Career questions tagged graduate-school

Once a student earns a bachelors degree, they are eligible to attend a graduate program. There is a Master's degree, Doctoral Degree, Juris Doctor Degree, Doctor of Medicine Degree, and Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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jakkary361 views

What organizational challenges have you faced?

high school graduate

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Rajee579 views

What kind of jobs are available for Doctor of pharmacy graduates with a Masters degree in Pharmacology and drug discovery??

Can someone with a career break due to family issues land a job after 5 years of graduation? I finished my Pharm.D in 2019 and worked as a freelancer clinical SAS associate for a year. I quit my job in 2021 due to family issues and served as the full-time primary caregiver for my immediate family until 2022. In 2022, I pursued my masters in pharmacology and drug discovery in the UK and moved to the US after graduation on an H1b visa.

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Heidi403 views

Where can I gain education policy experience ?

I'm interested in both internships and entry level positions. Remote opportunities are preferred, but I am open to in-person depending on location and compensation.

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Noelani424 views

What should a person starting with community college do to become an optometrist ?

I am a just graduated high school student, and I want to become an optometrist. I personally don't have great vision and use glasses everyday of my life, which has caused me to get interested in the study of the eyes and to then want to go to school for optometry. After high school, I am going to a community college. What classes should I take there to get my basics done and also have my pre requisites for university after community college? What would be a good major to major in community college and university? Which pre reqs should I have completed before optometry school? Is med school required to pursue this career? I also would like to know what major would be good for undergrad? Is a doctorate required to become an optometrist? And what would look good for optometry school? I havent started community college yet, and have a long way ahead of me to optometry school, but I am confused on how to start the path for it as someone who is going to a community college first. I plan on furthering my education after community college, I just don't know what would be the best classes and majors to choose to then continue into optometry school. Any tips or extra advice would be highly appreciated. :)

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Julie395 views

What should we look for in a college as a History major?

Hi, I’m trying to help my son figure out his path to and through college. He is a history buff and his goal is to get a PhD Or doctorate in history. During our research we found a lot of Grad programs and I’m wondering if there are any specific programs or courses we should look into for undergrad to start the way. Any feedback would be appreciate! Thank you!!

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Brandon179 views

What are jobs available to me as master's in political science?

I am a master's student who is about to finish in a few months, but I do not want jobs that are related to politics or requires me to sit in-door for long period of time. What are some jobs that I should and could apply for?

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Grey334 views

What skill should I strengthen as a future graduate student to better accomplish my goals?

I am on track to graduate in May 2025 with a plan to pursue a Business degree with a Bachelor's in Psychology. Eager to begin this journey, I do not know what awaits me in this field. What preparations and expectations should I have for this degree.

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Willow294 views

How can I find scholarships as a soon to be international graduate student from the USA #Spring23?

I am attending the University of Exeter in Exeter England in September. I am a US Citizen currently living in Iowa. I am having a lot of trouble finding scholarships that I am eligible to apply for.

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Kumudha438 views

What is the difference between pursuing research compared to working in R&D in the industry, particularly when it comes to product development/medical devices? #Fall22

I am pursuing a double major in Mechanical and Biomedical engineering, hoping to go into medical devices and I wanted to understand the different jobs/roles I can go into after graduation related to medical devices. #Fall22

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Kailynn582 views

What should I do Is law school really worth it for my future? ?

Hi everyone! I hope all is well with you. My name is Kailynn, and I am currently an undergraduate student interested in attending graduate school. However, I am deeply debating whether I should attend law school (a dual degree program to also complete my master's) or just pursue a master's degree. I am interested in programs such as Public Health, Business/Public Administration, and Environmental Management. My goal is to work in global or corporate sustainability, and eventually, I want to open my own firm. :) I love law and have always been interested in it. However, in terms of practicing and having to take the bar, that's something I don't really want to do. I know the experience can be very favorable, but I also have real test anxiety with taking the LSAT. Any advice and guidance would be greatly appreciated!

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Zemira262 views

If I aspire to study neuropsychopharmacology or the effects of addiction on the mind, what extracurriculars/opportunities do you suggest I complete to make me a competitive applicant for graduate school ?

I am currently a rising junior in college

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gab336 views

How to get a bachelor's degree?

Hi I would like to be a dermatologist so if I take the following classes in college would I be able to get my degree in the 4 years of college? Biology – 2 semesters with lab Physics – 2 semesters with lab General chemistry – 2 semesters with lab Organic chemistry – 2 semesters with lab Biochemistry – 1 semester English – 2 semesters Math – 2 semesters Psychology and MAYBE Statistics and what would I major in

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Yanic285 views

What can I do to get into a fully funded scholarship program in a graduate school and do a PhD with a professor that has an ongoing research interest that he's working on? #spring24

I have a BSc in Mechanical engineering, I graduated with honors and I'm looking forward to working in a research Lab(manufacturing or a design and simulation Lab). I believe that I have talents in Mechanical engineering that can contribute to the world. #spring24

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Yanic252 views

What is the average calendar schedule for a full U.S graduate academic program? #spring24

Do all graduate programs with different fields of study begin at the same time every year? #spring24

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Teera577 views

Can I continue education with M. Arch degree by BA in fine art?

"How BA art continue education with M. Arch." I am an art student at UW and graduate in BA of art next year. I have a ton of passionate about architect. It is a good idea to apply M arch and please give me some advice my portfolio?

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augustus312 views

how to be more hardworking?

in school and after school

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Angel618 views

Mechanical Engineers, What was the reason you choose Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical engineers, what was the reason you chose to graduate as a mechanical engineer?, do you like your career? As a job?, do you think you made the right choice picking mechanical engineering instead of civil, software, etc. (other branches of engineering). Im a high school student that is about to graduate and have always been fascinated by the mechanical engineering field but have feared that is a long and tough path to take, so I decided that I could choose some other type of engineering as a compromise, I’m still an engineer just not mechanical, but now I’m having second thoughts and I’m on the fence about not picking mechanical engineering as my major. Please help me out

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Sara709 views

How do I go about pursuing pediatrics occupational therapy as someone who is a political science major? Is it unheard of, given that I am not a stem major?

I am currently a political science major which I love very much, but I have always wanted to engage in some form of care. I know to work on prerequisites and shadowing hours for OT school, but i am worried my background may not be good for the career choice.

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Nene351 views

What are some helpful tips for grad school?

I am currently a college student majoring in Speech Language Pathology. I want to know what some helpful resources or tips when entering grad school.

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Lekzy257 views

How do I graduate with a first class result in physics?

I'm a student and I've always had the dream to graduate with an excellent result. however, it's quite challenging to study physics because most of it deal with uncertainty.

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MK860 views

What is your job and what is your salary?

Just want to know what everyone does, If you are retired what did you do before. If you're no longer doing it why did you quit. If you have had multiply jobs before, name them. Thank you.

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Adilene441 views

What will be the best way to determine what major I would focus on for graduation if I graduate with an undergraduate degree in sociology ?

I am interested in leading a career in academic advising. I have been studying sociology for my undergrad as I knew it was a broad major, but now I am concerned that it will not be enough. I want to do graduate school since I want to do academic advising eventually. This way, I can focus on my career path directly.

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Mary352 views

What is thr pay for accountants ?

Thank you for reading this help me review my question

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Jade965 views

In terms of applying to graduate school, would my chances for admission be higher with a Master's degree?

I am a psychology major and graduating in the Fall of 2025. I've been looking to clinical psychology PhD programs, but some programs don't require a Master's degree for admission. However, I don't know if that would make me less competitive when applying. If I could avoid 2-3 additional years of paying for school I would love that, but I don't know if my chances would be better with more schooling. Any advice would be great!

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Christian1404 views

What are the top skills I need as a biology major looking to go into grad school/academic research?

I am currently a sophomore in college majoring in biology. Now that I am soon entering the second half of my undergraduate education, I am starting to think more about my career plans. My goal after I graduate is to go to grad school for my phd. Besides internships and lab experience, what else would you advise I do or learn to prepare?

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Bhupendra467 views

What are few good universities to pursue online affordable MS related to computer science?

What are few best universities to pursue online affordable masters that don't need GRE?

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Samantha1633 views

Who can I get a letter of recommendation from if I completed my bachelors degree online?

I need a few letters of recommendation for graduate school, but I'm not sure who to ask because I haven't interacted with my college professors much at all.

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merissa753 views

How can I graduate early??

How can I graduate early??

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Amelia589 views

What made you want to be a part of the medical community??

What sparked your interest in your specific field?

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Melonie569 views

why is college so expensive? Will it still be expensive by the time I graduate in 2030?

what is grant or something that can help with college or something that can help you not pay so much money into college like a scholarship?

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