Career questions tagged neurologist

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Rashmitha447 views

Is there such thing as a neuro-oncology lab scientist instead of an actual doctor or surgeon How many years of school do I have to go through for this job?

I'm a rising senior in high school and I don't see myself physically working with patients but rather in a laboratory setting trying to develop treatments for brain cancer instead. Do these types of jobs exist and what is the education required to do so? I am also interested if this sort of career can provide me flexibility and allow me time to spend with my family and enjoy life.

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CareerVillage Office Hours330 views

How to become a Neurologist?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Neurologists on their path! Note: Given the growing interest in the medical field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Gabriella276 views

Working in neurology do you work in teams or independtly?

When you work in neurology do you work independtly more or in teams? Based on what you work with, do you like it or do you perfer working in a different way?

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Tristin294 views

Is all the schooling that it takes to become a neurologist worth it?

My name is Tristin and I am a middle school student. I really take an interest in the healthcare field and especially neuroscience. I would like to become a neurologist one day. Is all the schooling that it takes to become a neurologist worth it? What is the best and worst part of being a neurologist?

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Aria447 views

How will you know when the job you have chosen as your career choice/major in college is the right one for you Why?

I want to learn nuerology but don't know that I will be able to enjoy the career choice. I am also hopeful to get a scholoarship for the school that I am attending.

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Andrea293 views

Why did you decide to be a neurologist? What inspired you?

Hi! My name is Andrea and I am doing research on neurology for my Health class. I would appreciate it if you answered these questions the best you could. Thank you! 1)How many years of college did you need to go through? What other programs, courses, and clubs did you join or do? 2)What jobs did you work before you became a neurologist? What did you think of them? 3)How can I decide if I want to get a PH.D. in this field? 4)Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later time? 5)Did you need to shadow another professional in the field before becoming a neurologist? 6)Was there a subject you struggled with during your school years? 7)What skill sets did you learn or gain while being in this profession? 8) Why did you choose a career in medicine? Why did you choose this specialty? 9)Do you regret going through the years of schooling? 10) What skills would you recommend someone to have before trying to get into this field? 11) What keeps you motivated?

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Ethan287 views

Hello! My name is Ethan, and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the neurology field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment.

1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. What is the worst experience you had working as a neurologist? 12. Is the pressure as a neurologist a lot, or can you stay calm during operation? 13. Was all of the education in the end, worth it for being a neurologist? Please label which number question was answered.

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Mehakpreet540 views

I want to be a neuroscientist. In September, I'll be attending university for BScH in Neuroscience. Should I double major in Neuroscience and Computer Science? This will take 5 years instead of the usual four.

I am going to Canada (from India) to study neuroscience. I'm just wondering if computer would be helpful in neuroscience. Remember that I really love Computer, know C and Java, but I would have so many things going on provided research, extracurricular activities, volunteering, and so on.

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Victory921 views

How do I become a neurologist? Any good advice?

I'm a 16 year old high schooler. #neurologist #neurology

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Maddie791 views

How might I seek to balance motherhood and a demanding work schedule as a female interested in medicine?

Hello! My name is Madeline Tinskey, and I am very interested in pursuing a medical career, perhaps in neurology or as an OBGYN. I am an upcoming junior in high school, and enjoy learning and sharing information with others. #medicine #healthcare #motherhood #femaledoctor #doctor #obgyn #neurologist

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G.576 views

What challenges are there to being a neurologist?

Hi, I'm a student in Alaska, and am interested in neuroscience and potentially becoming a specializing physician. What are the most challenging parts of being a neurologist? What are the most rewarding elements? What skills are absolutely essential to for a neurologist or for other physicians? #doctor #neurology #medicine #neurologist #physicians #medical-professionals #psychology

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Chellce357 views

How much money do you make a year

How much money do you make a year #Neurologist

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Chellce481 views

How many years do I have to go for

How long will I have to go to college for #Neurologist

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Chellce417 views

What’s your favorite thing about the job

I want to know this because I would love to become this one day #neurologist

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Vanisha571 views

Would you recommend becoming a neurologist?

#neurologist #medical

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Vanisha606 views

How much does a neurologist make yearly?

#neurologist #yearly

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Vanisha608 views

What's a good college in NY to go to if you want to be a neurologist?

#neurologist #college

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Lexis614 views

How did you know being a Neurologists was that right career path for you?

#neurologist #neurology

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Xiara527 views

What are your steps to becoming a Neurologist?

At school, I am most interested in learning new things, hand-ons working, and sometimes working on my own but also working with others, while my hobbies include running, volunteering, and traveling. A topic that I am passionate about is how the brain functions. What are some career options that best align with these interests and what are some helpful next steps I can do in the near future? #medicine # #doctor # #healthcare #Neurologist

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Addison677 views

What Type of Job in the Medical Field Pays the Best?

#physical/occupational-therapist? #neurologist? #doctor? #critical-care-nurse? #premed? #surgeon? #medicine

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Oreoluwa831 views

How many years does it take to become a practicing neurologist with a doctorate degree?

#neuroscience #neurology #neurologist #collegedegree #practicingdoctor

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Ekeko1045 views

What is an average day in the life of a neurologist and neuroscientist like?

I am really interested in the #brain, and how it functions, but more importantly want to find new discoveries about it. What is a day in the life of his job like,hand is worth all the school years? #neurology #Neurologist #neuroscience #neuroscientist

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Harris908 views

What is it like for a neurologist during their shift?

So far I have learned that neurologists can be called in on their break, need to be ready at all times, can switch between multiple patients throughout the day, and that neurologists and neurosurgeons can go hand-in-hand during operations. #neurology #a-day-in-the-life #neurologist #medicine #healthcare

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Olivia733 views

As a Neurologist, what is one way you can think of that has helped you learn and retain information that you studied in your residency?

I am interested in the human brain and how it works, and just everything about it. #neuroscience #neurologist

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Riley951 views

Picking a Specialty:Pre-Med

I'm going to be a pre-med student next fall and was wishing to pursue neuroscience to hopefully become a neurologist. I was wondering if choosing a specialty after medical school is worth it since it is so competitive and the spaces for residency are so limited? #doctor #neuroscience #neurologist #medicine #healthcare

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Tharun681 views

In which stream i should select in higher studies to become a Neurologist?

I want to become a Neurologist. But, I couldn't know to select my stream in higher studies. Please tell me which stream could i select? #neurologist

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