Career questions tagged cna

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N'Rya544 views

What are some steps that I can take to pursue my CNA career?

-Understand the specific requirements for CNAs -Be sure to have a high school diploma -Find a state-approved CNA training program at a community college or healthcare facility -Successfully complete the required coursework and clinical hours -Stay Motivated -Don't give up

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Leah Lyric338 views

Has this journey and field taught you valuable life lessons?

I'm a firm believer that it's highly important to only chase a career that will ultimately teach you important things throughout and in the end. I do not want to spend my life miserable and not being of use to myself or anyone else in a positive way. What has the medical field taught you? I'm open to hearing the good and the bad.

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Leah Lyric253 views

hat do you find most rewarding about the medical field, specifically nursing?

Was the process worth where you're at now? I'm head strong at the fact that I'd never want to spend my life doing a career that didn't teach me anything or benefit my life in some way.

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Leah Lyric241 views

What do you find most rewarding about the medical field, specifically nursing? ?

Was the process worth where you're at now? I'm head strong at the fact that I'd never want to spend my life doing a career that didn't teach me anything or benefit my life in some way.

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Dahlyn491 views

For those who have done apprenticeships for nursing certifications, was it worth it and what was the experience like?

I've seen a few hospitals and clinics offering apprenticeships for nursing certifications, and I was curious as to what that may look like and if you feel as if it was worth it. What are the positives and negatives of an apprenticeship? What did your day to day life look like as an apprentice? Any additional insights would be appreciated, thank you.

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Dahlyn942 views

For those who worked in healthcare while going to college to get their BSN, how was your experience?

I'm considering the possibility of working as a CNA while simultaneously going to school to get a BSN. For those who have done just that or similarly, I'd like to know how your overall experience was. What was the most worth while? What was the most difficult part or most significant obstacle you had to face? How did you overcome these difficulties? Any other insights, advice, experiences, etc, would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

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Desirae343 views

How do I become a Rn?

I’m a 17 year old CNA and I want to become a RN. Im a junior in high school and after this summer I will be a senior. What is the fastest and most efficient way to become an RN?

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Heather401 views

What are some of the best collages to get your BSN ?

I'm a sophomore in high school and will graduate with my CNA license and I'm starting my search for collage.

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mahollia541 views

can I go to the army after college?

can you join the army after you get your certification in RN? If so how can i go about doing that?

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Christina467 views

What can a CNA do?

What can a CNA do. What will they be able to do?

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beth955 views

What's the pros and cons about being a CNA?

I'm interested in becoming a CNA, and then an LPN, I have desire to help people, emotionally and physically, and I think nursing is the way to go for that.

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Rebecca1553 views

Can you become a nurse without being a cna?

Can you become a nurse without being a cna.

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Reyna288 views

Hello! My name is Reyna and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the nursing field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment.

1.What profession did you choose? Why? 2.How many years of college did you need to go through? 3.What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4.How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5.Were you in a college program? 6.Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career?

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rae381 views

how bad is it working in the nursing field?

hello i am in job corps atm and my trade is cna but I'm doing OA atm cause here at the Quentin Burdick we don't have a cna instructor

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Azusena828 views

What is your favorite part of being a nurse?

Just trying to find out more about the nursing field. Ill be training to be one soon.

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Horzeckia592 views

Within the workplace, how would you control emotions towards your best patient if something goes wrong?

What should I expect as a CNA? What kind of medical equipment would be needed? Which is the best, home care or facility care? I am currently a direct support care worker, what do you think would best prepare me for this career-field?

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zaakira367 views

Informational Interview for a CNA

1. What is it like working as a CNA in a facility, if you are not use to working with others ? 2. How long does it usually take to get a promotion in the nursing field if you are a CNA ? 3. Why do CNA workers work harder then LPN and RN ?

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katerra433 views

Informational Interview for CNA

How did your work schedule as a CNA change, and how did you balance your day to day activities outside of work? What are the most challenging job duties of being a CNA? Why did you decide to become a CNA?

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adorabella715 views

What would you do if a patient refused care?

1. How did you decide to become a CNA? 3. What professional organizations do you recommend joining as CNA?

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Scrina1192 views

Informational Interview Questions for CNA

1.) How many patients do you have? 2.) Do you have to clean up behind every patient? 3.) Can you build a rapport/ bond with your clients?

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Reallady439 views

Can you help me with some advice?

What is some CNA advice? What is something I need to know about CNA?

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Lucas1830 views

Can you describe your company culture?

To understand the company's values, management, leadership styles, and the approach in which they take to solve challenges and treating their employees in that particular occupation.

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Lucas614 views

Why did you decide to work in this industry?

My goal is to gain a better understanding of what other people think about an industry before I choose a career

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Lucas651 views

What benefits come with this career?

401 K, Health Insurance, Paid Holidays, Paid Medical leave, Paid Sick Leave, Dental Insurance, Life Insurance, Identity Protection, financial resources, Financial Hardship Programs, Flexible Scheduling, Disability Insurance

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Grace590 views

As a CNA, how did you not become overly connected to your patients or residents?

I am trying to become a CMA, but when I was in clinical for CNA, I experienced the sadness of my patients missing me so much to the point where they didn't want to eat unless I fed them. I would like to know how to avoid such bittersweet dilemmas.

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Lania509 views

What is the career ladder for this position?

I was wondering if you have to have your CNA before you try to receive your LPN or RN.

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Aishai560 views

Informational Interview For CNA

I would like to learn more about my trade, please take the time out to answer these questions. 1. What is the best way to deal with a difficult patient? 2. What is the hardest thing about becoming a CNA? 3. What made you want to become a CNA? 4. What is the typical process of training going from a CNA to LPN?

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josie622 views

What classes do I take for a CNA or CMA?

I'm working in health care and I can take classes I just don't know what classes to take.

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Tyra644 views

CNA and Obstetric Nurse

Hey my name is Tyra, on my last post someone said if I put the questions down, you all will be happy to answer. 1. What are some types of restraint trainings for a CNA ? 2. What do you like most about being a CNA or Obstetric Nurse ? 3. What are some tips that can help me be successful as a CNA in the near future?

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Sandi733 views

CNA Informational Interview

Hello, my name Sandi. I'm in the process of obtaining my CNA certification, and I was wondering if someone would take time to contact me to answer a few of my questions for my informational interview? Sincerely, Sandi

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