Career questions tagged sustainability

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Kailynn582 views

What should I do Is law school really worth it for my future? ?

Hi everyone! I hope all is well with you. My name is Kailynn, and I am currently an undergraduate student interested in attending graduate school. However, I am deeply debating whether I should attend law school (a dual degree program to also complete my master's) or just pursue a master's degree. I am interested in programs such as Public Health, Business/Public Administration, and Environmental Management. My goal is to work in global or corporate sustainability, and eventually, I want to open my own firm. :) I love law and have always been interested in it. However, in terms of practicing and having to take the bar, that's something I don't really want to do. I know the experience can be very favorable, but I also have real test anxiety with taking the LSAT. Any advice and guidance would be greatly appreciated!

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Brady476 views

I want to go into landscaping and horticulture. If I don't attend a 2 or 4-year program, Can I work under another person and still be successful?

I graduate high school next year. I'm interested in horticulture and landscaping, but I'm not sure how successful I will be without an education.

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Breona507 views

What made you decide being a Chief Sustainability Officer was for you?

I'm a bit undecided on what I want to do.

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Breona626 views

How did you go about starting your career as a Chief Sustainability Officer?

What steps did you take to start? What led you to this particular job?

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Breona519 views

What do you do daily as a Chief Sustainability Officer?

I've recently found out about this position and I'm currently deciding if this is the one for me.

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Sophia906 views

How can I prepare for a future career in sustainability?

Hello! I'm a first-year college student who is currently applying for internships and taking courses geared toward a career in environmental science or conservation. But, I'm curious about what I can do to better prepare for getting a job post-graduation! Do you have any tips for success?

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Isabella753 views

What is a career path that can allow me to fulfill my passions of design/art and sustainability/helping people?

I have decided to switch universities as I was not happy. I realized I really enjoy helping others and inspiring people to be more sustainable. I have always cared about the environment and animals. I would love to find a career that also allows me to be creative or somehow includes art and visuals. I’m also entrepreneurial and enjoy leading.

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Karla498 views

What major for interests in sustainable/alternative/nuclear power engineering/generation, sustainable urban planning, architecture, research, material science, civil infrastructure...?

Hello! I am a high school senior trying to apply to colleges and figure out my major, but I feel very indecisive. I'd like to have opportunities to research and develop new technologies and alternative energies!! Maybe even in a nuclear plant!? And also solutions to dealing with nuclear waste and stuff like that. I want to design efficient and environmentally friendly solutions to energy problems. As well as implementing electrical power systems in the world as well. And of course, chemistry is super interesting I've also been creative my whole life, and growing up in a plain city, I really love looking at and, on rare occasions, visiting places with interesting, beautiful, and tall buildings, as well as appreciating inviting designs that promote sustainability and walkability and I would love to contribute to a more beautiful world in this way as well. So maybe architecture/architectural engineering would be good for me? I also am really excited about civil engineering labs (I hear you get to build stuff? Cool!!) I also have an interest in getting into the nitty-gritty of situations and hashing out the details as well as the big picture. On an unrelated note, I've also had an interest in videogame design + programming, graphic design, and animation my whole life. Are there any good colleges with clubs like this where I can grow my skills in these areas, but still focus on engineering and do well? Is there any other factors I should consider when picking a major? Or anything else I could look into to get to know myself a bit more and see what I really prefer? Any options to somehow do everything I just listed?? Also I am learning about hydraulic engineering and I really like the sound of it a LOT but AHHHH there's so much and ofc transportation but mostly you already know the rest of the stuff I wrote.. I know most of this points to maybe like Civil Engineering with a minor in Electrical Engineering and a concentration in Structural engineering,, but I really am going to be sad forever that I won't be a physicist or a energy engineer or a researcher or a hydraulic engineer or a nuclear engineer... Maybe I could do architecture in the future but yeah 😭😭 Also I really wanted to do physics for a while could I start my education all over again when I'm older and have a career and do research

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Dario412 views

What kind of tools does each type of welder use depending on the environment?

Just want to know what kind of tools welders use, does it determine what job they do? Does it determine the environment they are working in? I am just trying to know.

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Chiara443 views

What companies support clean technology and share IT roles?

Hi! I'm looking to enter IT. An industry I discovered is clean technology. Clean technology means environmentally-friendly or energy efficient power use. Are there any midwest American companies that have information technology departments and care about sustainability or energy stuff? If so, what are the companies looking for from IT college students?

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Jillian349 views

How can my generation contribute to solving major issues in the world?

I'm Jillian, from Rockford, Michigan.

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Declan678 views

What is a good job for someone interested in the environment, science, and engineering?

I'm just looking for recommendations on jobs that are interesting/fun and pay well and involve some of the topics above.

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Reemah389 views

Information on environmental engineering?

Dose environmental engineering involves math and if it does what kind of math does it involve? What should I major in if I want to be an environmental engineer?

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Brittany791 views

Economics and an Ethical Career

Looking for a career and wondering what jobs there are combining, economics and an ethical future. Looking at Winthrop or a highly-rated online school for Economics and wondering what else to take? Finance seems practical and common. Definitely want a well paying job. But would be interested in possibly research for what changes can be made to increase wealth and health to as many people as possible while remaining fair, ethically, and environmentally friendly. I support business models like Target (the retail store) and would interesting in working on their team. Suggestions on jobs/careers and college directions? I don't have the funds yet, but have been researching getting into ethical and green and sustainable investing funds, maybe helping people with personal finances (lessons or advisor), or changing the GDP we use to measure our nation's wealth to be more precise and probably include other factors. Just looking what directions and futures are available to me

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Aaron575 views

What does a typical day look like being a Sustainability Specialist

When I was younger I didn't like to litter or do damage or throw waste to the planet even if I did it on accident. I felt bad cause this is our only home and we're slowly destroying it. I want to create plans, develop goals and strategies to save waste and to slow down on pollution of the planet. What are a few important things I should know about this job? #technology #biology #college #wastemanagement #greenbuilding #business #internship #sustainability

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Ana955 views

What are some resources I can use to educate myself about sustainability and possibly enter the field? What are your favorites?

#field #sustainability #research #climatechange #women-in-tech

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Amanda681 views

What kind of work do environmental lawyers do?

I'm thinking about going into environmental law because I love English and I'm passionate about sustainability and the environment, but I don't know a lot about what kind of work it involves. Are there different types of environmental lawyers? Does it involve a lot of writing and editing? Are they typically involved in policymaking? #JULY20 #environment #science #environmental-science #law #lawyers #environmental-law #sustainability #writing #English

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Jordan638 views

How do architectural professionals create models and other media with recyclable materials?

Models, sustainability, resourcefulness. #architecture #architect #sustainability #environment #JULY2020

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Amanda1281 views

What professions combine an interest in English and Environmental Studies?

I'm slightly more passionate about English than Environmental Studies because I'm not into STEM-heavy subjects and would prefer to not take STEM classes, so on the ES side I'd prefer something related to Environmental Studies instead of Environmental Science. I enjoy the sustainability part of ES or maybe even policy; something that I could see making an impact on the world without being extremely scientific or involving a lot of labs or fieldwork. With English, I enjoy editing most, and would like to be an editor (with no preference for media type). I was thinking maybe something with environmental law, but I don't think I want to get through law school. If I could only choose one subject, I would choose English over ES. Are there any professions that combine my specific interests in these two subjects, besides something like blogging/freelance? #english #english-grammar #environmentalstudies #environmentalscience #sustainability #editing #editor

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Isabella525 views

What educational requirements are needed when applying for a job as an conservation scientist?

I am interested in studying environmental studies or science in college and I was wondering what classes I may need to take in order to be qualified for a career as a conservation scientist or in a sustainable-focused work environment. #science #college #sustainability #conservation

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Cecelia758 views

What areas of sustainability need more attention and focus?


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Cecelia623 views

What kind of education do you need to have a career in urban sustainability?

#sustainability #education #professional

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Cecelia666 views

What did you wish you knew before starting out in this field?

#anthropology #urbanplanning #sustainability

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Candice752 views

Environmentalists: What does your typical work week consist of? All sub-specialties welcome.

I'm an undergraduate student struggling to commit to a major, after changing time and time again. After finally settling on a general area of study, it's time to determine a more focused area. The top bachelors degree programs that I am looking at include environmental engineering, environmental studies (ecology, water resource), agriculture, agribusiness, botany and horticulture (possibly vocational cert opposed to bachelors). #science #college #environment #sustainability

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Mena726 views

I am an English Literature Student who wants to work for the SDGs. What should I do?

I am a creative problem-solving person and I study literature. I want to work in international organizations for any good global causes related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. However, I am not a specialist. Is it true that I can only work in a company as a communications officer? What are the work types for generalists like me? Where can I find the resources for SDG related jobs or companies? #career #generalist #specialist #communication #international-organizations #sustainability #humanitarian #NGOs #startups

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Tazmyn1655 views

I recently graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering and I'm trying to figure out what my options are and where I would fit in well.

Hi all. I recently graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering and I'm trying to figure out what my options are and where I would fit in well. My main reason for completing a chem eng degree was its versatility. At 18 I didn't know what I wanted to do but I knew this degree would give me options. I thought by the time I was done I would know what-what I'm passionate about but this has not been the case. My second reason for choosing this major was that I saw it as an opportunity to help people and create solutions. By my final year I was about 80% sure I did not want to be a chemical engineer but I decided to do an internship on a chemical engineering plant anyway before I made a decision. I've really enjoyed the problem solving and project scoping part of the job but I'm concerned about the stress and long hours that come with the job. I don't necessarily have a passion for the field. I'm hoping one of you can help me understand the other options I might have and possible career avenues I can look into. I really enjoy meeting new people and learning about sustainability. I've looked into jobs in SHEQ field as I assume my chem eng background would help but I'm not sure of the exact tasks involved. Thank you for taking the time to read my question and your response will be greatly appreciated. #chemicaleng #chemical-engineering #SHEQ #engineering #career #career-advice #sustainability #college

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Mei Wei680 views

How is technology reused or recycled in large organizations?

With the constant rush for the next upgrade in technology, my concern is that used technology is being simply thrown away when it can be reused or repurposed in new ways. #tech #sustainability

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Cameron711 views

Trying to enter the field of Urban Planning

Hi, I am 16 years old and in my second semester of college! I am interested In entering the field of urban planning but more on a larger scaler with large cities and possibly even internationally I am trying to learn Spanish and I already know a good amount of French ( I am thinking of moving to Europe). I am trying to purse a masters in urban planning and I wanted to know more about what under graduate degree would be the best for focusing on sustainability and making cities more green! Also what kind of life will this entail and does this sound reasonable. Tips are welcome #engineering #urban-planning #sustainability

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Joseph863 views

How do I build initial capital for an entrepreneurial endeavor?

I am interested in starting a sustainable development business, flipping properties but with a sustainability focus. But it seems like in order to break into property flipping, I need a large amount of investment to get started. Any ideas on how to fund a potentially expensive startup company? #business #realestate #sustainability

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Alina1101 views

How does a startup go from selling to independent boutiques to large retail stores?

I am in graduate school developing a health and environmentally conscious skin care line. Since I have reached out to different stores of how I can acquire shelf space, I feel that there is a gap in my knowledge between small and large retailers. I'm aware that I need to make bigger sales and gain more traction to land something like Sephora, but how? How can I get the word out and grow? #entrepreneurship #sustainability #skincare #beauty-industry #women-in-business #women-in-leadership #natural

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