Career questions tagged benefits

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Gerald146 views

WHAT is multitasking?

Benefits of multitasking

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edward905 views

What benefits should be important other than a 401K and how do they affect your work life.?

is there any other benefits that would end up being crucial to a good and healthy work environment

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Zephaniah458 views

What are the benefits of going into the electrical fields/repairers/installers/maintenance?

Hi I am a San Jose student looking to get into the electrical fields. I would like to know just a little more about how you feel about it. What are the perks. What are some benefits you can say you have acquired entering the field.

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Victoria444 views

What benefits are there to being a psychologist?

lots of jobs have their own benefits like skills or free health care, what benefits come out of psychology?

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Anya358 views

What should people look for when accepting jobs?

For example, the pay, if insurance is included, sick leave, etc.

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Timbrell413 views

what are some benefits you receive as a welder?

What are some of the benefits? Can you tell me more about potential positions? What skills and experiences you're looking for in an ideal candidate?

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Ivie614 views

Physical Therapy?

What is your schedule like? What do you like about being a physical therapy? What kind of benefits do you get?

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Lucas651 views

What benefits come with this career?

401 K, Health Insurance, Paid Holidays, Paid Medical leave, Paid Sick Leave, Dental Insurance, Life Insurance, Identity Protection, financial resources, Financial Hardship Programs, Flexible Scheduling, Disability Insurance

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Dartavious613 views

What benefits does Microsoft provide?

What benefits does you job provide such as:Healthcare,401k,Discounts.

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Trinton905 views

How mmuch can being an engineer benefit me?

#engineer #benefits #overthinkker

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Harrish567 views

which is the best and most benefit degree for IAS and for future


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Abby992 views

How can I find jobs that will fund a graduate education?

Is this something I ask at a job interview? Is there a database for places that do? #job-search #physics #grad-school #graduate-education #benefits #engineering

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Jordan2158 views

is my interest in becoming a exotic animal specialized veterinarian unrealistic? what are the advantages and disadvantages?

I am a Senior student at William J. Brennan High school looking for information on becoming a veterinarian. I specifically want to pursue becoming an Exotic Animal Vet and wouldn't mind traveling at the beginning of my career to do so but i would like to know my chances and what i must do to accomplish this. #veterinarian #veterinary #animals #veterinary-medicine #animal-health #exotic-animals #opportunities #job-outlook #relativity #advantages #disadvantages #scarcity #benefits #problems #solutions

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Jossie657 views

What kind of benefits have you been getting from your position in the medical field?

Benefits are important to me when choosing where to work. What are some basic guidelines that you have had or benefits before accepting a job. #benefits #career #medicine #doctor

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Katy894 views

What is the most rewarding thing about being a physical therapist?

#physical-therapy #benefits

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Annmarie562 views

Should I drive over to main campus or take a shuttle?

I have been placed about 20 min away from the main campus and I will have my car. What are the advantages/disadvantages you can think of if I just take the shuttle over rather than my own car everyday? #campusparking #parkingtickets #benefits

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Rayania858 views

How easy is it to find summer jobs or other kinds of jobs throughout your school ?

A lot of people struggle finding jobs during school ..Does your school offer little jobs or help students find one ? #support #benefits

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Laura797 views

Which companies are the best to work for as a Pharmacist?

I am currently a pharmacy tech and I am going back to school to become a pharmacist. I am also a single mother so flexibility in schedule is important to me? Which companies offer the best benefits and salary with flexibility in schedule? #pharmacy #pharmacists #benefits #flexibility #singlemom

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Dayonna824 views

Once you got into the major how did your opinion of psychologist evolve? Did you find your interest shifting ?

Hello my name is Dayonna I would like to more about #Psychologist. I would like to know more about the #job-description of a psychologist and what are some #benefits of being a psychologist and why I should make this my #career .

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Kami908 views

Is a career as a social worker worth it?

Helping people is my passion and what I want to do as a career, but my parents tell me that I won't make enough money doing it. Do the #benefits of being able to #help people outweigh the drawbacks of a small salary? #social-work

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Roosevon1383 views

How has chemical engineering benefited you outside of your career?

Besides just discussing what you've learned in your career field as a chemical engineer, I want to know how being a chemical engineer can benefit me in other ways. #career #science #engineering #chemical #benefits

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Salote1522 views

What would the benefits be if I were to pursue a career in the Air Force as a pediatrician?

I am a senior at Bingham High School and graduate from Salt Lake Community College trying to put myself in the best circumstances possible in order to become a pediatrician. I am debating whether or not the US Air Force will be a part of that picture. #doctor #pediatrics #military #benefits

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Lee-Anne Jae3360 views

What are the benefits of getting a master's degree in Communications/Communication Studies?

I plan on majoring in Communications and already plan on attending graduate school in the future as well, which is why I wanted to know if it's worth it. If you majored in this and have some advice on whether or not you enjoyed it, that would be greatly appreciated too :-) #graduate-school #major #communications #masters #degrees #benefits

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Angela1043 views

How useful is the International Baccalaureate?

I will be receiving my IB diploma in July and I worked very hard for it. As I was applying for colleges I wondered, how useful is it? Since it is a rigorous program and not many students take the IB, does it give me any benefits or advantages in comparison to an average student? #college #benefits #diploma #ib-diploma #qualifications

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charmae1240 views

while majoring in sociology and psychology, would minoring in communications reap any benefits?

i am asking because this is my plan as of now. #psychology #communications #doctorate-degree #sociology #majors-and-minors #benefits

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Karen3119 views

Commute or dorm?

I want to hear anyone's experiences of commuting or dorming for school and what was their experiences with that. The pros and cons and the reality of each situation. #college #experience #college-life #benefits

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Alyssa1082 views

how will the air force benefit me?

I want to know what the benefits are in joining the airforce #fbi #air-force #benefits

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Roanne2473 views

What are the benefits of being a biomedical engineer?

I am junior in high school and am wondering about the benefits of being a biomedical engineer. #engineer #benefits

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Gabby1101 views

What type of assured benefits do you get from getting a college degree other than saying you went to college?

Everyone is telling me how great college is for everyone and I want to know what kinds of things I will be promised or that I will definitely gain from going to college and then graduating. #college #school #benefits

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