and I'm wondering if others can share their experience of being a social worker, especially from the women minority experience. In addition to if you're doing social work in a big city. Also if you can share the environment you use your degree in that would be amazing! Thank you again.

" "

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andrian691 views

how to be happy in work?

i need a job with no pressure

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Julissa274 views

Would it be smarter to pursue two master's?

I want to be a substance abuse counselor, and I've heard that I can get a masters in both psychology or social work. Would it be smarter to just get one of those or do both? If so am I able to do it at the same time?

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Summer879 views

I have really good internship offers for the medical field, but Im really only interested in the Mental Health field, does anyone have any recommendations to what I should do?

Hi, Currently I am a highschool student who is also minoring in psychology at community college and plans to double major in psychology and sociology, then earn a masters in social work, recently I was presented the opportunity to be inscribed with the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence, which is a two day national academy of future physicians congress meeting that will also allow me to be featured on local TV stations and newspapers. The problem being that I'm not interested in the medical field as a future career path. If I were able to pass this over to someone else, I would but I can't. This would be a really big opportunity to put myself out there, and it would look really good on college applications, and on my academic profile, but it doesn't have anything that I inherently want for my future career path, and it also might look weird on my college applications.

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Anna793 views

Do you have to get your masters degree in order to be a school socialworker?

I'm a senior in high school

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Jefferson382 views

What was your starting salary and did you get more money later in your job? ?

I just want to now how much I am making to sustain a lifestyle

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Jefferson334 views

Do you have a flexible schedule and free time. And how do you have any vacation time.?

I get burned out easily so breaks can be helpful for me

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Summer857 views

Any recommendations on how I can start a humanitarian aid organization?

Do you have any recommendations on how to start a humanitarian aid organization

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Fred1434 views

How can a social worker be of help to the society?

In aspect of socialization to the community

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Elly811 views

How to be better at being social ?

I want to get better at being more social and being able to talk to people well without getting nervous.

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Tyler348 views

Why did you decide to be a social worker?

What made you want to be a social worker?

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sharon397 views

why is it hard to become a social worker ?

because many people find it hard to be a social worker and deal with the children who need help. and why is that?

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Aaliyah501 views

How organized do i have to be to be a social worker?

like do i need to do lists?

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Tyler369 views

How can I begin working from home?

I would like to be able to take in revenue from home (as my schedule is spotty and I’m 16 in school) and I want to know advice for starting ie websites

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Taylor410 views

What types of social work is there In high school vocational school, the ECE program is somewhat interesting and I was wondering how does it work with teachers? What are some good dual majors? What about dual admissions as in your degree is accepted in more than one country? For someone on a IEP is there any good programs to help in college? Is there any programs like TRIO? I don’t have a lot of money and have some health issues is there any type of way to actually help me with that? Last question, how can get some extra help in college that can make up from the enabling from mostly my teachers and to get work on time to get actual extra help? ?

What types of social work is there? In high school vocational school, the ECE program is somewhat interesting and I was wondering how does it work with teachers? What are some good dual majors? What about dual admissions as in your degree is accepted in more than one country? For someone on a IEP is there any good programs to help in college? Is there any programs like TRIO? I don’t have a lot of money and have some health issues is there any type of way to actually help me with that? Last question, how can get some extra help in college that can make up from the enabling from mostly my teachers and to get work on time to get actual extra help?

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Anna435 views

What are ways to interact with international students online for free?

I am interested in studying in Germany. Are there any free online exchange programs or volunteering/internship organizations that can improve my German skills or help me learn about Germany or just get some experience in German-based work? (Or other countries?)

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Ryley458 views

Anyone with a psychology degree or social work major?

What could I become or do with these majors?

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